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Everything posted by Dazzuh

  1. "wna b frends" "armor" "amor" "wna b frends i addedu" Usually to be nice i'll add them, but then later i'll say i have to go and delete them. Oh and also, "Safer" I mean come on guys. Your just telling them to stop eating so you can kill them basically, let them eat all they want, they will run out of food quicker then because they aren't hitting you often enough.
  2. Get my new Hybrid to 60 attack, 80+ strength and 82 mage, won't take the whole year though :D
  3. Miracle, they agree to duel me. Plus did you see the 98, 101 and 125?
  4. Same reason as above. So I can afford to pk with whips. I have the same reason as these 2.. Once i get a whip from them i would PK with it, or just collect them or something. Seeing as they are not a very rare drop. It would be useful and a nice stat to have.
  5. Banned for having a half naked baby in your avatar :notalk:
  6. Would appreciate some comments on my Dueling Vid :oops: (took ages! =P)
  7. New 'Dueling Video' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmfMnQ2_6UM My first dueling video, Including Melee, Magic and Ranged duels. Lots of editing in it too, please watch and comment :wink:
  8. LOL that's a good advert! :lol: Like it at the end when they just move onto someone else
  9. Well i hope it doesn't drop too much :| Me and EK2 were planning some KQ over christmas.. Dragon has been dropping ever since it came out. Barrows was a bigger threat than 3rd age ever will be IMO, it won't drop too much. If it drops under 10M i'm sure a lot of us KQ hunters will stop hunting or go less often causing more need for them. :D
  10. Moopy, never seen that :? Then again your american and im english so :P I'm currently making a Dueling Video, so i guess i'll be posting it here soon :wink: I'm going vid creating crazy! \
  11. hehehe, looks like a lot of fun. Looking forward to the vids!
  12. LOOL, i realised it was a bit like a screamer afterwards :D Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, i was hoping you'd like them!
  13. I'll add this too, i recorded this one last night :mrgreen: It was a friendly snowball fight to start the festive season, or was it? XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1pk3lBG7nU
  14. KQ Trip Video Udonotnome filmed this trip. It was my third trip ever, we got some nice red pixels, take a look :) The attenders are listed at the end except Richcw, he missed him out #-o Snowball Fight - With a twist! XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1pk3lBG7nU Heh, wait and see Dueling Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmfMnQ2_6UM My first dueling video, Including Melee, Magic and Ranged duels. Lots of editing in it too. Well, thats your lot for now. Hope you enjoyed them, please leave a comment either on here or on youtube, positive or negative It's appreciated. aB#05
  15. They only look much better than the nontradables because they cost a lot and can get you rich. If phats and masks became untradable, suddenly they wouldn't look so great.
  16. Omg!! Pro skiller. Goodluck on whatever your getting next! Keep under 90 combat :D
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