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Everything posted by Bloodveld

  1. Well, well, well. The 12m+ gp barrows set, Guthan, the set that gives an unlimited supply of food. The demand for this set has always been high, as it allows for unlimited time training at any spot. Then jagex relieced the bones to peaches spell. Now people have to ability to turn a whole inv of bones into 8 hp food. Of cource we could always of used bones to bananas, but its not a practical spell to use as each banana only heals 3. So does bones to peaches make guthan worthless? Lets look at the pros/cons: GUTHAN PROS -Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit -No inv space needed CONS -Healing is random -340k Recharge cost every 15 hours -Have to use unpoisoned spear as weapon BONES TO PEACHES PROS -You can choose when you heal -You can use any weapon to train -One cast can get a full inv of 8 hp healing food CONS -Only heals 8 per, altho this isn't that bad, its not exactly the best -Costs 2 nats per cast -Not all monsters drop bones Only works on normal bones (not confirmed) So now that you've heard the pros/cons of each one, what do you think? Discuss. (PS Don't accuse me of trying to make guthan cheaper, I can easily afford it.)
  2. New Spell = Endless camping at a) Dustdevils B) Dagganoths c) Basilisks d) Bloodvelds Murderer
  3. Simple. Go to the bloodvelds and use the "Dance" and "jig" emotes over and over, as no one can kill them! Unless they are gone too :shock: Then I would be bored.
  4. Aren't you that guy who made that crappy money-making guide? EDIT- Socc beat me to it :P Guess I should read all the posts b4 posting :lol:
  5. I used to use dds a lot, but I had to sell it back b4 I knew how to make good cash. I never used it that much because it always seemed too weak for me Never heard of Dharok? :?
  6. lol I'll do my best ;) but first I got to make some fakeys
  7. Thanks a lot, time to get the spell that makes guthan worthless 8) :lol:
  8. Ehh, stupid idea, then if you die you lose the dds too. I prefer to say something to the point of "Haha! Stupid abyss pkers who can't pk like real men!" as I've never been pked in my 20k+ ess rc'd. After insulting them 2 or 3 times, they ALWAYS stop trying to pk me, even if I stop to chat :lol:
  9. I love the fight pits...did it really have to be at 7am? :( Oh well...
  10. Wait, cats can kill kalphite larva? Seriously?
  11. Telekenetic takes forever but telekenetic: depends on maze, i can do 30 points in like 60 laws but about 380 laws, about 120 k gp Alchemist: 300 k (not counting free alchs) Enchantment: 400 k (not including d stones) Graveyard: around 75 k so 380 laws, 1k nats, 2k cosmics, and some # for graveyard?
  12. No, infact it would be MUCH, MUCH worse if no one pked abyss runners. Yes, I'm insane, I know, but think of this: abyss pking is easy enough, but with no pkers it would have no threat. No threat = more runners = more nats in the market = supply and demand lowering the price of natures until they are a bad use of time. Also without abyss pkers, abyss running would be too boring ;) (proud to have rc'd 20k+ ess and never been pked :D)
  13. I can craft 1100 ess per hour through the abyss. This is at 63 runecrafting...so I dont have the giant pouch. With the giant pouch, the figure will probably move up to about 1400-1500 ess per hour with the giant pouch. Which means, at 2x nats, you can make 2800-3000 nats per hour at the abyss. I confirm this, 55 rc (maybe 56, I forget and am too lazy to check :P) and I can make the same or slightly more an hour depending on abyss pkers.
  14. 200 Telekinetic Pizazz 300 Alchemist Pizazz 2000 Enchantment Pizazz 200 Graveyard Pizazz
  15. I'm sorry for this kindaspam, but I posted this on the help/advise board and didn't get any help (for days, its been) How much cash would it take to buy all the runes and such to get bones to peaches? How many runes?
  16. Theoretically, he could be telling the truth, but its incredibly easy to fake, even in a movie (its all about layers).
  17. He's right. take this from a master, this is easily faked and he did a very poor job. Outlines are missing and its obvious they are fakes. Look at the first one,its not even a fake, its just lag, his guy turned around the wrong way, and in the second one the prayer symbol is just cut-and-pasted. Only if you don't know what you are doing. Is this a bug? A glitch? A fake with lost quality? I don't think so.
  18. ~tied at 1~ 1) the abyss mini-quest, hands down & 1) priest in peril for barrows, again hands down 2) ghost ahoy! for the ectovial (aka the panic button) 3) one small favor, without it I wouldn't be smite'n all the time :D
  19. Well I was playing runescape the other day and I started wondering what the new update would be when I realized something: there were no more updates that I truly wanted. Now don't get me wrong, I love the random quest here and there, but is there an update that we truly need? We have barrows for the high levels, tons of different ways to make money, whips, cw, ect. What else do we need? Now about the "barrows for high levels" thing, I know I'm going to be flamed for this, but wait a sec: you are probably thinking "We need some lvl 80 armor" or something to that effect, but do we really? If we do get lvl 80 armor, then we would also need lvl 90 armor, and then people would want lvl 99 armor too, then maybe skill armor that takes lvl 99 of some skill, but do we really need this? People always complain that rs is too money-based, and adding stronger and higher-leveled armor won't help this problem. What do you think? Put "~fish~" after every post to show that you've read all of this ;)
  20. Aaarrg you beat me to it, I do that with ranarrs/prayer pots all the time :D Stop spamming.
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