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Everything posted by Falander

  1. Im going to do dt today, how i need to kill kamil, with magic or melee?
  2. Add me on the list, the old music was way better than now
  3. since when verac hits trough ur prayer :oops:
  4. Nice levels tay and ill know you can do it :^o \ Maybe ill give you some seeds when i have some left again :mrgreen:
  5. Ill be there 8-) Btw give me 2 gee-pee or i post your rsn :-#
  6. Dling now, 20 minutes more, ill edit my post when i saw it. :D Im sure it will be good.
  7. I use 1 dose each trip :o , or 1 pot when karil is my tunnel. But yea you should range blue dragons and sell the hides and bones and i think you will come close to 25m again with a decent ranging level (You have 27 full bows now right?) -Fal
  8. My first account was mmorgp or something :lol: But i died in the wildy with my new kool steel and i thought i wasnt in lumbridge because my camera view was different and i thought i was lost and could never find lumbridge again so i started a new account : "Falander", i'm happy i did that :lol: And nah, i never liked numbers in my name.
  9. First of all you need to get 43 prayer lol. Oh btw im combat 90 and i use 3 - 4 doses each trip, 5 - 6 when i have karil in tunnels :roll:
  10. Lol it sounds funny, can someone pm me the pic with the girl in the tub? :lol:
  11. Nice, i got guthans skirt today!
  12. Maybe this will help? Players get kicked out when they didnt atk anything in 2 minutes
  13. Jup, 1 week ago, i thought that sara mage was out the game, so i come with 1-item dds to relekka, protect magic on, dig, and bam a sara wizard who is hitting 15s on me with dds. I ran, teled, came back in full black + magic short. 2 days later i got a clue in trollheim, another sara wizard They're not gone :lol:
  14. Dragon med, 3 obby shields, 2 obby capes, 1 obby maul and loads of half keys
  15. Can someone help me with this one? EDIT: It is the gate in the varrock bank underground, dig there
  16. Its outside of the "real" castle. It is tower that is south-east of lumb castle
  17. I get much mystery boxes with rubys, emeralds, sapphires and half keys...
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