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Everything posted by Kalphite

  1. here have an overly instagrammed selfie from my trip to Seattle a month ago
  2. Kalphite


    This is a horrible idea. You won't have any time to recover between days and you'll just injure yourself. You gain strength while you're actually resting between days and your body builds back the muscle fibers that are broken when you lift heavy. It's natural for your bench press to slow down when you hit that high of a weight. 5x5 doesn't work forever because eventually it just gets too stressful for your body, and that's why split body part routines exist for when you get to that point, as they are designed so that you can keep progressing once you get to the point where full-body routines are too much stress for your body.Look into PHAT or PHUL or 5/3/1 or some similar strength or hybrid strength/hypertrophy program if you want to progress in a sustainable manner without hurting yourself. You could also lose strength from benching too often without adequate recovery time. Last year I had two roommates with 225+ benches and one with a 360 lb bench and none of them benched more than once a week. strength training is about long term progress, not about rushing t meet your goals as fast as possible. finally started getting back to the gym after having to take a month off due to school craziness and holy shit I always forget how bad squats are when you first start doing them again. Somehow managed to not drop any weight from my bench, and I only lost 20 pounds off of my squat for 3x5 which is acceptable for how much time I lost. Now it's time to go again and deadlift for the first time in a month. eek.
  3. Yeah, I mean I did, we were hanging out a lot and I flirted wit her/touched her so I thought I was being clear, and we were having a pretty deep conversation about relationships and such and I just felt like if it was going to happen that night would have to be the night because of how long it was starting to get stretched out for so I asked and yeah. She's just not over her ex whatsoever, which was understandable I guess as it was her first relationship and lasted 2.5 years. Just I felt like if I waited any longer I would just guarantee nothing would happen and I was just sick of being a maybe. Also I had knownher for a long time, even if we hadn't hung out all that much before the break-up. I sitll think it was more due to her emotional unavailability than me doing anything super wrong though. Not really that big of a deal though lol, it was actually my first straight-up rejection in about a year and a half rather than a girl just going radio silent and it really wasn't bad at all. I saw her the next day too and nothing was really awkward. I'm also kinda realizing that it would've been a massive case of shitting where you eat as I was in a student org with her and that I was quickly losing attraction to her anyways. I think I was more attracted to the idea of having a recently single friend to go after than I actually was to her herself. Like I feel strangely more confident after all of this now that I'm over a lot of my other self-esteem issues I've been having and remember how not-that-bad rejection is. We'll see where the rest of the year goes though I guess haha. I guess I probably do still need to work on making my intentions more clear? Everyone always says that without saying how to do it so I have no idea what else to do short of trying to be touchier as I meet them. Like the only way to be more direct that I can think of is to just straight up tell them that you like them at some point? But that never works lmao and I can't really see a way to fit that smoothly into conversation I guess so I don't really know what I'm missing here.
  4. Kalphite


    School has been kicking my ass this semester. This is the second night in a row i've been up past 4 doing homework and the 4th in a row I've been up past 2, and it's only the third week of school. Strangely though, I don't mind too much, as I really enjoy all of my classes for once. Just a shitton of time. I've still been able to have a decent social life too though actually; I just wish I could fit the gym into my schedule as I've essentially stopped going since the semester started due to how awkward my schedule is.
  5. I think I have a date Friday? I'm confused as [bleep]. She's been acting utterly uninterested for the last week or so I thought that settled the question. I was studying with her tonight at a library with some other friends, everything seemed like it's been seeming lately. Our other friends left around 10:30,then we stayed til around 11:30 before we started talking and decided to leave. She came back to my place with me so I could drive her home because I didn't want her walking alone on campus at night. As soon as we left the library things suddenly got way more intimate though. The whole walk back to my place we were incredibly close, and I put my arm around her a couple times and such. She told me she never wanted me to have to go through a heartbreak, but that she thought it wouldn't be as bad the second time. We also talked about our plans for the weekend, and when we both ended up being free this Friday she said she wanted to get margaritas with me (ummmm yes??!?) and that she found an awesome place she wanted to take me to. By that point to we got to my house. We hung out with my roommates for a bit (also in that same student org we're in), then I drove her home. Nothing happened because of awkward car positioning but I feel really good about where the rest of this weekend is going. Oh, didn't know where to fit it in but I'm going to my best friend's band's show tomorrow night and it turns out some of mine and this girl's mutual friends are roommates with another friend of mine in the band, so she's going too. So I guess I'll see her tomorrow night too haha. No idea what's going on or what I'm doing but I'm just going to keep going along with it and see where it takes me haha Unrelated side note, tinder has randomly been working crazy well for me. I've been getting about 2-4 matches a day this week (I got 8 just on Sunday ffs). All I did was change one profile picture and add aa bio haha. Still have been lazy about trying to schedule dates with them but it still feels good ahaha
  6. So this girl I know from a club I'm in at school just got out of a 2.5 year relationship. I've known her for about 2 years, we've gotten along but never really were super close or anything. Started hanging out a little bit at the end of last year but then we stopped talking when I left for california. Anyways, she's always been pretty cute and now that she's single I figured I'd take a shot. I've hung out with her a couple times since the breakup and it's been a lot of fun even if nothing's happened in that sense. I've been holding off on trying anything like that because she keeps talking about how she isn't ready for anything else because of how recent the breakup was - she's kind of introverted and it was her first relationship. She keeps asking me to hang out though. tonight she asked me to come by there around 10 pm to study. I picked her up from some event for our club and went back to her place with her. No studying actually happened, nor did anything sexual, but it was still fun and she said at the end that we would be hanging out a lot now. We also have to hold office hours for our club as we're both officers in it, and she told me today that she moved hers to be at the same time as mine for the rest of the semester. Basically I have no idea if I'm super friendzoned or if she's super interested in me lmfao. She's been fine with me touching her so far though (again just natural stuff conversational stuff, her shoulders/back, a bit of play wrestling tonight, nothing crazy though) and it's always fun hanging out with her so I guess I'll just keep taking it slow and see where this goes haha. Still feels good and I'm a lot more optimistic about this than most of the other girls I've posted about here.
  7. Kalphite


    yo, guess I haven't posted here in a while but I'm too lazy to sum up everything that's happened in the last couple weeks so tl;dr is Seattle was [bleep]ing awesome, didn't get the job at Microsoft but it was an amazing time, now I'm moved back to school, new apartment is tiny, new roommates are cool, cooking sucks Had a pretty wild weekend. On friday night I ended up seeing Joe Hertler & the rainbow seekers for the 6th time with a bunch of my friends from back home and it was stupid fun; guy always puts on a mindblowing show. Got to meet joe after the set too which was pretty cool. Last night I ended up going to see Of Montreal with a couple other friends on acid, which was... pretty mindblowing haha. For those of you who aren't familiar, Of Montreal is a psychedelic pop band with crazy music and even crazier theatrics, with bizarre costumes and crazy visuals while making some of the most upbeat, danceable music out there. I've never seen another band put on a show like these guys do. I can't find a good video of them live but I'll just leave a music video here to give an idea of their sound/aesthetic if anyone is interested.
  8. Kalphite


    same first car club hollaaaa. I ended up totalling it when I was 17 though and now I drive a 2003 Ford Focus which hasn't really given me any problems. If it gets me through my last year of college I'll be satisfied with it haha. I'm currently in Seattle for the next two days for an interview. Just got to my hotel, super excited to check out the city haha.
  9. Kalphite


    pho is love, pho is life
  10. Kalphite


    Had my first round of product management interviews with Google today and I feel like they went dramatically better than the ones for my engineering role somehow even though I had never done these types of interviews. I guess I'll find out in a couple weeks.
  11. Kalphite


    Have a Nice Life is dope af
  12. Kalphite


    I saw The World Is a Beautiful Place and I am No Longer Afraid to Die and Pianos Become the Teeth last night. Really fun show, it was my third time seeing twiabp but Pianos Become the Teeth were really cool too. Ended up buying their new cd which they pretty much played exclusively but the recordings didn't capture how good the songs were live at all. I went thrifting today with a couple friends and scored a sick pair of tower speakers. I ended up testing them out at my friend's place and they sound incredible. We went to a record store after and I got a really good deal on a pretty nice used amp for them, so now I have a sound system for my apartment this fall. Ended up finally succumbing to the vinyl bug and bought some records too while I was there. Scored a copy of the Grateful Dead's American Beauty, Yes's Close to the Edge, Stevie Wonder's Innervision, the Who's Live at Leeds, and a Billy Joel and a Moody Blues album for less than $40 put together. Now I just have to find a turntable in my basement and I'll be all set. Ended up going to the gym after work and broke my final pr from 2 years ago by pulling 6 reps of 235 lb deadlifts. God it feels good to be making progress again now that I'm off the cut I was on for the past month. Also I reeeeeeeally want to try those ghost pepper burittos.
  13. Kalphite


    There was a concert at work today. Had some amazing bands come by on their way up to Outside Lands festival here. It was a pretty fantastic time. Kinda weird that I'm already coming back to Michigan this Saturday, as my internship also ends on Friday. Wish I would have thought to stay for Outside Lands, but it'll be nice to be home. I should be packing but daydrinking put its toll on ya~
  14. Kalphite


    Had my interviews for conversion into full-time here at Google and they did not go nearly as well as I had liked. I somehow forgot to brush up on heaps while preparing for this and my first interview was entirely about them. The second interview went better, but still not as well as I would have liked. it's been a pretty big bummer of a day since that :/ I really like it here and was hoping for full-time. All hope isn't lost as the feedback from the team I've been working with this summer matters too but this is going to set me back a lot. I still have a set of interviews for a product management role as well, but they only accept like 40 people total so I don't want to get my hopes up too high for that. Bleh.
  15. Kalphite


    I guess I should have clarified that I wasn't rear ended by a car, lol. My roommate and I were biking downtown to get lunch, I stopped when I got onto the sidewalk after crossing the street and he wasn't paying attention and was right behind me and slammed his bike right into my back wheel. Thankfully it was a company bike and I was able to get it fixed at work today. The other time I was hit by a car as I was switching into the left turn lane to turn into my office. I signaled and checked over my shoulder and didnt see any cars so i figured I'd be safe but I was mistaken I guess, same damage. Thankfully I wasn't hurt either time. And yeah honestly I didn't know how to ride a bike before this summer either. Like I had learned when I was 12 but then I completely stopped after I was 13 because my parents were just willing to drive me around until i got my first car. I had completely forgotten how by the time I made it out to California this summer but I had to teach myself quickly because I don't have a car out here and its my only easy way to get to work / stores / anywhere not across the street. Its a lot easier to learn as an adult though lol, I had it mostly figured out after a day or two and you build up some strength pretty quickly when you have to bike to and from work every day and your work's campus is so big that you need to use company bikes to get from building to building remotely efficiently. I really like bike riding now though, kinda wish I owned a bike back home but I doubt I'd actually use it ever because of my car. My parents actually had made me take a roller blading class in like 4th grade so I used to be able to get around pretty well on them but I've completely forgotten how to use the damn things at this point.
  16. Kalphite


    Got rear ended on my bike today for the second time this summer, and broke another wheel. Maybe this is a sign.
  17. Kalphite


    its been a while since i posted because there's a lot of stuff i wanted to post about but didn't feel like typing up. Basically flew home for a music festival (blissfest) about two weekends ago and had a beautiful time with my closest friends back home. It was a fantastic time, the music was beautiful, we all tripped on a beach (about 20 of us) which was a pretty beautiful time. Ended up candy flipping for the first time too haha. Anyways last night i went to my first Phish concert and my god it was beautiful. Found some fantastic acid in the parking lot too haha. If any of you ever have the chance to see Phish live go for it, words can't describe how amazing their set was compared to their studio music which I barely even listened too beforehand. Trying to figure out what to do with my day now. I'm pretty pooped right now but I'm trying to decide between seeing Death Grips and Say Anything/Modern Baseball/Cymbals Eat Guitars tonight.
  18. >go since whenever the hell i last posted without any remotely attractive tinder matches >get two hot ones that seem down to meet up the night before i fly out to a music festival for the next five days gg tinder gods
  19. Kalphite


    just play melee instead
  20. Kalphite


    never thought i'd be so unenthusiastic about having a four day weekend lol, I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself for the rest of the week
  21. Kalphite


    cross tripping balls at a grateful dead show off the bucket list
  22. Kalphite


    happy birthday breh~~~ the Grateful Dead show tonight was probably the best show I've eer seen in my life. Now I'm super torn between going to see their next show at the same place tomorrow, which will legitimately be the last show I can ever see of theirs, or to go into San Francisco and seeing my first pride parade, which will be insane because of the recent legalization,but I feel like there's a super high chance I'll be living in this area after graduation and that I'll have more pride parades I can go to in the future. Blehhhhhh this is hard lol
  23. Kalphite


    Seeing the Grateful Dead tonight holllaaaaaaaaaaaa
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