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Everything posted by RSBDavid

  1. So I guess the 1 defense pure is no longer going to be worth it for PKing. So I take it the Rune Pure will be the main choice for PKing with? Also, I am curious as to how box staking will end up. I know you can play without abilities on, but it would be fun to box with abilities.
  2. Maxing Combat (Just need prayer, summoning, mage, and range), 99 Dungeneering Overloads, Quest Cape, 500m bank.
  3. It was because a lot of reasons I'll name a few: Items that were meant to be rare were actually rare for example D chain used to be one of the most prestigious items you could get, now its pretty common to see. There were only a few maxed players back then compared to now where you see so many people that have got atleast 1 99 back then it was a real achievement because you were one of the minority with one but now most skills are a one click system before you actually had to pay attention and work for them. Tthere was a lot less bots then there are now even though numbers have gone done lately its still not like it was and because of bots stuff that was a hassle to get is now easy to buy because bots forced them into the market which has reduced the price by so much. RS was more rewarding back then if you got a rare drop it was actually rare and the way your equipments value didn't decrease as much as stuff is now for example I got DFS for 20m and within months it was worth a fraction of that it just seems pointless to put money in equipment now because you just lose money. To put it bluntly they were the glory days end of and I would love it if they went back to the way it was in 06-09 even if I had to restart my character I would be so happy I'm not sure how many people agree but thats my opinion. There is this thing called supply and demand. When an item is released and for a period of time afterwards the supply is low and the demand is high. This causes items to have a high value. As time progresses, more and more of that item is introduced into the economy and the demand is decreased. As newer and better equipment is added into the game, the older equipment loses its demand for the targetted level range and thus loses its high value. This happened with the DChain, DFS, Godswords, etc. The reason drops aren't so rare anymore is because more people have the capability to obtain then now then those whom were able to previously. This is in part due to the sheer volume of players in the game and the restrictions of bosses with the current combat system, which is why I am looking forward to EoC. There were actually a higher bot to player ratio back in 2006 than there is now. Most bots you see now are actually 1 person controlling about 5-15 of them or more and most are gold farming bots. Bots previously seen in 2006 were skill training and combat bots. To be blunt, the game was kind of stagnant for the past few years, which is one of many reasons I stopped playing. The game felt like a job, or a chore, more then a game. I was not having fun. Ever since I have returned, I have had loads of fun and I still am. If you really started back in 2006 Runescape from scratch, you would soon realize how boring and stagnant training is. While 2006 RS was fun and all, if you really take a breath and think, you realizing how foolish bringing it back is. It is like watching the same season of your favorite TV show from 6 years ago, over and over. The only thing I miss from 2006 is PVP. Other than that, it sucked. -A 9.8 year Veteran.
  4. I had the same task and got the same exp at the same wc level. My reward was 3 grimy snaps.
  5. Barrows Herb runs Dailies When you first get on, do your dailies (MTK, sand from bert, etc). After those are complete, plant herbs and then go do barrows. Use a timer to track herb growth (80 minutes I believe). Between herb runs, you can get about 7-8 barrows chests in at 85+ hp, magic, defence, etc. You get an item in about 1/16 chests on average. Based on what you farm, the luck you have at barrows, and the time you play, you could reach your goal in a few days to a week. Once you get 10m, you can try flipping items in the GE, although due ti the botnuke happening soon and EoC concerns, it is difficult to flip several items. There are many tutorials on the forums, Youtube, and here which will help you.
  6. They use an in-house version control system. This means they have pretty much every server and client revision since 2002 cached on a server :). (hint, if you press the tilde key ["~"], you can see the current client revision on the bottom right [734.1 at the time of this post]). Andrew mentioned he had Devious Mud still on a backup server.
  7. Because only 100 people would play on those servers after a year. It would not be worth the resources to do it like that. If you get 100% on your bar, you can use an ability and you can play like normal Runescape is right now.
  8. Last night I tried my luck boxing and here are the results. [spoiler=Language]
  9. I am curious as to where the person was getting 2m xp/hr at. I am going through a list of old single-combat zones which are now multi trying to find something or the mob he used.
  10. I lasted just over 8.5 hours. Here are all of the drops we got, minus one SS split they got while I was banking due to accidently teleporting: (Not in order) The last 5 or 6 of us wiped at the end and luckily one of us was able to bless a few graves. It was great fun and I look forward to Armadyl next weekend!
  11. Nice guide! I believe the 5 year cape works as well. The 5 year cape has been patched by the bot makers. It no longer works.
  12. I will have been back to Runescape for a month in 2 hours and this is my bank from scratch +5m in MTK
  13. Grats! Did you do bonfires or normal burning or curly roots? One more to go for today
  14. If you are talking about how the GW bots were operating. They were most likely using one of the reflection/injection clients Mod MMG mentioned on the livestream. The color schema would not allow a screen-scraper (color) bot to simply click on the worm easily due how many of the scene objects have the same color style. Also, if you drop the common drops from the GW table, they bots would click on the item right away. One exception is they could be using a Hardware interception/edge detection client which are hard to come-by anymore as most are private. They can simply intercept the vertex data and compare it to a database of existing models and see if it matches the Grot worm. Regardless, they are being detected which is a good sign of what is to come. This shows they are indeed profiling the behavior more so than the clients. After checking a few of the underground sites, it seems as if a few of the bot clients intend to use a UID per client to add a unique touch to each user so no two users randomly move the same randomness, click the NPC in the same order, etc. I look forward to seeing how the system works after it is in full swing.
  15. One interesting thing is that you get 3x the experience per fish the FIRST time you do each type of fishing task. I wonder if it resets per day. I was getting 1500 per cavefish with the fishing ammy from SoF. It was only 46 fish, but it was quick experience.
  16. Just in time to prepare for the Saradomin mass in a couple of days!! and...
  17. Just now got access to the download server so can't wait to take a break from defense!
  18. If the "legit" players are advertising using auto typers though then they can GTFO and I'm sure they'll get picked up by the new system when it's fully rolled out. Nothing more annoying than seeing a level 130+ with 50 dungeoneering advertising for these stupid floor leech clans, using an autotyper as well.
  19. Isn't the 23rd Sunday? I hope to get 99 defense before or while I am there.
  20. Prayers, magic spells (teleports, combat spells, skilling spells), quick chat responses maybe, food and potions for boss hunting, familiar actions, etc. Not everyone will use it for combat.
  21. @Kimberly My question is: Will the update happen all at once or in stages. For example, will we possibly see the action bar, followed by the interface updates, then the abilities or will we see all of it at once?
  22. They are starting with the gold selling site spammers first.
  23. My POV of the bots exploding Youtube HD Video - This video will cause high CPU usage, to view the video in a lower quality, please click here.
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