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Everything posted by bestsob

  1. I can't hear it, even on high-def for some reason. All I hear is metal playing in the background.
  2. I think they make an interesting combat weapon. As you said they were used to 'hack' through platemail.
  3. 7 AM I believe. I'll come. I suppose we should know what lvl he is? I'll bring 1k for now.
  4. I seriously doubt it, I've been trying for 44 for about 3 days from lvl 40
  5. 1) Witch's Potion 2) Runecrafting 3) Attack 4) Runecrafting
  6. I have an excellent picture of Bob the cat. And I mean excellent!!1!111oneone2!. !. But I can't figure out the method for posting pictures. Someone IM me on aol. my screen name is ncskate17.
  7. perplexing... perhaps... no... hmm...
  8. It's called Runescape Classic Beta you silly little nubs. YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS. I'm in your face because I've played a hell of a lot longer than you. Don't cry because I'm better than you. DEAL WITH IT. You do realize the Beta was open to the public, right? I joined during the Beta... Don't waste your time, he only wants your attention. So don't feed the noob.
  9. Actually... if you had any Player Killing experience AT ALL, you would know that shield players only block half (50%) of the damage done to you by other players. Godsfearme, who kills NPC monsters with his/her protection prayers all day long, and has zero player killing experience, NEEDS TO SHUT UP. If you don't know that shield prayers only block 50% of the damage done to you by other players, you NEED TO STOP acting like Professor Buttworm on a subject you know nothing of. PWNED. Who's next? With new players come the same old, irritating, noobish complaints. It costs less than 0.17 USD a day to have Members on Runescape. Seventeen cents a day, if you're too poor to afford that, you shouldn't be on the Internet anyway. PWNED. Until next time, WHERE MY NOOBS AT, WHERE THEY AT WHERE THEY AT!?!?!!!?!?!! You strike me as a very obnoxious, annoying person.
  10. vote for varrock. varrock for me.
  11. 1. Agility 2. Agility 3. Agilty 4. Agility 5. F2P Slayer.
  12. It took me less then 3 minutes to complete the easter holiday task :? And I guess we all know who is the rotten egg of the bunch. Have some easter spirit, don't be a Scrouge. Indeed. It's all in fun. :)
  13. Nonsense... Level 421 - 917187883580515200000 xp Are you lazy? Only 3.821.616.181.585.480.000 moss giants to go for that level! see, somewhere around lvl... oh say.... 180 or so, you really wouldn't have a life anymore.
  14. Today, while hanging out in Varrock, waiting on a friend, a guy comes up to me, guy: can you trade this stuff to my other account? Me: ? Guy: please? *trade* me: *declines after he clicks accept* Guy: please? Me: *declines again* guy: c'mon! me: ok then. Guy: *trade* Me: accepts* I gave this moron ample chances to realize how stupid he was being. Being as there wasn't much to get, nothing of value (best thing was gold gloves), I took it. I figured he wouldn't make this mistake again. Also, fearing the SMITING hand of Jagex, I wouldn't help him for fear of banning. I gave all the stuff to low level friend, who promptly sold all of it. Thoughts? Flame all you want.
  15. Awesome article. Seems like a down to earth fella.
  16. It looks pretty cool. still waiting on varrock though.
  17. no its not its a cabbage picking cult Indeed, we are.
  18. It takes wayyyyyyyyy to long to raise your level... that's why.
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