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Everything posted by 25leaf

  1. Agreed, And honsetly Chr!stopher it looks like you are just asking for trouble. You don't want trouble start begging it to come to you.
  2. 1st it would be members only and members hate to mine for the most part to my knowledge. 2nd ore respawn would put a pretty unmoveable cap on the ore pre hour.
  3. One time my sister called me up, and I left the room to talk to her. However I apperentlyforgot to log out, and forgot the hobgoblins would remain agreesive at my level for another 10 minutes. Few mintues later I come back with 12 hits, and my full rune on, which was just about all I had at the time.
  4. reported for merchanting! Me: What the heck?
  5. I think I have right around 60 at the moment. I toped out around 80 though.
  6. just adding my two cents really quick. You said you traded before. Even if you trade once in your life or sell an item to a shop or buy an item from a shop (also a very important part of the Runescape economy), then the economy has affected you. The economy sets those prices that you sold at and made your cash off of. I would also agree that everyone would say something else is more important in Runescape. I would say the people that play it and the staff that maintain it are the most important aspect. It all depends on your perspective. What is important is simply a matter of opinion. Good work guys lets keep cranking these out!
  7. 6-7 mil depending on the prices that day.
  8. I can't wait to see the Faldor times :roll: Anything made by someone under the age of 10 well rock!
  9. 2 chisels for 40k. It was actualy two different trades for 20k each.
  10. 6/10 little choppy for my likes and I don't fully get it I guess.
  11. If you want pure exp and don't care about making money: willows If you want somewhat slower exp and want to make a bit of profit: maples If you don't give a care about exp then at 65 woodcuting plus:yews
  12. cheapest way to go is buy a ton of body runes and earth. Grab a water staff. Wear any full malee set and head to a place where monsters can't attack you. Chasam mine, Varrock sewers across from zombies...
  13. 3/10 you seem to be in every thread I go to these days.
  14. With strength like that at his combat he must have about -100000 attack, so I wouldn't worry about him hitting you much
  15. 90%+ of all autoing programs already have the ablity to use pins... Good idea though because it would force people to use pins. Normaly I am against forcing people to do anything, but sometimes you have to do it for their own good.
  16. I had just spent a month making steel bars, and merchanted for a week. All of that went toward my full guthix which I still have. My stats... lower then what I have now? lol
  17. Looking good. Looks like the time is coming up when we go abroad to other forums.
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