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Everything posted by strilmus

  1. wait, we'll get a title if we manage to screw up the beta hard enough to derail it? that sounds like an invitation i can't turn down
  2. "we're not going to do it, but we're just asking anyway" after everything else that's happened, is probably the shittiest and most transparent excuse that they've ever used, lol every bullshit moneygrabbing idea on runescape has been preceded by "well, we know this would be shitty to do, but if we appeal to their baser instincts, they'll let us do it anyway" why the hell is this so important and pressing that it's being given a platform when there's hundreds of other things fighting each other thunderdome style in runelabs is there anybody left in this company that actually knows what the [bleep] a game is and how games are made (by games, i mean things that are made for people to enjoy, not long term elaborate scams)
  3. If you had talked to Bilrach when he was present, he would have explained it all to you. As for how the ritual stones got down there, I believe you should ask a certain Exile at a certain port... As it is, Floor 61 is sealed off to all unauthorized entry, so there would be no possible way to get in without being invited unless you had something that could tunnel through several layers of twisted space.
  4. 1. Buy jugs of wine on the GE. 2. Drink the wine. 3. Sell the jugs back on the GE. Sometimes, I have a change of pace and eat pies instead, and sell the pie dishes.
  5. basically, the wights change entrances at pretty random intervals, so if you're in an interface when the cycling happens, you won't be able to tell if they've moved if you aren't concentrating on noticing if anything's changed (sometimes they don't actually move at all, so if they've shifted forward a cycle you won't be able to tell just by looking either), the only permanent sign that it's happened is a game message if you're not using a widescreen view, you will also have to make a deliberate effort to see the tunnel entrances
  6. wait, so, how do you get back into zamorak's lair for the chests if you betray him?
  7. even if you did fish flingers, you can only get prawn eggs and crackers from fishing things that restore hitpoints, so it'd be counterproductive
  8. right, like salt in the wound no wait don't do that btw, you don't even need jerrod, if you shimmy sideways into their field of view you can glitch into their hitbox and take them out because they made it extremely generous in order to cancel out how badly their stealth design fails, to the point where they just overcompensate for how close you need to be
  9. what i value most is a sense of progression, which this system is attempting to address, we'll see if it works in practice
  10. it was more of a resource management thing, which i didn't think was that bad, it was just sort of crammed in all at once instead of being gradually introduced over a period of time, which they obviously thought could be managed by failing several times instead of letting the player enjoy learning in particular, one of the mechanics can only be tracked by game chat messages, and i skipped over the instructions too fast to remember if they ever mentioned that i think more overt cues to coming close to a failure state would be appreciated when throwing such a large set of variables at the player at once
  11. if anything, it raises the question of why we didn't just give the same functionality to the alerter as was given to the quiver, before the quiver even existed
  12. tbh, this quest level shoulda been a bunch higher, even with the chests borrowed from the haunted mansion quest it's kinda dumb placing the player in this role at level 30 without any knowledge of the lore behind it, especially with nomad's involvement, and the very, very important decisions presented to you (the first of which isn't even presented with the appropriate amount of gravitas)
  13. now that more of the path has been revealed, there are many more variables in play than i had anticipated. needless to say, i think nomad's participation, while initially sort of shoehorned in, opened up a bit of an unexpected opportunity i wonder what things would have been like had i pushed entirely in the other direction?....i hope when this is all over, jagex lets us visit alternate timelines where we picked differently it's pretty obvious now that there's a specific path where you [bleep] everything up, and i want to see what happens if you choose that, but i'm not nearly mean enough to do it
  14. http://services.runescape.com/m=news/permanent-free-to-play?oldschool=1 oldschool f2p's back
  15. i see it more like an aquanite thing where people are really divided on the issue, and unlike green dragons, are in high level slayer masters and have no alternative outside of the wilderness
  16. considering that stars and bxp weekend stack, i'm very, very happy that exp prestige is burning down at the same rate as my absurd leveling speed also, they have the ridiculous treasure hunter promo going on right now so it's basically a fire sale on dignity
  17. i feel the same way about making content in the wilderness specifically to try to trick people who don't know about all of the loopholes in pvp into going in as i do about luring scams and backstabbing
  18. the "obvious" method of avoiding getting ganked right away is to somehow enter single way combat with another npc before anybody can attack you, then loot and run away with combat still active
  19. My favorite part of this update is that the game announces to everybody on every world the very second somebody gets a rare drop there.
  20. they forgot to remove the old expiration date in the description on the fury sharks :P
  21. it sure is great how that now they know that they shouldn't poison the well, they're no longer putting any more poison in it i mean maybe it'd be great if they could remove the existing poison but one thing at a time eh fellows (cue angry mob chanting four more years of poison) in any case, what's done is done, and we can't go back and change things because the game is literally set in stone and none of it can ever be edited once it's committed to the massive granite slab that it is etched into, on display, at stonehenge where it will stand for all time
  22. hefin's pickpocket loot table was vastly improved to....not change at all
  23. i mean, i don't think rs really understands what prestige means anymore, since they bought into RNJesus
  24. honestly most of the tunnel monsters are kinda weak now
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