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Everything posted by chase_cool7

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuK2A1ZqoWs The youtube tags wouldnt work it said the video is no longer available when I know for a fact it is.
  2. If we do that it will fall off the edge of the earth...
  3. I'll be Piers Morgan. Be afraid be very afraid :ohnoes:
  4. You guys made me really think about security Maybe I should take my social security number off them...
  5. Does not matter, just sing to whatever you feel comfortable singing. This is just a fun competition, sure it will be judged but the main purpose is just to have fun. (EDIT)Sorry if it feels like I'm taking over the thread, I'm not trying to *shifts eyes*
  6. ok your the first judge! Sweet. Can't wait to hear some of these... *cough*accepting bribes*cough*
  7. As long as you don't leave the place I say you can refill all you want, I don't think it is fair to save the cups for later refills. The only exception could be if you were in a mall or something similar to that.
  8. When all the entries are submitted I suggest we have a panel of judges to choose the Winner aswell as 2 or 3 runner's up. I volunteer to be a judge if you think this to be wise.
  9. I fixed the typos. I could have tried to fix the grammar, but It's 4 am, and I can barely think. Rules 1.Everyone who has a microphone can join the contest. 2.Choose a song, record and then post it here 3.Don't worry about the background - The contest is all about singing ability Contest ends August 1st 2008. Good Luck!
  10. "Do you have the correct time?" Response: No I don't have the right *$@%ing time, I just carry this watch with me everywhere I go for no god damn reason. It's not 2:53 thats for &@!#ing sure! And just like Lenin's joke you keep going and even throw in a threat or two in an attempt to get them to go away.
  11. Would you consider thinking it is winter in the middle of summer and making snowangels on the grass a person that can't handle their liquor, cause I may or may not have done just that. I think I am getting better now though cause I havnt done anything stupid lately...
  12. 1 ah ah ah, 2 ah ah ah, 3 ah ah ah, 4, ah ah ah 5!!!! RING RING RING RING Yes, the number of the day is # 5!
  13. Mhmm, where did you go? And I miss sheeps music on this thread... 12444
  14. Giant Snowball mantioned earlier. When thrown as it travels it turns small again.
  15. Yah I really like the idea, makes making a new account much more convenient. I've been impressed with the updates lately, graphics, map and lots of small things like this make the game much better.
  16. Yah! give them money every month that will teach them! I actually think they want people to think they have to pay EVERY month at risk of paying more when they subscribe again. It's a smart plan because people would be less likely to cancel their memberships and take a break for a month or 2. Edit: And if someone takes a break they sometimes find other interest (sports, other games ext) and may never come back. It is a good way to keep paying customers loyal to them.
  17. I found 2 glitches involving combat robes, if you home teleport it first does a ring around the top of your head and then it kind of does some glitches as it teleports you. (EDIT): I can't seem to reproduce this effect i was in TOG at the time and that may have been the factor... ill be back after testing this theory. And the combathood shrinks and messes up your head in chat window when you talk to npc's. I have a pic lol. (EDIT2):Both these glitches seem to only work sometimes, I went back to TOG and it glitched a couple times and was normal the rest. And When their I spoke to the banker (this is on a different account) my face was normal. It is possible it was due to my first accounts haircut or even the different npc's itself.
  18. My picture appears to be entered into the index incorrectly, could someone please fix it. Thanks! ~Fixed.
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