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Everything posted by petey

  1. Damn.. I'm not even 16 yet... Btw number 2 is never out of the question :wink: please say your like 13 or live in stupid lame american where nobody loses their virginity untill like 18, im from uk and i lost it when i was 14?! EDIT~lame i saw insanes post.
  2. sounds like a bunch of bollocks to me, though a link would be nice. Personally I don't belive in ghosts and such and don't think I ever will. well i agree with both of you [ish \ ] i sont beleive i ghosts but i have believed for a long time that time may be able to bring back memories or events that happened time ago. i think that cyco's link isn'y reliable but the whole theory there is believable. nice thread.
  3. probably the only reason im nicer is because i cant actually see your face which measn i actually cant hit you as hard as possible...im manly like that sorry. i do it to my friends and they do it to me, its a way of keeping them inline 8-)
  4. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. . amen :pray: although "i hope they serve beer in hell - tucker max" is hella funny.
  5. ^ what that bloke said [or woman :oops: i swear im not sexist] ^ i play runescape and wow atm, im thinking about guild wars seems its free =]
  6. wtf? are you like a bear? christ if i spent 10+ hours outside id probably turn green or something strange. im not against going outside, just when its 10+ hours a day you are either a bear, on camp or camp. lame... P.S. i have a social life but i still play rs...like alot of people i know, its just i can see how he playes rs in like...a tree or something.
  7. ~P̮̩̉̉tey~
  8. count me in the tournament! qwazx3 - 86 combat :) oooooh fun fun!
  9. ^lol good point^ also ever thinking of combat lvling? i know its a dumb question seems thats what the entire threads based around, but why dont you go sub 100? just saying it gives you alot more freedom. me personally was going to go for a sub 90 skiller but because i have 70 str, id you cant not have 70 defence =p id get lvl 89, PANTS! if i even lvled a hp lvl id be lvl 90! that means i wouldnt be able to cw, barrows, pest control and most likely not do any new quest that gave combat xp 8-) so i though yeah cool i want to be the restricted :^o lol. all that to ask if you were ever going to leave the 80's lol...disco diva :)
  10. the only thing ever worth farming is herb's *hides thevalors farming guide* WASNT ME! :notalk:
  11. kwl thread you got here, nearing in on a 1000 posts :shock:
  12. me and a few friends play it and i like to be able to brag about stuff to them :) also i enjoy playing the game, it somehow relax's me with all those CONGRATULATIONS signs popping up, gives me a sence of satisfaction.
  13. lol i hated that last time, i hope they get it fixed :oops:
  14. ive ssen a lvl 16 with full sara on =p
  15. its just like a magic staff but white, its just there for mage bonus really.
  16. to condor85 ^ thats scary :shock: but cool, im gonna find out the person's ip address who hacked me and go pay him a visit *cracks nuckles* PAYBACK TIME BOOB. 8-)
  17. i had no idea why i bought it, put my under a friend told me to do it or wadever =]
  18. my trust worthy friend! EDIT ~ BLEH here http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=trustyfriends0gu.png
  19. miner_i [or i_miner? always forget] the 99 smither on this forums is lvl 3 and he is currently wearing a red.
  20. HAHAHAHAHA jees im nearly wetting myself at how lame that interface is! BLAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA anyway yeah i missed it..
  21. id like to see somebody called mike oxlong get it? or maybe betty swollox.., :lol:
  22. still seece [sp?] to astonish me, now though! go for 1st place! milbrand has 90 combat [from a tipoff] :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: aaah no! go ftw! btw ~ think i should stay under 90 combat? id love to but i have 70 str and att , also i would be dead annoyed if i could NEVER wear barrows armour. + i would like to barrows and cw but id probably lvl! aaaagh i dont know what to do :oops: also if i didnt the max i would go is 102, shall i stay below 100 maybe like the great ard choille? im so confused
  23. monkey madness was my fave, funny, challenging and a great boss, also although im not meant to, d scim reward is the sex. =D> P.S. good question too \
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