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Everything posted by Faux

  1. since my internet is on cable i'm not affected by this yet but i don't think this will stay as long as harper is PM. he said he's gonna review it if it does stay, i'm voting for another party next election. liberals should be pushing for an election considering how pissed people would be over this.
  2. most of these guys are pretty cool. it's so cute how danny briere and st louis played for their kids. timmy and staal were funny with their mics during the game
  3. don't know about that. canada without alberta? woooo- (just kidding)
  4. What you rather have win? Just one of the others on the list. I would recommend The Social Network if you haven't seen it yet. There are a lot of films coming out this year that I'm excited to see and I don't see why people are so bugged out by 3D, it doesn't ruin or take anything away from the film. i guess inception? even though i think dicarpio's best flick this year was shutter island i think king's speech will take it just because it seems like the typical oscar film
  5. don't call people dense when you can't even use "you're" properly. stick to playing runescape? i made several points in my first post that Danqaz didn't even bother to read. seriously, he just asked me "What makes it not the best without using your opinion that you don't personally like it?" when i've been answering that throughout the thread which he ignored. people shouldn't expect a serious reply from me if it's just rage post over my comments.
  6. toews almost cried for being picked so late. i think he was more distressed than kessel being picked last, lol i'm sure anyone who was in the last 5 round wouldn't have minded going last when they knew there was a car in it. not to mention the $20k donation to charity. overcompensation much
  7. maybe the food analogy wasn't the greatest idea since you're english i don't believe that there's a definite greatest sport because i think it's cultural. and i'm definitely not obnoxious enough to think *my* favourite sport is better than others. my point is > soccer is not the greatest sport and not > soccer is not the greatest sport, hockey is
  8. maybe read my post before you shove crap in my mouth? btw, the argument that just because more people watch soccer means it's the greatest is a load. maybe you think McDonald's makes the best burgers because it sells the most burgers I guess.
  9. i'd take pauses if it means more bursts of action play, instead of several snorefest moments in one period. just because there's no "time outs" in soccer doesn't mean there isn't time wasting. diving, substitution, and just full blown turtling add up more than the "pauses" you're complaining about though i agree, baseball is actually slower than soccer. but i'm not claiming one is better than the other. either way that's why hockey is better isn't it? (edit: relative to pauses, not in general) no stoppage of play in substitution means the game doesn't slow down and you don't have to watch a bunch of players play exhausted it also has hard hits. only team sport that allows fights, and real fights at that. it's a man's game, while a soccer player is bent over in half because he got tapped in the shoulder ;) btw basketball has limited time outs, so you can't just keep calling time outs every 10 seconds. when was the last time you watched a game?
  10. i'm actually excited for the draft tomorrow. i think it's gonna be more entertaining than the game
  11. i'm sure most people who only get to watch one sport feel this way also
  12. @All, yeah another thing i hate about soccer is the turtle where you're up 1 goal and you can pass around the ball on your own end to waste time and there's no rule that punishes this. naive? you're the one assuming i'm american and get real, rugby and cricket are nowhere near the popularity of soccer. i'm talking about major league sports, there's a reason why i didn't include MLS in my list
  13. from that list i've seen: "The Fighter" (Paramount) "Inception" (Warner Bros.) "The Kids Are All Right" (Focus Features) "127 Hours" (Fox Searchlight) "Toy Story 3" (Walt Disney) only thing i can say is that i hope none of these wins
  14. anyone else annoyed by this attitude? just because it's the only team sport worth watching in europe and south america doesn't make it the best. american football, basketball, hockey, and baseball also has "beautiful moments" people brag about so much in soccer. North America has NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB to enjoy while europe has... 11tybillion different soccer leagues, each led by 1-2 major teams that can afford the best players. and by this i mean major leagues, not minor leagues or else i would've included MLS in my list Diving is bs. Yeah it exists in another sports, but it's not as blatant and accepted as it is in soccer Offsides is the most annoying thing ever. not to mention the terrible calls because of this rule. look at NHL's offside rule in comparison which is set up much better. Slow pace. combination of a few things like 45 minute periods, few substitutions, offside rule... Ties. seriously, game still ends in draws? yeah i know it's not that way in the playoffs, but good god if you're gonna make the regular season games last an hour and a half at least give a decisive winner i'm not saying soccer is a bad game, because it's enjoyable; granted i really only enjoy watching the Euro and WC. but it's not by any form of imagination "better" than another major team sports.
  15. ron wilson is such a douche i'll be cheering when we hear about him getting replaced this summer
  16. rofl. it's a 9 yr old mitsu that was beat to [cabbage] by the previous owner (hence the rebuilt motor) who was probably a ricer. the motor won't be the last of his problems
  17. the girl that was also in up in the air was cuter but i guess he couldn't choose her hmmn
  18. offer $1500 and up that to $1700 or you'll walk
  19. @paw_claw in the future when 3D works the way you described it (or rather you making [cabbage] up), then yes 3D might be a good feature. but 3D the way it is now is a gimmick
  20. if a crappy flick like TRON can make profit just because it's fancy 3D effects, then why not? they're just in it to make money, not a work of art people will pay to see it
  21. leafs needs a solid shut down line before worrying about an offensive blue line. you can't expect the leafs to pull a 180 in the standings if you're not willing to get rid of the major players, it just doesn't make sense. kessel is garbage for what he was traded for. i've never seen any of his play that made me think "that guy is worth 2 first round picks" but i'm not saying trade him. might as well keep him now that he's here also let gustavsson be the #1 next season and see what he does. i'm interested on how he'll perform with full confidence that he won't lose his job. if he fails, no big deal because leafs get first round pick back
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