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Everything posted by ISREAL63

  1. Do you even understand what you said? If yes then use your own advice for yourself i understood the article i don't think you did. i will post it here so you can understand IT says it right here " They were a small group from among 10,000" you are wrong its OK you can admit it Citation needed, please don't make another hasty generalization (it's a logical fallacy). Future terrorist in summer camps Childrten going to hamas terrorist summer camps Terroist summer camp Claim to what that Palestinians raise their children to be terrorist i already did but if you wish to ignore it that is your fault.
  2. I already did answer it you just don't want to accept the truth. The fact is you messed up in reading in article. It isn't a few isolated incidents, 100,000+ children will be attending camps in the Gaza strip run by terrorist this summer. You are wrong what Israeli's want the most is peace, but it can't be achieved when Palestinians raise their children to be terrorist.
  3. This article from the New York Times begs to differ, 10,000 Israelis turning out to honor the man who massacred Palestinians while they were praying; Every time I bring I link you claim it is to bias to use so I will say the same for your source. Here is proof to just how bias it is. Here is the picture Unlike you even if you are using a bias source I will reply. I like how you pick threw the numbers of the article it says hundreds came, later it says 10,000 came for a deferent purpose then what you said. A bit of a hasty generalization right there. I guess it's just an example of how the Israelis indoctrinate their own citizens and Jews worldwide to view the Palestinians as animalistic and crude. Again, this is just an attempt to create a black and white view of the situation. Both sides value their own freedom, perhaps being killed fighting for the freedom of ones people is worth more to Palestinians then living a life where they are oppressed. Israelis need to learn to empathize with Palestinians. Here my answer to both of your replies, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTGbP55HGi8&feature=related You are denying the fact that they teach their kids to blow themselves up. They are not die for freedom they are dieing in the name of terrorism there is a big difference. If I remember correctly, the first acts of terrorism in the region were by Zionists during the mandate period. I've shown extensive evidence to prove this. That being said this quote is a lie. If the Palestinians stopped fighting eventually there would be no West Bank, no Gaza, only Israeli settlements. Of course that would be a peaceful resolution for the Israelis, but there are two sides to this. This part of the quote is myopic propaganda. If the Palestinians stopped fighting there would be peace, which is all Israel wants. No there still would be the west bank and Gaza and under their control but they prefer terrorism then peace. Ring world I dont understand are you denying the holocaust?
  4. I did not put any words in your mouth. I am asking you whether or not there was anyone living in Palestine when the Jews entered it. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/mandate.html ^ An example of Jews entering Palestine. The Jews have a right to their homeland they bought all the land they settled on till the 1947-48 when they were attacked. The Arabs didn't need to sell the land to the Jews, but they did. Ever thought it might mean I have conceded being incorrect on the other parts, or that I am trying to clarify my position? I like how you pick threw [sic] each post and insult me without considering that I might be doing above things. :shame: There is no excuse to cut up a sentence and post just 3 words from it, unlike you i replied to your whole sentence not just the words that suit me :wink: . So why don't you argue correctly and not cut up what you like and i won't call you out for doing that.
  5. Displace to take the place of; replace I didn't say or mean by force. Are you kidding why not just leave out the rest of the sentence as long as you get your point across. I like how you pick threw each post and choose a few words that without the rest of the sentence you can argue it. :shame:
  6. So there was nobody there when the Jews entered Palestine...? Do not put words in my mouth. In 1948 and in 1967 The Arab armies attacked Israel, in which Israel fought back and won.
  7. You are so right :thumbsup: So if Palestine invaded Israel, displaced nearly all Israelis, made them second class citizens, and violated the human rights of said Israelis in the process, it becomes Palestinian land, right? (Just clarifying) Here we go again... Nobody invaded Palestine, nobody made the Palestinians leave, the Hamas are the ones violating human rights, and territory won by armed conflict while Israel is the defender does technically become Israel's land. The Gabe is correct. You make it sound like The Jews woke up one day and said lets go force people from their homes. NO THAT IS NOT TRUE Israel was attacked and acted in self defense and won some territory to. Israel never wanted it but it was attacked.
  8. It's not that hard to understand. Palestinians didn't attend the peace talks because Israel made it seem that even if the talks succeeded they wouldn't let the Palestinians return to their homes, which is one of the key items that Palestinians have for existing in peace. That is not the reason for the Palestinians not wanting to talk peace that can be settled in peace talks. But Hamas part of Palestinians government which is also a terrorist organization according to Israel, The USA, Canda and The EU. Hamas prefers to fire rockets at Israel's civilian. If they really want peace how those firing rockets at Israel's civilian promote peace? You seem to avoid admitting that they do fire rockets at Israel civilians. or that A tennager killed by Palestinians on the way home from school. or OR the Fogel massacre in which Three small children aged 11; four and just three months old were savagely murdered in their beds.
  9. Israel has only one main condition that Palestinians must recognized Israel as a Jewish state this is very fair seeing as Israel is a Jewish State. You seem to have left out the part where at the end of 10 month only on the 9th month of the freeze the Palestinians agree to talk only if Israel extend the freeze the Palestinians would think about talking. What happen the first 9 months? Why only at the End of the freeze they started thinking about alking
  10. You are right Gaza isn't a free land Hamas the Terrorist organization is holding it hostage. Hamas is sworn to the destruction of Israel. Meaning Israel has a right to Defend itself even if Hamas turns the Gaza Strip into the biggest Terrorist base in the World. In Warsaw the Nazi came to put the Jews in in trains designed for cattle to send them to the Gas chambers, when the Nazi camp in to the Ghetto the shot everyone the saw, Men, Woman and children. Israel doesn't go around shooting everyone they see. You can't compare the Nazis To the Jews. The Nazis were murders, Israel acts in self defence. According to the deputy director of the Red Cross is Gaza, there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. You can disapprove all you want you have a right to your opinion but you don't have the right to say i don't have a right to my opinion.
  11. We already went over this The Jews didn't force the Arabs out they left by the encouragement of their leaders. So making up a false story to prove your point is pointless. So please stay with the truth so we can have a normal debate based on facts not on your imagination. That isn't at all what Israel did to the British mandate. The Arabs attacked the Jews and the Jews fought back and won. You are right we did and you seem to be saying the same thing instead of replying to our post you just repeat what what you said. So it isn't really a argument its more like you say something we respond and you say what you said again forgetting we ever replied. To make peace the Arabs first of to prove themselves that they want peace and stop firing rockets at Israel.
  12. I have a simple answer the Palestinians don't want peace. Why can't they make it in Gaza its their land now, they have the chose to make peace or to fire rockets at Israel. You are so right :thumbsup:
  13. I also agree with the Gabe. Also you can't really compare conflicts like this one.
  14. ISREAL63


    Today Israel celebrates the reunification of its capital.
  15. Only half were, the other half were from palestinemonitor and occupiedpalestine sounds pretty bias to me.
  16. And i showed how bias yours were to.
  17. I didn't say Islam doesn't have right to Jerusalem, but that we are not arguing religiously who has the right to Jerusalem. Jews, Christians and Islam have the right to Jerusalem to be shared. As i said before Under Israeli law all religions are allowed to enter Jerusalem. As appose to when Jordan ruled no Jews or Christians were allowed to visit the old city.
  18. First of all, the importance of Jerusalem is relevant to the topic of the administration of the lands, which is the god damn conflict we're discussing. Second, he was only replying to Gabe's post. I've seen you do this like 3 times already in this thread, first you bring up something to back your posts up, then when someone proves it wrong you tell them it's off-topic. Get your [cabbage] together, bro. the importance of Jerusalem is relevant that is correct, but we are not debating religion here. Second the Gabe was quoting something i said when he posted. Also when did he prove me wrong, just because you say that doesn't make it true. So why not go back on topic instead calling me out which you seem to have done many times. How about you say something creative on the topic Roccodog You said it yourself commentators meaning it wasn't part of it. In someone's opinion it is in reference to it. Not actuality in it
  19. Where in this sentence those it say Jerusalem? It is never mentioned it is hinted now please get back on topic or go to the religion topic.
  20. "Muhammad's journey to Jerusalem is mentioned in the Qur'an, in the verse (17:1). Al Qur'anic commentators and Islamic scholars take this as a reference to Jerusalem.[2] The verse states: Glory to He (God) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless (Yusuf Ali's translation). " -wikipedia Could you stay on topic or just don't post if you want to talk about religion go here .
  21. I am sorry to say but you are wrong, Jews were not allowed into Old city since they were expelled in 1948. I am starting to doubt these people you talk to because this a strait out Lie. 948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem Jerusalem 1948-1967 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamization_of_Jerusalem_under_Jordanian_occupation My friend his grandfather grew up in the old city his family was there for generations. During the war he was forced from his home, after the war his family tried to reenter the old city but they were not allowed
  22. ISREAL63


    Just looking at them makes me want them
  23. So one of the most sacred and holy Muslim sites should be cut off from Muslims? What The Gabe said and from 1948-1967 when it was under Jordain control not Jew or Cristian was allowed to visit the old city. Since the liberation of the old city every religion is allowed to visit. Jerusalem is the most sacred place in Judaism why was it cut off then?
  24. You are right Israel won't allow anybody to return that is the point of a 2 state solution,but what do you do when one want peace and the other doesn't? . As the Israeli prime minster said Jerusalem is Israel and it won't be divided.
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