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Everything posted by rvdv_belgium

  1. Nice idea, but I think they would have to make those bones UNtradeable, and if you dig them, they would give the normal xp bonus because otherwise you get this: You know a lvl 126, you ask him to go to duel arena where he would die all the time for you --> 126xp/bone do that tons of times, and you get tons of xp
  2. Rvdv_belgium, why? And what did you say? I don't quite understand you? :-k
  3. Do you know who has the most clones? (probably) ZEZIMA I saw hundreds of names like zezima1 zezima 2154321 thezezima z3z1m4
  4. look around on these forums or use search button ;) There are at least 10Fight cave guides here :D GL on getting your cape! :)
  5. That's a nice fireplace :) Good to put some irritating noobs in it and let them burn :D I can smell their burning meat already :D
  6. :shock: :D Gonna try that out as soon as possible Ty for saying :lol:
  7. WOW, wish I could have seen it :o Btw, all the people flaming the author/durial, think about it? If you would have killing powers in falador? What would you do? log out and go lie under your computerdesk because your scared? I would have tried to kill as many people as I could :D What song is it in the vid?
  8. If you could sell demonic thrones, I bet some ppl would even buy it for like 40mil :wink:
  9. could be that someone else dropped his own 'empty' bird nest and after a while you can see it too, but only for 20sec's
  10. My brother was blocked, but he isn't (if it's true what he said) he didn't register his account somewhere and used the same pass?
  11. :arrow: It's not difficult to train it to 30 and then auto at draynor on willows :wink:
  12. Holy.... :shock: Was that in w1? Then I'm going to check that out because I just can't believe it :s
  13. next time you could look up his stats? :) Good of you you didn't run, most people would have run I think
  14. next time you could look up his stats? :) Good of you you didn't run, most people would have run I think
  15. Add me on my pure, belgian star, if you still have place on your friend list :D
  16. They're already there for a long time I think :wink:
  17. Maybe it's because of the big amount of players that are playing the void knights now? Then you could get a bit laggy and then your pc freeze or something :P If you complete the void knights, everyone gets transfered to one spot, and that could be to overwelming for your pc :D
  18. If you really want randoms, I think you've got to be repetitive For example with fighting: Every time you kill a monster, take his bones and stuff, bury bones, and attack the next one I did this and I had like 5-10randoms in 40min-1hour
  19. Raw rabbits :lol: Sorry I left so fast, but I really had to do something :cry:
  20. Some one else did it already ;) He had a KC of 9999, and he just got some junk of the chest :roll:
  21. They do that because they want less people so there would be more stuff for them (pixellovers :roll: )
  22. Sk8ermaster, maybe you could go to RSC in lumbridge and duel someone with a bronze dagger and let yourself die? (Remember how you started off in lumbridge with a bronze dagger and trying to kill that 'man' standing next to you? :)) And after you die you can log out, to never log on again The circle will be complete then :)
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