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Everything posted by petey

  1. From what i've seen members are all stuck up, I wouldn't want to pay to go to members and i like draynor It's just most members follow the rules :wink: Not bad 6/10
  2. be-fity-ooh? Awesome! I always hyt you in world 99, mind, you are in the rc'ing mind set! Keep it up! .. Babe?
  3. I was thinking the exact same thing! But i thought...I'll ruin my 3 combatnesss :cry: I might do, maybe if i need a quick boost to 1k total? Keep it up!
  4. Thread and pl0x? :P Not bad, wondering why your location says fishing and farming when they're both at one :P Keep it up!
  5. Use that, but don't do that, just copy and paste the hotlink#1 and it will work. Nice! 70 or 75 defence would be better but meh, 99 90 80 would be awesome staking stats. Keep it up!
  6. Blogscape? Still, a good start is always ... good? Keep it up! =D>
  7. petey


  8. Steve-o? I'd atleast get an original one... I'd like the note Bsharp on my hip, my favourite musical note.
  9. You can be sat in one room, looking at your laptop, watching television, and somehow be in another room cooking?! =D>
  10. I love sleeping in the airport, I feel so RUGGED :oops: i r man, honest!
  11. Kind of old :S it's on the radio often + mtv. Not sure why everyone is this crazy about it, van halen put alot more effort in and it isn't exactly a masterpiece...But still, not bad, original still wipes the floor.
  12. Yeah just try it out, worst that will happen is it will spit it out :-# I'm pretty sure they don't backplay games though.
  13. I'd go back to see Romeo and Juliet just to see how much the word hell really did effect the audience. Noobs.
  14. Yes, it's much harder to say something in person, he could really get it all out with somebody he doesn't know, and not in person anyway, plus they do give very good advice, they've sorted out alot of my problems.
  15. petey


    iPod = fashionable item, Zen = reliable item. Take your pick.
  16. Hopefully you're better at sign than english.
  17. How about Chuck Norris motorcycling into a fireworks, shades, adukt entertainment, chocolate and hair gel factory, while nutting polar bears, kicking tigers, biting HUGE spiders, punching sharks with his left and hoff with his right while making sweet sweet love with a hundred women at once then landing in a golden volcano. That is a HOT death :lol: Personally...all of the above.
  18. Thats reaally rubbish, were they like throwing potatoes? Pills? eugh.. AMAZE, blindfolded..
  19. Halo and Halo 2 are jokes of a game. Granted, the graphics are ok, but its a mockery of an FPS. -.- Exactly! Goldeneye tanned them. Hahahaha, SUPER CD ROM SQUARED. (Y)
  20. Think we got that from the huge Sunderland stadium you posted? :roll: My home town... Interesting? Shirley (replace a certain letter with another one) is one of the roughest places in the Leeds / Bradford area, and the first place where I ever got mugged! Joy! \ I live down about 300 meters from ... ...well I can't find a picture and its nearly 8pm now. The lion's midget gems factory, they had an anniversary and they just handed out bags of them.. 8-) Other than that, its fight clubs, gypsy's, chavs and muggers. If your as buff as me theres no worry though 8-)
  21. Ditto, but I do love seeing my RE teacher crap himself whenever I have a question, i'm the gooner who always finds the religous plot holes.. Also, when a teacher expects you to have a large piece of coursework done in a week. This wouldn't be too difficult, but you have another 3 expecting the same thing.
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