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Everything posted by justj2

  1. i think its a good idea, though can make pking all to easy like previously said, maybe there could be a restriction to how many you can drink in X amount of time? just addin suggestions :) ill keep thinking and bounce it about a few friends see what they think
  2. possible is it came out on CD... install the game and run it on the net, might run faster.... ill give it some though, reminds me of half life 2 for some reason :-k
  3. i quite like this idea, nice to keep track of old friends when you have bad or short memory, or even if you just want to be reminded of what you sellin or buyin, i like it :)
  4. could always try cannons.... they sell pretty low sometimes, eg 450k and still sell at 650 to the right people, theres a quick 200k if you can find the right people (per item give or take)
  5. i have an idea but arnt clever enough to make a pic for it have the picture of the skill without the level, but when you put your cursor over it, it comes up with the extra stuff.... level... xp just an idea, because otherwise your going to start getting things people cant read if you need me to explain any more just ask lol
  6. yes but your not exactly going to suddenly have solar powered... things in runescape, medi-evil times werent that advanced, they knew what they did and they survived with it leaving us with a worse atmosphere but thats not the point... i like this idea, maybe have tides? when the tide is out you can go kill rock crabs on the shore but when the tide is in... i dont know, say you have to get diving gear from recepi of disaster? i dont know im just suggestin, like the idea as it is though :)
  7. what i ment by snow is snow on the ground that you can say pick up n make snowballs to throw at NCP's or players (no damage) and i still fail to see where this has been suggested before.... i see the light post about realistic light but thats just indoors.. or am i missreadying it? either way stop [bleep]in about the idea and sayin its bad because of this that n the other and actually put in some suggestions to make it better! then if and when it happens you can say " i had a hand in that" : ps. i hate trying to be happy for you people so stop puttin me down and try to help
  8. yea it gets pretty boring, everythin does, just take a lil break, or go help ur friends with this that n the other... up to you really :
  9. lol, never say never i dont think you see it, world 84's server is in england, hence, it would be on english time and seasons a world in say... ohio would be on the ohio time and seasons you see what i mean now? and i very much doubt it is impossible because technically anythin can be done with a bit of programming
  10. id guess they would.... sayin that ive not seen them bein sold, but then again i dont pay much attention to what other people say lol
  11. my membership ended yesterday.... i set my self with a rune wc axe wearin full pirate, i have 6 spaces in my bank and couldnt sell my things because of technical deficulties, im in total support of this, just leave say... you can only leave a set amount of items (members) in a special members bank.... and if your non member complainin about this because its just another member updat... "take it like a man" lol
  12. what unknown said : and the shortest day of the year... in the country with that server, the rs day is that short, they can even make street lamps to stop people complainin about it bein dark at NIGHT TIME if u dont want it to be so dark maybe you should be able to wield a tourch.... lanturn or the mining helmut.... this can now refer to the light thing in my sig, where i got the general idea, this is like... an expantion of it :thumbsup: and suggestions from others? :
  13. cant jagex just make a limit to the amount of times u can do that spell? or track users and use it excessively and check them out.... if it turns out they have one runes are only lvl 10 and have lvl 50 mage... unless they talkin and clickin them selves... BAN!!
  14. i like ur idea, maybe we should start a generaly rejected ideas club? theres jackets lol i think the things should be roughly in the places they are now (in rs)... but that you should have buttons to bring them up, and or be able to move them your self?
  15. where have i been? about.... and where is everywhere? link because if u didnt notice im in support of it and which idea thats 2
  16. once again its that time of night where im so bored i read everythin everyone writes lol, and an idea has come to mind, because i dont get the search thing im not sure if this been suggesed but here we go how about jagex makes day and night? light in the day dark at night (determined by what country each server is in) eg. england 12am (midnight) it would be dark and 12pm (midday) it would be light... correct my dyslexia if im wrong btw :P and seasons.... autumn... how ever u spell them, spring... winter... summer, its be one huge update but the game would be inhanced so much itd be amazing.... in winter it could snow, autum leavs fall off trees just like reality, i like the idea but yea.... up to everyone else i guess :
  17. think u need lvl 40 to get into crafters guild, and mining or craftin id say... but thats just me lol
  18. isnt there someone you can talk to, to get one back like some of the other rares
  19. id say just go for it, if u die u dont loose anythin except maybe a few post and some food, give it ur best if u cant get 80 range then try again :
  20. as i always have and always will say, train slayer lol, good drops fair few clue scrolls get to travel alot and i like it alot (personally) but in the end you should just try everythin and do the ones u like, like i did never bothered with farming though lol, herbole is usefull but boring, can pay off well too... theiving, generally fun get to go steal things, agility... hmmm usefull but annoying to train those are my few opinions, hope they helped
  21. i figured mine out from my first dropped item... zombie head :D still got it aswell, so some time in haloween 05 i think head was dropped
  22. arnt there trowing knives and axes already? and rune thrown axe with spec acts just like a boomerang, correct me if im wrong
  23. im not sure why but this looks very farmiliar..... lol look a few threads back
  24. no one said you can use it in wildy lol, not above lvl 20 anyway and if u dont want them to tele kill em in lvl 50 wildy so they cant tele or run and if its to cheap, SUGGEST a way to make it more expensive... and this teleporting spell is diff to the others and no one said it any good so i might aswell give up but oh well
  25. whips are goin down and down in price, its been mentioned a few times, buy one when u think they cheapest then wait for it to rise again, someone will put a stop to it lol
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