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Everything posted by Maximiliank

  1. Even considered saying "Law me".........
  2. Unfortunately not... Probably seemed like a scary time for RuneScape... TPUM DID see it though.
  3. Noooooooooo ! TPUM has high alched an onion...
  4. The penguin gets out a rubber chicken and attacks you viciously ! Oh dear, you are dead ! Inserts a shiny new coin...
  5. The floor opens up under you and you fall into my dungeon. You are held by strong magicks and the vending machine falls on you and you become "squished"... I build a vending machine out of steel bars and I insert a coin.
  6. You get nothing. You walk away, but turn round and notice a single bottle of a smelly liquid has been dispensed. You drink the liquid. Oh dear, you are dead ! You still have the bottle and give it to a lvl 3 fresh off tutorial island. He drinks it and becomes lvl 523 and kills you with his bronze dagger in one shot. Oh dear, you are dead AGAIN !!!!
  7. Wildy sign ! Commonly found in grassy areas.
  8. quote me! I refuse! ... oops :oops: o.o there we go! Lol :lol: you are qouted :D Good game. this is getting long :D keep quoting! you can quote more than once you know! really? ddin't know! wouldn't it be like spamming? no, spamming is like quoting 5 times in a row lol looks like a box in a box in a box in a box........... wow that thing looks cool the maturity of you all is so big... oo shiny things!!!! getting huge :P Really? didn't notice, i'll make it a bit bigger so i do... soooo..............biiig........... This is one of the best ideas since the Dragon Battle Axe... I've been hypnotized!(so has my post count!) so what u guys have for breakfast? holy crag man this is awesome lol 0WN4G3 cows eat grass runescape eats money Are we just suppose to quote? how do we quote people? wat the heck is a quote? :lol: This topic lags :( If a mod plays this game, I play it.Albosky is an admin! And this topic DOES lag :| poop 1. I have no lag. 2. This is fun !!!!!!
  9. nope. TPUM likes cheese on toast
  10. fgfuyfyuiuy0 maybe ??? No, my way is more fun thugoifeeewwy0...
  11. You forget to eat for a long time... And drink... And sleep... And do anything else except spin in circles until.......
  12. Banned for having a Zammy Staff when I can't get one.
  13. I respawn in Lumbridge, hurry to YOUR machine, and get you with Flames of Zamorak - all hitting 20s at least - and you die. I take the Coke can cluthed in your hand, drink it, insert a coin and tele to Camelot.
  14. Banned for wanting pies and cookies. That's my job......................
  15. An error meaasge appears on the screen. The excess money is shot out the front of the machine, all $999,999,999,999 worth. Oh dear you are dead ! And a Coke can pops out too... I take one of your coins and I put it into the machine...........
  16. Not if you have loads of money it they aren't. Proper Indian Curry is good for you.
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