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Everything posted by MageUK

  1. What do you see on this page? (screenshot would be good) http://forum.tip.it/index.php?app=blog&module=manage
  2. [spoiler=Contains some profanity!]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZpxUjxrqwo&hd=1
  3. You can't do it just with HTML unless you use hyperlinks and send the user to another page to see the answers.
  4. Ability to turn that line off has now been turned back on... if that makes sense. :)
  5. Oh right, I remember this bug. For some reason if you leave the option blank (ie. just use hide and not hide="blah") then it sets that blah value to the content of your hide tags. Let me find the fix.
  6. That's psychological given that none of the screenshots are on the CDN. :) Only images which are on the CDN are images we host (ie. buttons, logos, profile photos, gallery images).
  7. Improvement here too. :) The biggest improvements are likely to be outside of the USA as the forum server is located in the USA anyway. However people in the USA are still likely to see some small improvements as the CDN has North America extremely well covered.
  8. The CDN is now fully operational on the forum.
  9. I can understand hosting the background images, rank images, and button images for the themes out on some content delivery network. But, doesn't hosting profile photos out there sound a little ludicrous, and doesn't it also carry the risk of that CDN possibly spilling out stuff (thereby causing privacy violations) to unwanted 3rd/4th parties? :blink: I trust you and the rest of the Tip.It Staff to not go spilling out stuff. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's to never trust a CDN with Profile-specific stuff. (I've even ABP'd a few CDNs due to their linkage to bad tracking-loaded advertising. My web history is mine, and not for Advertisers to be poking in.) So, I seriously recommend keeping the Profile Photo functions retained on the Forums themselves. Well, unless you wouldn't mind letting people link those in from their PhotoBucket/ImageShack/etc. Accounts finally? :huh: ~D. V. "Really, there's privacy concerns to be considered here..." Devnull (p.s.: Right now, I'm severely tilted towards pulling down my Profile Photo during this test...) The only thing that will be copied there are profile photos which are freely available for anyone to grab just by visiting your profile anyway (all profiles on TIF are public and don't require a login). The CDN doesn't do anything with the images other than store them, and it will get purge them after 3 hours and grab them from our server again.
  10. Hello Tip.It users! At Tip.it we're always trying to improve the user experience for you guys and as the next step in this we're going to be trialling the use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) on our website and forums. The trial will start with the forum and then a little while after, the website. We haven't decided how long the trial will last yet and we'll make a decision about whether to keep it or not after the trial. What does a CDN do? Basically it should speed up the website and forums to be even quicker than they already are! Currently we have one server in the USA which handles the forums, and all of the images, styling, javascript etc. is passed to you from that server. When the CDN is implemented, this content will be copied to many servers all over the world, and will be sent to you from the nearest server, which should speed up the loading of pages. While the saving is only milliseconds per element served, this soon builds up and creates a faster experience for you. What will this change? For now, if you upload a new profile photo, it may take up to 3 hours before the photo is updated, so don't worry if it doesn't display immediately. We'll be looking at a way to rectify this if we decide to keep the system full time. This topic will be left open for you to leave your comments and questions, or report any faults if you find them. Thanks!
  11. I've added an RSS feed for that forum, currently we won't be adding feeds for all forums as the feeds have to be created manually and we select what we want in them. http://forum.tip.it/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=rss&type=forums&id=3
  12. Done. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFM140rju4k
  13. The problem should be fixed now although it may cause some scrollbars when there's no image stretching the page on some older browsers, there's nothing we can do to fix both issues.
  14. Should be implemented now: [qfc]13-14-864-62041246[/qfc] [qfc]13-14-864-62041246[/qfc]
  15. Because that i7-950 at 3.06GHz would outperform a 3.0GHz AMD hexcore, never mind the quad core. But surely 3GHz is 3GHz, regardless of brand (perhaps if you tested w/o cache?) Not true. The way instructions and such are processed has a large effect on how fast the chips are. An i5 or i7 will beat AMD's offering at the same clocks, the new i5s and i7s will beat the old ones at the same clocks with the same caches.
  16. Because that i7-950 at 3.06GHz would outperform a 3.0GHz AMD hexcore, never mind the quad core.
  17. Just because you were running RS doesn't mean there couldn't be a routing problem between you and the server. Our web server doesn't respond to pings, so it's entirely normal for those requests to be timing out, it's also normal for requests to begin timing out in a tracert like that. Routers quite often drop packets which are non-important (ie. ICMP) which is what they're doing. Search Suggestions are working for me. :/
  18. I just had dinner and came back, and the first thing I type "grimy irit" triggers a 403. I'm guess because every single keystroke sends a packet for search suggestions, when I finally click the result I get a 403. I suggest providing a way to disable search suggestions altogether, or at least increase the time threshold. I've literally just this minute added a 300 millisecond delay between you typing and it suggesting which should pretty much solve the issue unless you're a really slow typer. Yay, thanks. Nice sig, too. How come this issue hasn't come up before? EDIT: Why in Guthix's name do we have "Whiteberry seeds" and "White Berries"?! Surely we could standardize the spacing? Tripsis is correct, it's how Jagex does them.
  19. I just had dinner and came back, and the first thing I type "grimy irit" triggers a 403. I'm guess because every single keystroke sends a packet for search suggestions, when I finally click the result I get a 403. I suggest providing a way to disable search suggestions altogether, or at least increase the time threshold. I've literally just this minute added a 300 millisecond delay between you typing and it suggesting which should pretty much solve the issue unless you're a really slow typer.
  20. We had some forum issues earlier today but as you can see they're fixed now. The HTTP 403 thing is because you're hitting the site too many times in X seconds, I'm going to try and reduce that happening now.
  21. She knows she doesn't have to post on my profile so I know she loves me.

  22. If you're after the drive for the speed then go for a lower capacity SSD as the seek and read (and probably write) speeds will be better.
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