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Everything posted by Niiro_Agian

  1. best bank eva, i wonder though why do ppl with phat sets and such have only 3mil?
  2. support, all these fancy ideas are nice but i really like this idea because when im bored i try to examen people cuz im so bored and now a question for you: may i borrow some toothpaste?
  3. agree, i want to drop money randomly and have noobs say "H01y kr4p, \/\/h3re 15 it ku/\/\1ng fr0m?" but i dont want to hve to go to the bank each time
  4. it will be a combo of summoning and mounts, ppl will be able to summon things to fight for them but they can also summon things to ride, idont mean like how you 'ride' eagles and majic carpets with set destinations, it would be just something that let you walk faster and look cool, mabye some stat bonuses, like for a horse you can 'joust' (str bonus)
  5. mabey off topic but i do know that the unarmed ones have a higher def and that slash attacks work well against fire giants
  6. sorry i offended you and that guy who was too lazy to post more than a scentence about how i had cap locks on (i did it for emphasis). i just wanted to know because i tried asking everybody and noone even answered. heh, i suppose we were complaining about the same thing; people being rude :anxious: . i hope this apology clears my tarnished name, but mostly i hope i'll stop caring what random forum dorks think about me
  7. its driving me crazy, im sure youve all seen it, people holding staffs, or any other weapon sideways especially at seers for some reason. i need to know how becus i think it looks so kool and i want to do it!! plz tell me, is it glitch,new option or does it require item enhancement?? TELL ME :ohnoes:
  8. no offense but if this was serious you are just a complete freekin idiot
  9. plz change armour color i dont want to bright purple! gold, silver, blue, red or green, anything but bright purple gah... you'd look like one of those guys who spawn in zanaris
  10. luring is definitely a scam, it involves swindling someone who is unexpecting out of thier items, how much more scammy can you get?
  11. i belive that is donnald reinhart he weighed nearly 1356 lbs. in the year 2001 what is the meaning of pudding?
  12. don't know if this has been done before but i thought why not hold an election to find the most popular npc, object, or person in runescape. so leave a candidate and platform or lack-there-of. if we get real results this could be interesting. flamers, dont waste your time on this go play the game. example/first candidate- Cod platform- its a blue fish, you can cook em and they dont even scream, whats not to like?
  13. they forget they are not filled with candy what's a transferplantationary store?
  14. because u cant aford it (yes thats right, love must be purchased) why does bush want us to be either christian or dead (plz other than the obvious: hes an idiot)
  15. its useless becuz the other skills started out pretty bad too but they kept getting improved uponand left firemaking in the dark ages (get it? a pun, cuz fire creates light and i said dark ages- o u dont care) they will have to improve it or people like u will keep complaining
  16. i know, it was on a post on the runescape site they have been updating and it shud be better now. chek the runscape site if u dont believe me
  17. fat in the episode with ray magini which eye did the bartender say he just lost (left or right)
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