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Everything posted by m3ta93

  1. Personally i like it ! These other dweebs are just jealous.
  2. make more fat rolls on his body. Make him floating out to sea on an iceberg. Add little penguin feet sticking out from under his body like he squashed them. Then give it to me :P Anyway great wip. Cant wait to see the finished product!
  3. Use moho. It's full version free demo. The animations in my sig are forom moho.
  4. Let me try to get this clear. ( and maybe clear it up for others). You believe enlightenment is when everything has been done. Saying that on each plane of the universe everything must be done at least once. And once enlightened everything explodes,implodes, or replodes, correct? Though I dont understand the last part I beleive the enlightenment part is very plausible if not true.
  5. lolo and Ill bet there are noobs out there creating new chars so they can get the almighty 10k and eventuallly become rich by doing it with multiple chars.
  6. you swing your axe at the tree. you wonder how people can enjoy doing this!?
  7. because you're better than that. sup homies?
  8. welcome to runescape it seems to be looking at you (gate of war) welcome to runescape not man's best friend (wolf) welcome to runescape an oasis of peace in the nightmare of war (gift of peace)
  9. 8/10 i like it more than your last 1
  10. k man this fits into to places help and advice and general cause it is on runescape and stats so go in your corner and rot in.... :-w thats the worst comeback ive ever heard. he wasnt dissing u at all. settle down ya spastic noob.
  11. I myself also found these hidden in tut island : Ok, whos the sleaze bag who figured how to get past the lvl 3 mining cap on tut island and didnt post it on the internet?
  12. srry i wont be able to make it. got a vacation to go on
  13. Do I smell some 7 year old trying to find a way to insult me? i'm on the computer a lot because it is the school holidays. I do go outside and play football, for your information ;) Lol. Half the school are my friends. Tail me for a normal school day and the next day you'll be hiding from me. I have tons of friends, perhaps you are just jealous? Lol, this is wierd, now m3ta is aiding me. Let's truce? Hey man its cool. I was never flaming you intentionally . Just making a point. If you recall i at 1 point in time made a forum cake for u
  14. umm.. im not sure if u thought u were helping me but i can deal with and 11 year old on my own. btw your post was way out of line dont be bashing him like that. its his choice if he wishes to go outside or not or make a stupid comment. whatever i got over what he said because i dont take what 11year olds say seriously. Uh dude, he turned 12 about half an hour ago :) . Anyway, in responce to the first post, it is just plan low to bash anyone on such grounds. He can do whatever he wants, and if that means playing rs, fine. Anyway, lets face it, RS can get boring, and he probably does do things other then RS in hs RL life. depends wat time zone ur in. think before you post something stupid next time. where im at it 9.
  15. umm.. im not sure if u thought u were helping me but i can deal with and 11 year old on my own. btw your post was way out of line dont be bashing him like that. its his choice if he wishes to go outside or not or make a stupid comment. whatever i got over what he said because i dont take what 11year olds say seriously.
  16. You and i both think alike. I think we were deprived as children. I know that i personally also did a lot of this : :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: #-o. Ahh the good old days *sigh*.
  17. meet meata meatman (someloser) atem (some guy who thought it was my real name backwards) ect.
  18. Bashing poeple's spelling. That shows how desperate you are. Very classy. =D> =D> =D> Wow when i was your age ,10 years ago, I never would have thought to be so disrespectful as to call adults intoxicated. Or at least not stupid enough to say it where they could hear me. Unlike your bratty little self. Anyway, have a very happy birthday.
  19. Wow, were you like intoxicated when that was written? Cause if you read the whole thread, you're wrong... srry i wont be able to maake it . also u seem to act less mature the longer this thread lives. "were u intoxicated when you wrote that?" grow up. just because you have a b day doesnt mean every1 will drop everything theyre doing and come. most ppl could care less actually. (shocking, i know, but the world actually doesnt revolve around u.)
  20. +1 Edit: Get over it people. Stop being like "omg, hes under 13, lets flame like hell!" Judging by his post count, and his reputation he is fine, and mature. Is there any reason why he should not play rs (other then the under-13 rule.) There seems to be some sort of terrible steroytyping that anybody under 13 is an immature spoilt brat, who plays for the "dating" aspect of the game. He is obvioulsly not. I am under 13 myself, and I have never done anything profane within RS. So, please stop the flaming (we need a begging emoticon. I know, it could be misused Thats it, tommorow I am going to create a rant "The 12-Year Old Sterotype." Anyway, lets all wish him a happy birthday. I dont think I can come, :( . But, I will try, assuming it is in a convient time for my timezone. Edit: (again) Too bad Sydney is not in that time zone clock thingy. Ill find another one and post the link here. Thank you. :) In reply to m3ta93's first post: What a great birthday you people are making this... Thank you to everybody who posted happy birthday and POSITIVE stuff :P You can find Australian and NZ times by clickng Pacific/Australia on the menu thingy. i cant beleive you just wrote this after i made a point to make that you are a matture young adult. but i cant say i wouldnt do the same thing in your position. as for everyone else get over the wannabe mod crap
  21. aight ill try to be there .Ill Bring a present too.
  22. yes lets have a little fun now. blow out the candles .......... ^ .. ^ .. ^ .. ^ .. ^ . .^ ......... / / . / / . / / . / / . / /. / / .......| ................................| .......|.................................| .......| ................................| .......|........HBD YAY.............| ......| ................................| .......|.................................| i made this because im f2p so i wont be able to make it edit: ummm... its a cake just so you know
  23. The reason Jagex made the rule is to keep the immaturity away from the community. You seem to be a nice leveled headed kid in which case i have no problem sharing my time with people like you over the internet. As for the i ruined your whole day bs, thats the kind of immaturity that needs to be controlled. Anyway you'll find no sympathy here except from those who are your friends. And another, point stating and restating that you joined before the rule doesnt help your cause any. As for the law, he cannot be banned for being 10 just because the new rule has come out since then , but he could be banned now that the rule is in affect. Think about it. In January you are driving in a car talking on a cell phone and the law is accepted in February that you may not talk on a cell phone while driving. You cannot be fined for talking on the phone in January ,but anytime after the law was accepted you may be fined for it. Simply stating to an officer that you have been 'talking and driving at the same time for some years now,' does not mean that he cant ticket you. Therefore you are not above the law. :shame: The same principles apply to runscape. You cant be banned for being 10 and playing, but you very well may be banned for playing whilst only being 11 or 12, for you yourself are not above the rules. :shame: Anyway have a great b day and goodluck to ya. You have a number of good years ahead of ya, kid. =D>
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