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Everything posted by darkjab

  1. Yeah don't think we've ever had a Friday content update, just bug fixes :?
  2. Ah didn't spot the topic in the future updates forum haha whoops :oops: Well there we go then.
  3. Also as pointed out in several topics the maintenence areas of the website has now been cut down from 4 to 2 :) I also got hyped up about that, but I read it again. It said Todays Sneak peak, not Today's Update Sneak Peak. Though, im still prayer for an update today. :P Don't think there will be an update today, or for this week. They are moving servers, which means some will be down over the next few days, no point updating until they are all running again. However on weeks with no updates planned early monday morning Mod Emilee posts a "no game update this week" sticky. It only appears later in the week if they planned an update but its been delayed. There is no such sticky whihc would imply an update is indeed planned Most likely no update this week because some people may not be able to access it. It's nice of Mod Emilee to tell us, but it can't be expected from her to always post. Jagex never update whilst maintenance is being done. Sometimes it's updated afterwards, but this is a project that is definitely going to take longer than a day or two. Although even saying that I can't ever rule out that they won't, it's just better to prepare for no update.
  4. Also as pointed out in several topics the maintenence areas of the website has now been cut down from 4 to 2 :) I also got hyped up about that, but I read it again. It said Todays Sneak peak, not Today's Update Sneak Peak. Though, im still prayer for an update today. :P Don't think there will be an update today, or for this week. They are moving servers, which means some will be down over the next few days, no point updating until they are all running again.
  5. [hide=yt vid][yt]HStE88Rwllw[/yt][/hide] I don't get why they called people idiots when they killed them. "haha idiot, way to not block my glitched attack!" some sad people out there. They shouldn't of filmed themselves doing that. Surely they can be banned? I certainly hope so, hell they are even giving the evidence themselves.
  6. [hide=yt vid][yt]HStE88Rwllw[/yt][/hide] I don't get why they called people idiots when they killed them. "haha idiot, way to not block my glitched attack!" some sad people out there. They shouldn't of filmed themselves doing that. Surely they can be banned? I certainly hope so, hell they are even giving the evidence themselves.
  7. Definitely Red D vambs at Dusties, my god, so annoying for so, so many years now. Once upon a time uncut ruby's at Fire Giants used to make me jump too.
  8. Skill capes would be handy to be wearable on both p2p and f2p for ex-members, but I don't expect them to ever be useable on f2p because you'd have an advantage over regular f2p players, a skill cape is a lot better compared to team and coloured capes, sure it's only a few extra defence point bonuses but it's still an unfair advantage and I can understand why Jagex wouldn't allow it. Hope that makes sense :?
  9. Today's been absolutely fantastic! I'll save you my story :P The pictures should do all the talking for me: I was not expecting this at all today, just thought i'd go there for the lols tbh: [hide=] [/hide] Thought it would be pretty interesting to get this level at that location too: And the icing on the cake for today: Very good times :D
  10. It's likley, but also don't forget almost every single cut-scene has a fixed camera angle. So in theory you could have one half of a room one cut-scene, camera in the middle, and the other half of room another cut-scene, and never realize both were in the same room. I still think its an addy dragon, but if its not, its DEFIANTLY a metal dragon of some sort. (See below) [hide=Cache Head][/hide] [hide=Metal Dragon Heads] [/hide] [hide=Non-Metal Dragons Heads] [/hide] As you can see above, all metal dragons share that same common snout with the single horn. So whatever it is, it is a existing or future version of a metal type dragon. The fact it has minor differences than bronze/iron/steel/mith heads leads me more to that its something we haven't seen yet, eg. Addy. Hi, I'm a green Dragon: ;) Oh and: Definitely a trait for the coloured dragons.
  11. My personal best: Probably never going to get that lucky ever again, I'm normally absolutely cursed there and only get around 110 max.
  12. It's not a white dragon, it's not an adamantite dragon, it's a Brutal Green Dragon: edit - Albeit, maybe the corpse of one :lol: edit again - And maybe not a green one either... ... :lol:
  13. Someone has forgotten Monkey Madness I suspect. Did Monkey Madness come out during runescape classic? No, it came out during RS2. And you also needed to do Regicide to wield a Dragon Halberd. D axe and d pickaxe are more tools then weapons. The only recent dragon weapon which in my eye may have needed a quest requirement would have been d claws. It definitely needed a quest requirement in my opinion. I also kinda wanted the D2H to also have a quest requirement, guess I'm just old fashioned when it comes to dragon weapons. :lol:
  14. Well if early dinosaurs had feathers then why can't dragons? Beacause said dinosaurs were closely related to the ancestral bird. Dragons, to my knowledge, are not maniraptorians. Since the Dragonkin (which look like vultures) created dragon equipment, perhaps that could explain why they have feather-like bits.
  15. I would love a Dragon Warhammer to come out next!
  16. Jagex killed two birds with one mine cart. :shock: Made Keldagrim accessible and also silenced people's speculation on that trapdoor. Now all they need to do is sort out the trapdoors at the Runecrafting guild and Tutorial Island!
  17. SHE says to kick their [wagon]. (Even better! :D) There is no such thing as female dwarves :P :-# But truthfully...I couldn't quite remember!
  18. Talk to the guy on the battlefield...the general? He says to kick their [wagon] :lol:
  19. I think you get 5k def xp from between a rock But do you need to complete the quest to wield it? Because you can wear D claws without completing WGS :s Yes, you need the quest :)
  20. Wilderness Ditch should definitely be removed. I would personally like to see rune and pure essence merged together again, should mean more profit to me ( :thumbsup: ) but I just assume Jagex will never change that.
  21. Oh boohoo, one whole day :roll: you can get more penguin points tomorrow anyway.
  22. The rest of the barrows weapons could be updated too, perhaps. The inventory picture of Dharok's axe hasn't changed. Dragon 2H looks....meh, bought one anyway though! :thumbsup:
  23. I like the cursor, but I don't like all the little icons it changes to. :lol: It's a bit distracting, and it annoys me in combat. Had to turn it off.
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