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Everything posted by RSBDavid

  1. I look forward to doing this with a large group of people. You can down it in 1 minute with three maxed players who know abilities.
  2. Yes, stunning your opponent, then smacking him with a 6 second DoT, jumping back with that range ability, while hitting him with something which does more damage to stunned opponents, while activating that ability which heals you for each hit he does in a 10 second period, is totally mindless button smashing. Sorry if your style of game play is button-mashing. It must suck for you.
  3. Care to PM me? Would like to pound out another 99 =3 Glacors are about 400k xp per hour without extremes/ovl boosting damage using fire wave and using momentum. Surge is probably 600k or so. Bursting lobs is probably high. Experience rates are now pretty much even across all combat styles. You can get 300k-600k in each style and not just range.
  4. If you go into the developers console by hitting the button to the left of the "1" key and type "displayfps", you can see the amount of data you are sending and receiving in bytes per second. You can add these together and that will tell you your current bandwidth usage. There are 1,048,576 bytes in a megabyte or 1,073,741,824 bytes in a gigabyte. The more actions going on in game or areas with many people tend to require more bandwidth. On average you will use about 200 bytes per second. In popular areas, you can use upwards of 1500 bytes per second. At peak rates, it would take you 11 minutes, 6.667 seconds to use 1MB of data or 7 Days, 17 hours, 11 minutes, 6.667 seconds to use 1GB of data. Those time values mean you are sitting there during the whole duration. If you play a few hours a day, you would easily last a month with 1GB of data. Now based on updates of the month, you could use more data if there is a major patch. For example, EOC involves many new textures, models, and animations which use up bandwidth when you download them. It might use another 20MB of data or so. With the way programming works, after a model is downloaded once, there is no need to download it again. The server tells the game what models to use and it pulls that data from your downloaded files you already have.
  5. Right-click in the shaded area above the pop-up as shown in the following: http://puu.sh/1rRkp
  6. Here is a list of all of the drops we got: Dragon Dagger - 604 Godsword Shard 2 - 5,799 Bandos Tassets - 283,653 Bandos Helm - 142,555 Bandos Helm -157,561 Dragon Dagger - 974 Godsword Shard 3 - 8,710 Bandos Hilt - 130,802 Bandos Chestplate - 628,817 Bandos Warshield - 167,712 Bandos Gloves - 510,324 Bandos Gloves - 283,513 Bandos Warshield - 204,981 [spoiler=Drops images (Language Warning)] Took 15 attempts to upload all of the images after several failures. My ISP was being a [bleep]. The total value was 2,526,005 in splits alone. I got another 300-400k in random drops (Bone drops, Rune Items, etc).I would like to thank anyone who sold me Uni's and Super Restores. Made the 6-7 hour trip without banking :). We managed over 120 boss rounds/360+ kills before I stopped counting. I think we started with around 38 and ended at around 5 before getting crashed.
  7. Just totally did a major wrong post here. My internet is screwing with me. It seems like RuneShark will be doing a livestream over the special BTS later today for anyone who cares. I am hoping they release more information about PoP soon.
  8. You might want to open your Clan chat for others Fire essling. Didnt notice "TMHT essing. I will be there!
  9. I had the same vibe. I think it will be an instance game area like your PoH, only there is a port model and water area there.
  10. Yeah I didn't like the official contest as everyone who got featured had at least 10,000 subscribers and payed for membership from their ad revenue. Hell, even with one-hundred subs, you could pay for 3 months of membership per month by posting biweekly videos with overlayed ads. As far as the updates planned, they sound nice. The grandmaster quest gives me the impression that you will need to do the fight kiln as a requirement as it is known as one of the more difficult things to do for some. The PoP update intrigues me the most. This is an update which potentially could be extraordinary or just plain suck. I look forward to the interface system and engine changes the most. I want to actually use more than 5% of my GPU or 25% of my CPU when playing in 1080p on max settings. I want to be able to turn the distance up so I could see Varrock from the mountains West of Edgeville. Other than the new skills, construction rework, and ranging dungeon, nothing else really appeals to me.
  11. What about if Jagex were to switch all of the loyalty items to Solomans and give members "x" amount of runecoins per month, increasing over time. This allows people who are paying members to still benefit for their support of the game and it would give them the ability to earn the bank boosters without spending extra money.
  12. [hide] Shader "Custom/Grass" { Properties { _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _GrassMask ("Mask", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" } LOD 600 CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" #pragma target 3.0 struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; half2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; half2 uv1 : TEXCOORD1; }; uniform sampler2D _MainTex, _GrassMask; float4 _MainTex_ST; half4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR { half4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv0); half4 mask = tex2D(_GrassMask, i.uv1); return float4(col.rgb, mask); } ENDCG Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .01; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.01; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.01; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .02; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.02; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.02; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .03; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.03; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.03; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .04; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.04; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.04; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .05; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.05; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.05; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .06; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.06; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.06; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } Pass { Blend SrcColor OneMinusSrcColor //Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha AlphaTest Greater 0.9 CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag v2f vert(appdata_base v) { v2f o; float4 p = v.vertex; p.y += .07; p.x += sin(_Time.y + p.x * 0.1) * 0.07; p.z += cos(_Time.y + p.z * 0.1) * 0.07; o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, p); o.uv0 = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex); o.uv1 = v.texcoord; return o; } ENDCG } } } [/hide] Was checking out grass shaders for Unity3D for a game concept I am working on.
  13. ....and I will be short of any decent auras for another 35 days. I get my 7k points in 4 days. I wish they would stretch the event over a month. I would really love to have Vampyrism or Green Fingers or something decent.
  14. It does interrupt if you have auto-retaliate on. Most people don't realize this.
  15. Because World of Warcraft, EverQuest, League of Legends, and Diablo were the first games to feature abilities, actionbars, DoT and Hot spells, buffs and debuffs, and combo attacks..... You can trace actionbars to even before 1991 when Neverwinter Nights was released. I don't see you or anyone posting about how they steal ideas from other games. You really need to stick your head where there is more sunlight and realize Runescape will die within 3-5 years time from now without some change. Runescape already has beaten the average MMO lifetime by 2-3 times. Yes you might not like it, yes people will quit, yes it will have features implemented in other popular MMO's, yes you continue to [bleep] about it like many others on the forums. If you think you can run the game better, become the damned CEO of Jagex instead of being a drama queen like the rest of the complainers. You can apply a position at Jagex here and work your way up the ladder. If you are no longer having fun with the game, then don't play. It is that simple. Don't [bleep] about it and drag others down with you. The combat system is being changed for the better. They even added a lazy-ass mode, or momentum, where people who want the old combat style or something close to it can still play without manually using abilities. It is equal to the current rate of killing mobs in the current game. If you are willing to put more effort in to use abilities, you can kill things 35% faster. I do not see how you enjoy a game where you just click and wait. It sounds more like an obsession, a chore, not a game. This is one step in the right direction for the game. Perhaps we will see something even further in the future with skilling too. You need Jesus brah.
  16. Good fight to those who trained at dags in the dominion tower. Attempting to load game now.
  17. You might want to hand over that cash stack if it hurts your eyes. Just tried boxing again and I lost 3 more matches. Lost 97 out of the past 100 boxes. This game is stupid.
  18. Before Eoc is added into the game, play on the beta servers and get used to the way it works so when it comes out so you can do any previously mentioned task with ease. Everyone is acting like everything will be drastically harder when in fact it will be the opposite. Even with a 50% prayer block reduction, by using the various healing and defensive abilities, you should be able to negate most damage or heal any damage lost when doing the Fight Caves, Kiln, or Dominion Tower.
  19. Just managed a solo medium C6 with 100% completion in about 10 minutes. I was lucky and had few guardian doors. If he was averaging 400k experience per hour with 4 floors, I should be getting about 600k at full speed with nearly 6 floors. I am guess it will be around 500k per hour the first week and they will nerf it on the following week.
  20. You returned to Runescape for the simple fact you have a deep emotional void which needs to be filled by something. Some choose to believe in religion, some choose to indulge and abuse alcohol and other drugs, and some choose dirty magazines. You sir, have chosen Runescape to reestablish a emotional balance. That is the reason you returned for, you are an addict! They have 12 step programs for addictions. You might want to start by admitting you have a problem. In all honesty the RS community does suck. I guess that is what happens in most games anyways.
  21. You are not the only person who desires to train Range at Ape Atoll. There a limited number of worlds with a limited number of decent spots to chin or ice burst/barrage at. There are what, 125 member worlds* between the live game, foreign language, and beta worlds, and there are about 3 to 4 chinning spots. Between the 120,000 active players in the game at any current time, you are getting mad because someone has to come join you at one of the possible 375 to 500 chinning spots between every game world? Even if only 0.5%** of the active player count wanted to chin, that is still 600 people. That means 100 to 125 people will either have to hop or crash. This is a MMO, not a single player game. When only ONE person joins you, it doesn't hurt nor help our experience rates as they help to spawn additional skeletons to make up for the speed you two kill the existing skeletons. If it bothers you that much, maybe you need to stop playing or stop getting so mad over trivial things. *There are actually less **This amount could varry
  22. RSBDavid


    I've spent the majority of the past two days helping to prepare, as well as attending my cousin's wedding. I ran the sound system and made sure cues were done right for the groom and bride's entry. IT was a simple, yet important job. At the after-party, following the refreshments, several others and I drank a lot of booze. I am still a little tipsy and have no idea what happened from 6 hours ago till now. I expect embarrassing Facebook pictures tomorrow. Tomorrow I begin my workout routine again. Must get in shape in 6 weeks.
  23. I, as well, look forward to the EoC. I find it way easier to kill things. In exchange for spending the time on learning abilities, the 35% bonus damage rate you get over normal game play/momentum is great!.
  24. Barrows before the 20th and cutting Yews/Magics are the first things I can see you could do. You can also do dailies (Seers Flax, P.S. Pineapple and Seaweed, sand from Bert in Yanille, daily spins and challenges, pure essence from the Ardy tasks, Wicked hood runes and pure essence, and more).
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