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Everything posted by DragonFirenze

  1. Depends what function, style isnt that high on my list.
  2. Blerch.. IMO bass is far harder to play that guitar. Simply because of the length of frets, width of strings etc. Sure, you dont get many bass solo's, but when you do they are FAR harder than guitar solo's. Ive been playing guitar for 11 years, and bass for 4. Bass is definatly harder.
  3. Dont you think thats true in everyway? Why use a taser on a 22 yr old woman? There was absolutly no need to bring that out, he could have used a baton or pepper spray. The tazer was far too dangerous to use on such a minor offence.
  4. Mine would have to be most of the RHCP songs, and a bit of metal. Post yours here!
  5. Definatly rock, ive done music for over 8 years and once you get down and listen to it, rock is far more musically sophisticated. Sure rap has a bass line and some good beats, but you cant compare such a homophonical track to one such as ACDC. Theres no choice for me, Rock is the way to go.
  6. I fully agree with Nathaninch, the TET could put together a killer party which could put a smile on HUNDERDS of people faces, rather than just 1 or 2.
  7. I can see where your coming from, the western suburbs of Melbourne would be a very dangerous place to live right now.
  8. Just scare the bajeebers out of them somehow. Get camo, get some waterballoons, have some fun. Eggs work nicely. So do bottlerockets Hide up a tree, jump down behind them and scare them Answer the door naked. Chase them down the street hurling your own poo at them?
  9. wow the faces are messed up, you gotta fix the outlines.
  10. Grow up? Keep opinions like that to yourself jackass. Heaps funny ideas
  11. You sir, are a GOD! My recipe: INGREDIENTS: 1x Packet of Smoked Salmon 1x Bottle of Capers 1x Small Onion 1x Lemon Juice 1x Salt 1x Cracked Pepper METHOD: Place a layer of smoked salmon onto a plate. Pour a good squeeze of lemon juice over the top. Chop up half a small onion and spread it evenly over the salmon. Get capers and put a decent serving over the top, then add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy! Another good idea is making small balls of them, with bits of onion and capers wrapped inside the salmon, then putting a toothpick in the middle. Make a nice ordueve (sp?) (BTW, those things someone posted on page one are called capers, they are a small flower bud preserved in vinegar. Very salty and yummy)
  12. Ive done everything they told me, the power comes on but theres no speaker fuzz and no sound whatsoever. I think the speakers got messed up during their transportation. Urgh im going to ring them tomorrow..
  13. Ronda Alla Turka is good. Also its Requiem for a Dream, not tower lol. O Fortuna by Carl Orff is good too.
  14. I just got my new amp, its an Ashton quad and top box. Took about 3 months to get because of endless problems. I finally got it today, spent like an hour unpacking it, plugged it in and..... nothing. No sound at all. WHY ME!!!!
  15. Was that the one on Happy Gilmore?
  16. Eee im a freak. 14 left, 5 right. Yes i am a musician. 11 years of guitar, 2 years of piano, 4 of trumpet, 5 of bass. I live for music. I must be one of those "Special" Cases :oops:
  17. Hah.. thats harsh. Yeah why did you cut the movie with the dead dude chasing the special one? Also my mates and i are doing something similar.. except with a giant box as a credit card. Dont worry its for a useful cause lol. Ill post it up when its done.
  18. Lol sweet vids, in the 4th ep did that guy really yell "GET A GF!"?
  19. The bassists out of Muse and Red Hot Chili Peppers are AWESOME
  20. Its fake. Lol you guys need to look closer.
  21. As the wise Homer Simpson would say: "3 words, I am Gay." But seriously, dont go around tell anyone you broke up with her, dont hold any anger it just messes it up even more.
  22. Lvl 3: Antifire pots, Super energy pots and now Super sets. Proof:
  23. Lighten up, spud guns freakin rawk.
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