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Everything posted by Tigra00

  1. I ended up blocking like, every one of you. Seriously, you guys are annoying as hell for two reasons - You don't ASK people if they want to be added, you just do it. And secondly, when someone leaves, you RE-ADD THEM LIKE 40 TIMES. Get a clue much? Seriously, I was busy like every time you morons kept adding me and it was seriously pissing me off, so...Welcome to block-list, just because you have no courtesy. I should've known when you guys were doing it to Goddess and I told you to stop the first night. Edit: And I don't know who "[email protected]" is, but whoever you are, quit messaging me with your links and asking me if I want this-and-that file of yours. I don't know if you're attempting to keylog me or what you're doing, but I don't want the [cabbage] anyways, and I wouldn't click on it even if it wasn't a keylogger.
  2. Erixson, thanks for the heads up on the $350 PS3 thing. I just signed up for a Sony card (Why not, anyways? Doesn't cost me anything. :lol:) and hopefully they'll approve me and stuff before the offer ends...In 7 days. I'm seriously doubting I'll be able to get one by then, but I *am* hoping. :P I always said I'd never buy a PS3 until they were cheaper, so...Here we go...It's cheap.
  3. The "Gay Marriage Issue" is the perfect example of how much control religious people have over the country...Honestly, there isn't a damn politician alive today - as stupid as they are, even - that isn't aware that banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and I'd wager that none of them care about gay marriage period to boot. They feign caring so that the religious right will vote for them. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact. I mean, maybe some of them do actually think it's wrong, but at the same time, they KNOW it's also unconstitutional to ban it, so the reason why they're for banning it is quite obvious. Christians should just cut their losses and leave gay people the hell alone. They're NEVER going to win that battle. Eventually, the supreme court is going to rule that it's unconstitutional to ban it because you are denying people the rights that straight people get based on their sexual orientation, such as tax benefits for being a married couple and whatnot. However, like I said...Cut your losses...Concentrate on abortion. That [cabbage] is killing babies, and seriously...There isn't anyone alive who can say that doesn't suck. The only time it should be allowed is when it's a product of rape, and even then...Can't the mother have it and give it up for adoption? I understand the stigma a woman would have with looking at a product from her rapist everyday - I wouldn't want the kid either if I were her, but someone would. But at the end of the day, that's her choice and you have to rely on her making the right one, you can't FORCE her to. This whole aborting babies just 'cause they were an accident [cabbage] is pretty lame, though.
  4. Atmosphere Aesop Rock DZK
  5. I didn't like the song the first time I listened to it, but I listened to it again and I like it. *Shrug* However that works.
  6. It does need to stay illegal. You cant have half the population walking around high all day. ...You mean like they do already? If they legalized marijuana, they could tax it and effectively end the war on drugs as far as marijuana is concerned. They'd be saving money AND making it. Win/win, but they're apparently too [developmentally delayed]ed to realize that marijuana isn't really dangerous at all. There is a legal drug called Salvia Divinorum (currently trying to make it illegal, I think) that I'd say is more dangerous considering it completely screws with your mind I'm told...Marijuana is a pretty high-functioning drug. My uncle smokes marijuana ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, and you can never really even tell when he's high. He just laughs more easily if he is.
  7. ...People seriously watch that [cabbage]? ...Huh. That's astounding.
  8. I've been told to do stand-up comedy by many people in my life. I have a lot of material, I just never write it down. Something pops into my head, it's hilarious, and it's gone the next day because I don't care to write it down and make a "routine" I may never use. *Shrug* I'd like to be a game designer, but you work like 18 hours a day and it just isn't worth it. I have a lot of good ideas for games and stuff too, but alas, some people aren't cut out to have their life sucked away. Uhhh...That's about it.
  9. Anyone asking people the question, "What should I be, a plastic surgeon, or a computer technician?" is never going to be the former. Prestigeous careers are reserved for the elite who knew that's what they wanted to do their whole lives. By elite, I don't necessarily mean rich kids, but elite-minded aswell. Most of us don't know what the hell we're doing until we're forced to make a choice...Most doctors knew they wanted to be doctors from day 1 and worked hard at that. If you want to be a surgeon, prepare to dedicate 12 years to college, and study biology and chemistry now because it's all you're going to be doing then, too. Have fun?
  10. Common sense? How about you get some. Lets flip the story a little, to something that could happen just like this did. Lets say instead of being 7, it was a 30yr old. And instead of getting flagged because he had the same name of a confirmed terrorist, they let him thru. He then blows something up and kills hundreds of people. Would you justify those peoples deaths because its common sense to not stop someone and check them out? The only thing that was wrong was him not getting cleared the last 2 times. But that just makes me feel that much better about homeland security. Id rather it be overworking, then not working at all. Now that is common sense. You're a [developmentally delayed]. The entire point is that he WAS 7 years old. They should have took one look at the kid, went "Huh. Well, obviously you share the same name with someone else!" and let him go on his merry way. Do you know how many Muslims are named Muhammed-something or something-Muhammed? Like, all of them. Some are terrorists, some are 7 year old boys wanting to go to [bleep]ing Disney World. As if stopping him and making him cry wasn't bad enough, Disney World is also a [cabbage]-hole of a place. Poor kid.
  11. I don't think China CAN mess with the USA. Their entire exsistence depends on the USA buying their junk they make, pretty much. And besides, you want to attack America? Sorry, you're going to get your [wagon] kicked. We don't even need to call the Military in for this one, folks. Both coasts are well protected by civilians called "Rednecks" and "Gang Bangers". East and West, respectively. But in all seriousness, if you attack America, you'll be fighting soldiers and civilians. We all have guns, and if you don't have one now, you can surely get one if someone were to attack us. I swear to God that if I wanted to RIGHT NOW, I could go buy an AR-15 from a guy I know for $150. It's not that difficult to find guns, and most people have them already. Hell, I never fire guns and am not interested in them at all, but even I have a 12 gauge and a .22 pistol.
  12. I have a 1967 Mercury Cougar in my garage, we also used to have a 1968 Cougar, but sold it. We had a '65 Mustang a few years back, but we gave it to some guy who thought it would be a great idea to crush it just for fun...[wagon]-hat. My parents also used to own a '70 Plymouth 'Cuda, but sold it so they could move here when I was born...Worst. Choice. Ever.
  13. I really WOULDN'T turn that in to GameStop like that. As much as I think the 360 is better than the PS3 currently, you're ripping yourself off hugely. Don't do it. GameStop will sell all those games and the PS3 at full retail price and that's [cabbage]. Don't rip yourself off, dude.
  14. Blah. It isn't bragging. It's setting people straight. Everyone was insisting that I must be some huge nerd or something. All I meant by what I said was that I obviously am not a nerd considering this isn't my only relationship. Are teenage relatioinships bad examples? Perhaps, but 'nerds' don't even have those, generally. So, yea... I'd suggest everyone shuts up about it, because in my mind, anyone who [bleep]es about anything I said is just an idiot. You lack comprehension of anything and are merely attacking one side of what I said because you want to start [cabbage]. Have fun with that.
  15. I'd hate to think that you're one of the people posting here that aren't intelligent enough to see both sides of something, but you're disappointing me by missing one key thing - teenage relationships mean pretty much nothing. Girls at that age like to move from guy to guy to guy and guys like to move from girl to girl to girl. I liked to keep them more longer-term, but little girls are little girls, not women. :P
  16. The timing was usually wrong. For the first few years, we were just too young. I met her when I was like 14 and she was 15, so. The last couple years were the years where we were *THIS* close to meeting but at the last minute somethnig changed and screwed it up.
  17. Should probably keep the PS3. The 360 is better, but in the future...Might be a year, might be 2, might be 3, who knows, but the PS3 will be getting all the love from developers. More disk space and what not, you know.
  18. What BS story? What "talking myself up"? Someone was putting me down, I merely set them straight. No bragging involved. My life isn't amazing, it's just normal. It isn't ABNORMAL as some r-tards here would try to imply. And I never claimed to be a "player". Players are [developmentally delayed]ed. I respect women, players do not. All my girlfriends have been just that, girlfriends. Not F-buddies. I told that dude to [bleep] off and die because I'm tired of moronic people. "OHhh you is such a nerd manz, u gotz gf on 'netz lolz!"...so? And you don't have one PERIOD, do you? Yea, thought so. Besides, what's the difference? Ohhh yea...The fact that we couldn't have sex. Well, your true colors show, don't they, guys? Who is the "player" now? :roll: You're all a bunch of morons as far as I'm concerned. Look at you, debating on how I MUST be the typical stereotype "guy" or "nerd", well which is it, you dumb [bleep]s? Which one? Can't be both, can I? Eels, 12 girlfriends by 15 here is what we call a [bleep]ing "teenager", not a player. They obviously weren't serious, it was just my way of telling you "see? obviously I can't be too big of a nerd if girls DO like me, can I?" I'm not bragging about it, I'm setting you idiots straight. The true intelligence of you people really is shining. There are like 3 people that posted who actually understand what I've been trying to convey, and THEY alone are the intelligent ones in this thread. The rest of you? Utterly uncapable of comprehension of anything, apparently. You see one side and attack what you don't like about it and completely ignore the other side. Put yourself in my shoes...What would you have done or said? The same damn thing. It's not bragging, it's freakin' telling it how it is. You guys called me a nerd, baselessly, and I set it straight. Now I should be ashamed? [bleep] off, seriously. Nothing fancy, just [bleep] off. I'll tell you to die if I want to. Do you know why I would say something so harsh? Because your useless BS is not wanted. At least when I attack someone, it has some base to it. They said something stupid, did something stupid, etc. You just out-right called me a nerd because you liked the stereotype. And now all of a sudden I've reaffirmed it for defending myself? Seriously, now, more than ever, [bleep] off. The real point of this thread now - I'm back from her house, and I had an awesome time! We didn't do much that most people would consider "exciting"...You know, jumping out of airplanes and climbing Mt. Everest. But we were together and we enjoyed eachothers company and that was all that mattered to us. We went out to eat a bunch, blah blah blah. Normal stuff. I didn't get to meet her mom because it turned out she had to go to the hospital to see her grandpa because he may be dying from cancer in his throat, so she was never around. It was kind of a blessing, actually, because we had 2 weeks to ourselves without feeling baby-sitted. :P Don't really know what else to say. I had a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll do it again. No, I don't have any pictures. No camera, you see. :P Even if I did, I doubt I would have posted them here. Privacy and all. Anyone who wants to see ME can easily look at my MSN display picture anyways. :P Now, admins of tip.it, kindly ban me for my outragious outburst. Can't have people defending themselves from unwarranted attacks, you know.
  19. I don't do drugs, but I do have one thing to say to all the "OMG! DRUGS R 4 LOZERS! LOL!" crowd... You are aware that - every night - your pinial gland excretes what could probably be considered the "most illegal" drug in the world, right? It's called DMT and it is what induces REM sleep, which you would die without having. It's also illegal to possess in it's pure form, which can be made from almost all living things - some better than others. You can synthesize it out of grass, for example. Yes, grass. Like your lawn.
  20. Yea, I never use any stimulants. No caffeine for me. Haven't drank soda in like 4 years, even. :P
  21. Well, as it stands, if I DON'T go back to sleep today (probably won't, I have to work out and shower and wash my car and blah blah blah) I'll be up for 24 hours by the time I get to her place...Not too bad, but I don't really want to show up droopy-eyed and crap. :lol:
  22. Oh yea, and awesomeness update! Her mom isn't going to be there for a few days when I arrive. Apparently, her grandpa is in the hospital and she's goign to visit him for a few days. An apartment to ourselves for like 2 or 3 days! Aweeeeesome. I'm all packed and ready to drive all night. Sadly, I fell asleep a few hours before I intended this morning, so I woke up at like noon instead of the 4 PM time I wanted to wake up at. For anyone wondering why I'd sleep so erradically...Try driving 15 hours through the night while TIRED. :P Lucky for me, the girlfriend also sleeps like that because she works nights.
  23. Please. I've had like 12 other girlfriends in my life, and if you've noted (you haven't, obviously), I said I've been with her for the last 5 years, give or take. So that means those were all before I was even 15/16... Oh snap. I'm such a nerd for dating like, every girl in my class in highschool. :lol: You know, I don't mean to seem like I'm bragging about stuff, 'cause it's stupid to brag like you're better than someone else, but honestly...How can you just stereotype me hardcore and assume "nerd!"? You know niether me or my girlfriend, and we're both not very nerdy. I mean, we like to play video games in our free-time, that's about as nerdy as we get. She's a beautiful woman, and I'm told I'm an attractive guy, so I really fail to see how we couldn't meet anyone in real life? It's by choice that we do not. She lives in the middle of nowhere so she can't really meet people, and she has no desire to. SHE LIVES IN KENTUCKY, and from what I hear, the guys there are all back-[wagon]-wards cowboy wannabe's with bad dental hygeine. I thought THAT was a stereotype, but apparently it's somewhat true! As for myself, I've met plenty of people in real life, but no girls that I like as much as her. She's not easy, she's not stupid, she's not a Paris Hilton clone. Everyone else IS. The last time her and I "broke up" for a month or so (happened a couple times just because of stress, no biggie), I went to my sister's birthday party and one of her friends was all over me all night. Like I said, I don't mean to brag like I'm some uber-studly d00d, but seriously...Hush. I'd be willing to bet that even though I met my girlfriend online, I'd wager that I'm infinately less nerdy than even you are, and you could be the coolest guy your friends know, for all I know. It just doesn't matter. I'm still less nerdy. :P *Ahem* Now that I feel like a 13 year old bragging about stupid crap that doesn't matter, I'm going to just end it with this: Die. Who are you to rain on my parade? That's right, no one. You're no one.
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