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Everything posted by Kalphite

  1. Kalphite


    i just put wayyy too much hot sauce in my mac n cheese :(
  2. Kalphite


    it's amazing how much switching from water to milk as the base for my protein shakes has improved my life
  3. Kalphite


    Ended up throwing a party at my apartment last night. Turned out kind of small but it was a lot of fun still. However, somehow somebody managed to lock me out of my bedroom while I was smoking with some friends while there was still a bunch of weed on my table. Had no way to get in and I couldn't call my landlord cause the weed would get me evicted so I had to call a locksmith to get let into my room. Bye bye $105 ;_____;
  4. Kalphite


    last night i played yu-gi-oh and risk with my friends to close my last weekend night of spring break so i guess you can say i party pretty hard
  5. Kalphite


    Birdman was a good movie and the cinematography/score were phenomenal but I didn't love it as much as everyone else seems to. All the criticisms that the movie makes seemed really obvious to me I guess rather than making any meaningful statements - most of the movie kind of boiled down to "lol franchises suck and are youth is too focused on viral videos lol damn kids these days" to me. It was definitely an enjoyable, well-crafted film though, and if anyone disagrees with me I'm definitely open to hearing why.
  6. Kalphite


    discovered Hearthstone last night and it's really fun even though it's just a dumbed down version of Magic so far lol
  7. Kalphite


    Today I watched five episodes of Better Call Saul and dug up my Pokemon cards in my basement and played a couple rounds with my friend. God that was actually a pretty horrible card game if you strip away the nostalgia haha.
  8. Kalphite


    It's a lot scarier in a shitty rear wheel drive car with no antilock breaks.
  9. Kalphite


    Spent my saturday night at some super hipster hookah lounge/cafe playing chess with some friends and some random people. It was really fun, the place had an awesome atmosphere and they were playing some fantastic music there. Starting to like chess more and more now heh, won both of the games I played. I'm kind of considering getting more into it for fun rather than just something i do every 6 months or so.
  10. Kalphite


    omfg when this day comes
  11. Kalphite


    Saw Prhyme last night (Royce da 5'9 and DJ Premier). It was an incredible show, small hip hop shows are just something else. Now I'm back home for spring break and I've been home for 2.5 hours and I've done literally nothing and i'm really hoping the entire break isn't this utterly uninteresting lol
  12. I should have. It's just a lot easier said than done when the person was one of your best friends for two years. Also the girl refused to tell me what happened until around Thanksgiving last year. Granted, I knew it was bad from her reactions. I'm not perfect and at least I did something eventually. I've never broken off a relationship before, which made it more difficult.
  13. A little over a year ago, one of my best guy friends raped another one of my best girl friends. I stayed a lot closer with her after some other circumstances in my life at the time. After [kitty]footing around the issue and trying to avoid him, I finally told him I didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. He denied doing it and said she was blowing things out of proportion, but after having to spend multiple nights talking her out of suicide and being in the room while he said all kinds of horrible emotionally abusive shit to her over the phone, I don't believe him. There are a lot of details missing. I'll never know for sure what happened, but I think I made the right choice. I don't want to have anything to do with my best friend's rapist. This night has still been hard as [bleep] and I feel pretty empty right now.
  14. Kalphite


    put habenero pepper jack cheese on a breakfast sandwich today and I feel ALIVE
  15. taking an exam for your hardest class and having it be the easiest exam you've taken so far in your major
  16. Kalphite


    Taller people tend to weigh more as they are larger people and people that weigh more are definitely able to handle more alcohol.
  17. Who was this directed towards? If this was at the people talking about drinking and being depressed this is quite possibly the worst advice you could possibly give. Mixing psychedelics with depression is one of the most dangerous things you could do for your mental state.
  18. Kalphite


    Had a pretty fun night on Valentine's day. No bae unfortunately, but a girl I knew had a birthday party and three of our mutual friends from home came up to visit for it. My friends and I decided to get a pack of cheesy store-bought valentines cards with all these stupid dog pictures and quotes on them and hand them out to everyone there. Three of us ended up splitting a fifth of whiskey before we took a couple rounds of a friend's one-hitter and all took quarter-tabs of LSD. Never mixed all of those at the same time before but it ended up being a perfect combination - nice and sociable and ready to dance from all of the alcohol while getting the physical sensation boost from the weed. The LSD at that low of a dose didn't provide very many visuals at all, but it gives some kind of weird energy that makes you want to keep doing new things and talking to people. It ended up being a pretty great combo - according to the girls that were throwing the party we really turned it around when we got there and everyone really got a kick out of the valentines cards / stickers that we were handing out. Also ended up dancing with my friend's really hot older sister for a while which was pretty fun even though nothing else really came from it. All in all it was pretty awesome, exactly what I needed after a first round of midterms this week that didn't go as well as I would have liked. Today I mostly did homework but one of the girls who threw the party invited me over to study with her eventually and she made us these amazing chicken and bacon tacos for dinner oh my GOD. Best food I've eaten in a long time after two weeks of soup, sandwiches, and the occasional stress burrito.
  19. Kalphite


    No heat or hot water in my apartment today so I decided to do things the muggi way and take a cold shower. It was incredibly uncomfortable but really invigorating at the same time. I get nervous about staying under the water for too long at a time though because my lungs start tightening up after a little bit.
  20. Kalphite


    What are your favorite kinds? Oops, completely missed this the first time. My favorite far and away is the chicken and sausage gumbo. Steak & potato is also pretty good, as are the chicken broccoli cheese & potato and jerk chicken ones. Idk I've just been buying massive batches of random ones because they're always on sale at the grocery stores by me haha.
  21. welp, tried hitting the most recent tinder girl up again and got one-worded. on to the next one~ not really too phased because she was way taller/bigger than me anyways and I was more doing it for the experience but I'm kinda surprised to get that sort of a reaction when our conversation was pretty interesting I thought. ah well
  22. Blah it's been a while since I've posted here because I've been procrastinating typing out what's been happening over the last month and a half but now I have actual homework to procrastinate for so I guess it's happening~ First off, you guys were right about the last girls I was talking about (the one I went on two dates with without kissing/barely even touching lol). We had a third date set up, she bailed, we kept talking for a little bit but it gradually fizzled out over break and she stopped even responding to me once school started back up so it's safe to say that story is done. I briefly mentioned this in the today thread but I had a dramatically better experience on New Year's Eve. I ended up going to a folk / bluegrass jam band show with some friends and we all took MDMA. For those of you that haven't experienced it, it basically removes all of your social anxiety and makes you super happy and outgoing without being intoxicating, and it makes dancing and touching feel INCREDIBLE. Ended up dancing/making out with an incredibly hot girl there, which was a hell of an ego boost as I had never done a cold approach like that before that worked. It's just incredible how easy everything becomes when you stay relaxed and just naturally escalate touching. I realize that is exactly what you guys have been saying for years but it's just something else being able to experience yourself doing it and seeing how possible it actually is. Didn't have my phone on me to get the girl's number afterwards though ;_; but still, definitely an awesome experience, 10/10 would recommend Anyways, since I've been at school I've been trying to get the Tinder train rolling. Had a date today after 2 attempts with other girls that flaked. I thought it wasn't off to the greatest start as she gave me a kind of weird look upon walking in and realizing she was about four inches taller than me and the initial conversation was a little awkward, as I'm sure is pretty common when meeting a stranger off the internet. However, after about 20 minutes the awkwardness subsided and after about 40 I ballsed up and had her give me her hand for the rest of the date, as Muggi has been suggesting forever. As he said, it was not nearly as awkward as I thought it would be - it took a second for her to understand what I was asking but she had no problem with it once I did and it's amazing how quickly the conversation became more natural/interesting almost immediately after. We ended up staying at the bubble tea place for a bit under two hours (legitimately lost track of time there, I know you guys only suggest about 45 minutes but we were touching the whole time and it felt right so I just went with it), after which I hugged her goodbye and left. So like... what now? I don't really want to do an event date again after how things fizzled out with the last girl I tried that with but idk, seems weird to already jump to just inviting her over. I'm probably overthinking it though. Also, can you guys help me with my tinder pictures? Here is the album of pictures I've been using. Currently my profile just has the first two in the album (I cropped the girls out of the second one aside from some peripheral parts I couldn't manage haha), though I've generally been rotating between those five. Idk any advice is welcome, if there's something that's blatantly missing I can try to fix that as well. I'm just at the point where tinder barely shows me any new profiles on campus anymore but I'm still barely getting matches even from indiscriminately swiping right (i'm averaging like one a week-ish lol and I feel like that's really low). Idk any advice is welcome. Currently my profile text is just my school and year.
  23. I have this issue where I can't add anymore pictures or change any of mine (on tinder). Sucks to be me, huh. I get a fair few matches with my current set of pictures - but I have to rely on my profile description... I have tried re-installing tinder - reactivating the permissions through Facebook e.t.c I think your Facebook pictures have to be set to public in order for them to be usable on Tinder. If they're set to friends-only or something, Tinder won't recognize them. Also make sure you're looking in the correct location. One of my Tinder pics is an older pic that I posted on my timeline a while back so it's under my "timeline photos" Facebook album This is false. I have an album of photos I use for tinder but not facebook set so that only I can see it and it works fine.
  24. Talking to your old best friend from before kindergarten over facebook for the first time since she moved away when you were 5
  25. Kalphite


    honestly tho campbell's chunky soups are where it's at. so much flavor and fillingness for like $1.50 a can MMPH and it takes less effort to prepare than even [bleep]ing easy mac
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