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Everything posted by oreocookie987

  1. Oh my when was it, I think I've been retired for about a year and a half now... I came back for about a month in August 2009 on a sudden impulse to get 99 Cooking, got it in a week then quit again. I just poke around the forums nowadays.
  2. Mmm cool, I remember the Fishing Guild and Rellekka but this "living rock caverns" is after my time so I have no idea what that is, have you tried the Piscatoris Colony? Where you catch Monkfish. It was pretty fast for me when I did my 99 Fishing and back in my day those little beauties sold for a good chunk of money.
  3. Oh god I haven't played this game in so long now, too many good things happening in the real world. I just come on the forums once in a while to check up on you guys.
  4. A few things, I'll put 'em into a list. 1. Your avatar is perhaps one of the greatest I've ever seen on these forums. 2. I totally forgot what this one was. 3. Great progress, keep it up. Where do you do your Fishing?
  5. The time has come! There will be Mudkipz in the water supply and Baconators in the streets! Toast shall rain down from the skies and cabbage shall rise again! The hour is upon us at last, prepare for battle! Muahahahaahaahaahaahaaahahaaha!!!
  6. I'm awesomer. Thanks. (lookin' now I realize "awesomer" isn't a word but what the hell, its already out there) Hi Saru. There, now this post is relevant. Now, fly away! Dun du duhhhh!!
  7. So yeah.... I was gonna say something, but I forgot. Damn it. What was it? Oh yeah! Happy birthday. See? I remembered.
  8. Please disregard this post, as it is nothing more than a figment of your imagination.
  9. Ugh if it wasn't for trade limits I could fund your entire Throne Room, its not like I'm using the money haha Damn you Jagex!
  10. Quick find code: 13-14-673-59348759 Thanks much. He says the display-name change system will be released "shortly". Unfortunately, Jagex's shortly is 4-6 months....
  11. I've actually regretted my name for quite a while, so I'd be first in line to change even if they charge to do it. I'll still keep Oreo since I'm pretty well known for the name but I'll dump the numbers and think of something better. Off topic, can anyone post a link to that Q&A where this was mentioned?
  12. You're gonna be so cute in your Firemaking cape omg I'm gonna make the bestest outfit for you omgggg *16-year old girl scream*
  13. Honestly, some of the new costumes like the Warlock Costume and such look like the type of project a fifth grader slaps together on the bus on his way to school on the due date. I didn't even bother to do the last few items, I don't need a giant rotting carrot thanks. I did most of the older holiday events, the only other items I still use/wear are the Easter Ring (turns you into an egg), the red/white scarf, and off course Rubber Chicken :]
  14. Same here brother! Also I'm level 1 Hunter with 0 xp, lets see how many members can say that haha.
  15. I've been using Fast Sc actually, Toast introduced me to it when he made me go play with him for the first time and I've been using it ever since haha, but thanks.
  16. Oohhhh hey. Yeah thats pretty much exactly how I do it, only I always switch between the Alchemy and Teleportation spells on the lvl 99 Anvil. I fail at Range though, never broken 900 points on it. Agility I've gotten over a 1000 but never over 1200... and Magic I've scored over 1200 both times haha. Got three pieces of Circus clothes the other day. Tightrope top from Ranged, Clown bottoms from Agility, and Ringmaster shirt from Magic. I got the Hat and Shirt now, gonna keep trying till I have the whole set. Haven't started any of my goals really, done a bit of Stealing Creation for some Sacred Pickaxes to reduce the Mining load, and been Fishing some Monks.
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