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Everything posted by Bloodveld

  1. Even if there was OVER NINE THOUSAND people in one world, I doubt that that town would see much action. Keldagrim is just a boring town. your right cause we all know 0+0=0And that 0+0-0=0, even after you see the wager.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rejected OT: Good thought on them being after the Tears of Guthix, as well! Perhaps if there is a sequel, we'll fight a stronger Lucien in some demonic form. But, we have too many demon bosses in quests IMO
  3. *Sigh* Why is it good news SS is useless? Hm? What was wrong with SS in the first place? Was it the fact that Jagex was jealous of it being used more than their client? Or that it had features that were badly needed by the official client, but most people were too afraid to use it? Yeah, I've always wondered that about Jagex too. (Yes, I know that I'm about to draw another parallel to World of Warcraft, but I think you can live with it.) Like Jagex, Blizzard is also way too lazy to make good addons. Unlike Jagex, Blizzard released the source code for their UI (user interphase) and personally recommends unofficial addons to be used. Jagex should allow things like Swifty. It would take a load off of their workload and let them focus on important things, like finishing skills that have been out for years.
  4. Finally, a sequel to that quest is well needed. KingKnight1, I'm sorry to hear about your banner problem, but I have a similar one. My spoon is toooo biiiig.
  5. Ah. That's what most npc's in WoW do too. :P
  6. Proof? Sounds like a poor attempt at gaining fame for yourself to me.
  7. What's the speed of the anchor? If it's long sword speed, then I would say that the anchor has a clear advantage because of it's strength and crushing attack, but if it's much slower then I would stick with the whip.
  8. Wow, a way to get both construction exp AND gp at the same time? Wow... That ruins my "no good con quests because they don't like awarding free exp" theory. :lol: now find 6500 more... :lol: :lol: Kinky. What do they do?
  9. The 71 is a bit too big, and the "click here" text is way too long IMO, but otherwise, it looks good. :
  10. whats a HAM? a small pig like creature.....probably No no no... it's a small, deceased, pig like creature.
  11. Simple. It's cheaper. I know that I would prefer to mage everything, but it costs WAY too much, so I just melee. 100k up front for a d long is much cheaper then 1k per spell. If I could get unlimited runes, then I would give up the ability to use specs. I think a lot of other people would prefer to cast constant 30s on 9 people then 4 dds specs.
  12. Wait wait wait- they're bad because they are playing this game for fun instead of work? :lol: Oh, and I'm against rc-pkers 100%. I'm just against the "games should be more work then fun" attitude more.
  13. If the video was showing something illegal, then I support it being removed. Anything else, then not so much. What I kinda find funny is that blizzard (owners of world of warcraft) is sponsoring a WoW video contest on youtube, and yet jagex won't even let people post runescape videos. :lol:
  14. Construction. It's my favorite skill, and there is no easy money-maker that comes with it, unlike other skills. (read: "Mining/Slayer/Runescrafting")
  15. You know what runescape needs? The ability to form teams. I mean, the closest thing to teams that we have is BA, and even then it's barely what I'd call a team. The fact that this game is a MMORPG and yet we can't form an official group to kill stuff is pretty funny. :lol: Don't worry, you'll be funny eventually. :XD: "All nonmembers are getting a passive boost to their maturity levels." :-$ :thumbsup: Don't worry, you'll be funny eventually. too bad i wasnt trying to be funny. goob job looking dumb. So you seriously think that runescape needs drugs in order to further itself? Hurry up and release that maturity update, Jagex! :-w
  16. my friend, (I know you guys arent gonna believe this but its true), was getting 99 mage, and she had 1 alch left. She put on her full infinity, thus taking off her blue phat. 10 seconds after the final alch... Friend: HOLY *** ******* ***** ****! My ******* phat is gone! I ******* alched it! I guess 99 mage cost quite a bit, eh? :wink:
  17. Amen. I actually lol'd at yours. :lol: Also, thanks for your swift payment of $19.99. I think "someone" *coughwizard111111cough* has forgotten that I need MY PAYMENT! That's it, I'm calling the penguins...
  18. YES! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! (Psst! Love the idea, but technically what you're doing is copyright infringement. Please mail $19.99 to Intercourse, Pennsylvania.) Awesome sigs guys! Send your small donations of $19.99 to my home in Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
  19. Jagex are stupid? Bah, what do I care. But really, I wouldn't try and find a way around the rule, or look for a loophole in the way that they typed it out. Jagex are known for banning people who try. Just make an original sig (with a picture of your guy or something with like paint or photoshop) and draw your top stats in it or something. All those dynamic sigs were really unoriginal, anyway. Example: Edit: ZOMG FIRST!!!!11111111111111
  20. Like TrixStar, I have also reset my recov questions on my main quite a few times, but luckily for me, I found a screeny of when I logged onto rs2 on one of my old rs1 pures. :D I had saved it because I didn't log onto him for over 400 days, and I thought it was a funny screeny. Yay. This counts, right? :P
  21. sorry to doublepost but i haad to say this the longest word in the english language is pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconvolcanokoniosis its a 45-letter-long word for the lung disease u get from breathing in volcanic ash :mrgreen: learnt it in grade 4 and w : as only 1 to get it right on the spelling test It's spelled pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. If you include other diseases and a few very technical terms, it's technically only the 7th longest word in the English language. What's the longest? :shock:
  22. Do you have msn? if so, type in (h) and you'll see what it means :wink: If not... and I think the 'h' means 'hot' or something? :-k Nope. (h) = (H) = A pair of sunglasses. i thought it ment heralded... :lol:
  23. 1,000 runs? Try 1,000 Barrows items. Like I said, Hopefully you will see a trend with this very small amount of data. I have to agree, but Reb, you've been a big flamer lately. (Even more then me. :o) Tone it down a bit, or I might have to make a bad pun!!@ :ohnoes:
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