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Everything posted by fmv_hero

  1. 1 drill demon - legs 0 mime 11 frogs (yes 11) while fletching and wcing 1 freaky while mining, messed it up though
  2. lol on my old rsc account way back in the day i had blue phat, but i stopped playing for awhile and my account got deleted
  3. omfg 20k lamp, i am so sick of training slayer just for level 55... i am SOOOOOOOOOO DOING THAT FLIPPING QUEST!!!
  4. i resent that, seeing as i myself am a MTF transsexual.
  5. interesting places to alch -the observatory -rantz's cave (feldip hills) -cairn isle (karamja) -sophanem -top floor of the lighthouse (favorite)
  6. i was RCing cosmics via abyss and i got attacked by an ancient mage, i had NO armor on, and i managed to tele away with a GLORY of all things... ancients IMO only work in deep wildy for the freezing effect
  7. a dragon only killable by soloing. in a non-multi CB area, level 300+ like TzTok-jad, except without the stupid prayer drainers...
  8. i've been hearing that one alot lately
  9. does it get DRASTICALLY slower past level 80 or something? because i've only been playing for 3 months EDIT: combat i mean
  10. aww... the way you guys were talking, it kinda sounded like it...
  11. in theory that works, but mages will be eating more often than they'll be casting against rangers because they have 0 range defense and when they finally do cast it only hits about half the time on range gear so it doesnt work. also karils bow shoots as far as mage on rapid mode and msb can switch to longrange mode and still do damage for as long as you're frozen for. thats because everyone else is melee and the few rangers that actually go in there are lvl 70s in blue hides. 1 on 1 a melee with range or a ranger will destroy that mage. you can level range for free with 1 fletching and melee for free with 1 everything. that was a really, really stupid post. i stand corrected, but you didn't need to say i'm stupid.
  12. magic is really fast and easy to level, can level it for free at 55 mage and 70 fletch.
  13. lol i remember, i used to think that the bronze (or is it iron?) maces at the house near the shantay were a good source of money.
  14. lol, my brother keylogged me once, then i saw that he had obby cape and black cav, so i beat him unconscious(jk) actually i told mommy :)
  15. tyvm, i was looking for highest mage bonus possible, because i was going to train with ancient at castlewars.
  16. which one is better? i've heard of using different pieces from each set but i wasnt sure which items would be best... assuming that i have an unlimited amount of gold.
  17. YUSS IM ALL FOR IT! i have 3 whips in bank that i got from merching, i bought at about 2.5mil each, and booooyyy would that be some heck of a profit
  18. they have alot of references. the chat with bob the jagex cat. examine buttons - "certainly not [bleep] whittington's helper at all" etc.
  19. could you fish on it though? :lol: where was this one taken?
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