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Everything posted by Death9991

  1. im doing that too i put in enough for around 26 days and ive got around 15 left lol i might post my rewards from it when i get done...if this post is around that long
  2. high alching d legs for me =( :oops: #-o
  3. its called acupuncture he has to have it after so long of standing up and killing stuff lol but i think its more because there so small
  4. Cave horrors are the best xD same ive never seen anyone train there tho... but your right they are overlooked alot :thumbsup:
  5. the bathroom skill... :-X the higher your lvl the longer you can hold from going to the bathroom... and also the higher lvl you are the better the bathrooms you can go in... lvl 1= gas station bathroom lvl 99= bill gates bathroom \
  6. 8-) im the fremnick docter dokdar
  7. they do it because they have more patience then a saint and the fact that it is a good source of profit if you auto (not supporting just saying) and your right if you get your own stuff and do it for weeks on end you make alot of money...
  8. thats would never be a good idea because people could train a lvl too 2 then put it into a high lvl skill and get 1 then raise it to 2 agian and over and over agian ontopic....i wouldnt do that because it would just mean more training in that skill #-o
  9. you need to add the evil :twisted: chicken.. :ohnoes: ..enemy to anybody everywhere doing anything... especially people using dharoks \
  10. :shock: nice stuff in your bank but on topic...see you when you get back or if you dont ever come back we will all miss you and how did you lose your money?
  11. if you got 50k exp in 10 minutes i wanna know how =P~
  12. some guy was standing in draynor bank buying lumby tele runes (Lol?) and so after 5 minutes i trade him some and he puts up 5 diamonds and 10k cannon balls and accept and tele's....
  13. id find out one of runescapes many mysterys which is..... what the hell is under those shirts? i mean they never take them off?
  14. here is one of the most sacred most unspokeneded rules of all time... when you sell stuff go to populated worlds :thumbsup: like world 1 and 2
  15. just need 70 attack to weild it no other requirements... to get it without buying it from other people you need pretty high slayer and kill some abby demons
  16. happens alot when going through the forest things in the elf place..... just put the angel as high as it can go and straight to the thing and it will appear high in the air... =D>
  17. i cant wait to see how some of these spells effect cws,pking and helping friends who have pures do stuff.....
  18. w00t muffins http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/9885/muffinsssssspp3.png[/img ]
  19. go ahead i would just like to see it when you are done =)
  20. what kind of muffin and do you want a weapon of any sort in the other hand?
  21. well bads should be easy since the dude wanting a guy with a party hat has on in his sig....so his should be done soon but a ninja monkey eating a muffin? :ohnoes: this will take awhile EDIT: done with bad phooeys it was pretty easy http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/4426/badphooeyct3.png[/img just add a ] at the end of img
  22. :shame: CERTAINLY NOT!!!.....Ahahahaha jk yea sure just tell me what you want a monkey to look like and ill come back in about 7 hours =P no seriously itll take me hours on paint to make this crap but what the hay ill do it
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