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Everything posted by The_Fray

  1. Some goals aren't all fun. Just like going to college/university. School isn't fun. Exams and homework aren't fun either, but it gets you one step closer to your goal of having a fulfilling life. Achieving those goals will not make you any happier. Real job > McDonalds You dont need to go to college to get a well-paying or enjoyable career. Where I live, I do need an education. College is not the only means for an education, people that did not go to college are by no means illiterate. I don't even know why I am joining this argument...
  2. No I dont either, none of my experience has been gained from effigies. I have them stockpiled though, in the hopes that I could use them one day when I had the required skills. Unfortunately I can do so no more, and that is the reason I am annoyed.
  3. I agree, which is why there are so many angry people on here. Getting effigies was usually a lot more fun than crafting runes (I have done both, I have 15.5mil rc xp by just running essence). Effigies provided a boost to those hard to train skills and also gave people a reason to train a skill like slayer which provides no other benefits.
  4. Maybe maxing will become more respectable now. I'm playing this game for fun not respect. And if you do not find Runecrafting fun, then why train it? (with effigies or conventional methods) People have goals in this game which range from maxing to completionist cape, why is this such a hard concept to understand?
  5. That's ridiculous, just like you're saying 'effigyscapers' are 'butthurt' I could say you are, because you are a bit unlucky with effigy drops. I'm not sure how many people get effigy drops at reasonable intervals, but it's definitely much more than 5%, given the popularity of Assist Clan, w117 Daemonheim and the number of people hunting cave crawlers etc. This isn't about whether effigies should provide less xp. It's about the way of nerfing them. This way, everyone who has an effigy right now has to dump it ASAP to get the better xp rates. It basically penalizes you for playing the way the game was meant to be played. Because playing to achieve your goal is how the game is meant to be played. I got my last effigy in November. Wanna know why? Like MOST people who play Runescape, I do NOT farm them. My life of Runescape does not revolve around spamming cavecrawlers so I can level agility. I could care less about effigies because I hardly ever get them doing the things I enjoy in Runescape. I'm sorry if you are still mad and all about Runescape not being fun anymore because it just got a little more challenging for you. Before mummies, I hadn't received an effigy since last May only because I wasn't training combat. At least there are only a few skills that I need to work on before I work on slayer. Personally, I think Jagex will change this. This screws over people who have effigies from slayer and don't like skilling like crazy before slayer. The change would be a lot more tolerable if they make it so that effigies from slayer are not affected as currently it affects slayer the most. Tasks which were good are now bad because you cannot use effigies as a justification to do them.
  6. People stopped training skills legitimately once effigies came out. Now they are butthurt that they don't have an easy way out of training skills. No... It's Jagex's fault for making the game function this way. It makes absolutely no sense that I now have to go find someone with the required skills to open my effigies. This is a stupid update. I put the blame on Jagex for creating Effigies in the first place. I am disappoint about the update too, but all I see is Jagex fixing a mistake they made long ago. Except it doesn't fix that. People will still use effigies, they will just spare skills like slayer for after their 97 effigy skills. So it just makes more troublesome, without solving anything. You have heard the phrase "Don't fix what isn't broken" right? Effigies were pretty broken, and they were fixed. I agree that effigies turned this game in the wrong direction, since I think skills should be trained by doing them. However, my point is that this didn't fix effigies. I can still train my rc level by effigy-scaping, I just can't hoard effigies before I get the skills to do them. If they lowered the xp an effegy gives, made them more rare, or even took them out of the game, then it would be fixing the problem they created. But they made it to where you can't go from 91 to 99 Runecrafting in 1 day using effigies. See its stuff like this that makes me question whether you truly have any knowledge on what you are commenting on.
  7. I am sorry but I just don't feel you have a grasp of how significant this update is for most people.
  8. People stopped training skills legitimately once effigies came out. Now they are butthurt that they don't have an easy way out. Because the alternative is Runecrafting. You could take the "Vezon Fenrak Approach" to skilling. "If you don't like the skill, don't train it." Ever since effigies, the game has been about maxing more than anything. It shortened the time to max by only a little, comparable to for example urns, penance horn, penguins etc. all put to together. That is a lot for one update, but not game-breaking. The main thing is you can max out with combat now (mostly) and skillers feel left out. Imagine you could only get effigies from fishing rocktails, cutting ivy etc.. Would all the people who would then be 'effigyscapers' be happy if they got basically removed? Jagex is just stupid. They didn't consider the implications of adding effigies and now, over a year later, they feel the game has become too much about them. Instead of just buffing non-effigy xp rates and/or lowering effigy xp, they come up with this solution, which completely ruins the 'saving' and 'opening yourself' aspect of effigies. This is exactly how I feel, I wanted to open my effigies myself not have somebody else do them for me. It gave me an incentive to train my skills. Now if you do not have to skills to open the effigy you get, you will get a reduced effigy rate until you get it opened.
  9. People stopped training skills legitimately once effigies came out. Now they are butthurt that they don't have an easy way out of training skills. No... It's Jagex's fault for making the game function this way. It makes absolutely no sense that I now have to go find someone with the required skills to open my effigies. This is a stupid update.
  10. This is undoubtedly the stupidest update, I lack the skills necessary to open my effigies and had since then been working my skills to ensure that I could. With this update I now have to get someone to open my effigies every time I get one. So much fail. Brb I am going to go rage on RSOF.
  11. YOU WILL BE KICKED FROM THIS PARTY IN 15 SECONDS. SPEND THIS TIME TO MESS UP THEIR DUNGEON AS MUCH AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. The only way I can think off is hiding keys. Maybe there are more ways but there has to be a way so that someone who just got a rare slayer drop can somehow retain it.
  12. I believe someone in the mummies guide posted a link of Mod Emilee saying that the mummies are indeed working as intended.
  13. Go to World 117, and there are usually people searching for effigies with 91 crafting, you can boost and assist them for 30k xp. Just use pots to make your flasks for now.
  14. Another thing, you do not have to explain your name to anyone. There are a few people that do genuinely support SOPA, and everyone has a right to their opinion.
  15. I think there should be timer before someone gets kicked. Sure this could lead to other problems but they could make it so that the person getting kicked has all keys/ggs/chisel taken out of their inventory and sent to base. They will also not be allowed to pick up the ggs/keys after the kick vote has gone through.
  16. Maximum hit is 358 with Gravite 2H and these other variables. so back on topic lol is 31 prayer worth getting ? Problem is most pkers do not post in H&A. At least as far as what I know, quite a few regular H&A posters are not pkers. You could try the Graveyard section but I am not sure it is as active as it used to be.
  17. The problem is that just saying "this is rubbish" or "this bored me to tears" isn't constructive criticism. All we ask for is that people be constructive to actually help the writers understand where they went wrong and how they can do it better next time. You're still perfectly able to express dislike for an article or discuss why you think it's bad, it just has to be done in a constructive way. That honestly isn't too much to ask. What would be the point in opening threads if people weren't constructive? Non-constructive posts do not fuel discussion or help the writers. They're just saying it sucks and that's it. That doesn't help anybody. In an ideal world the readers would provide constructive criticism and the writers would take it into consideration. Unfortunately neither happens. Instead I am told if I dont like things the way they are, I should step up and write my own article. Sorry but I am not going to do that. This above is not directed at you tripsis, just generally speaking.
  18. Posting comments that only serve the purpose of insulting someone (or unconstructive comments) are against our forum rules in general. They're not something that we only apply to the Tip.It Times discussions. As you said, we do try to promote a positive atmosphere. All users deserve to be treated with respect, which means being constructive in replies rather than just saying "this sucks." We want to avoid rudeness and unhelpful comments. I honestly say "Why not show us what you can do" because people downplay how difficult it is to be on the Editorial Panel. People don't seem to understand how difficult it is to write every week and come up with an idea that has not been discussed before, come up with something that will interest people, all the while paying attention to writing a high quality article. It's a lot harder than people let on. It saddens me when people talk as if this should be the easiest job in the world, but it's not. That's why I think that if people are so quick to criticize, they should give it a try and see how difficult it really is. It might lead to more understanding and respect for the team. Nobody is perfect. And it's even harder to be perfect consistently (week to week) than it is to be perfect once. We are always striving to improve and do the very best we can but sometimes we do have off weeks and we're not perfect. I just wish people would realize and understand that. Why would it be insulting? Maybe I just have a thicker skin than most people but attacking someone`s writing should not be taken as an insult. What is the point of a discussion though then, if you are going to take every criticism personally then there is no point to opening the threads at all. While yes it would be nice for everyone to understand how much effort the writers put into this, I just don`t see the place for the ``show us what you can do``reply. I also wish the authors would not take every little bit of criticism personally.
  19. Alright, maybe they are not hiding it but they are not doing anything to let people know about this either. I would give you a link but this would lead to more hackings, would you seriously want that? The conclusion - it's obvious. Smart people like cocacolabottle do not falll for phishers and keyloggers therefore there is only one option left - recovering. Then perhaps you can do us all a favour and provide this link to the admins just so that they can warn users that some of their information is out there.
  20. Well just posting "this article was garbage" is against our rules because it's not constructive and serves no purpose other than to insult the author. But you can be constructive by politely outlining the flaws in the article. For example, you could say something like: or: If you say something like that, you can still get your point across but in a way that is constructive and not just insulting (like "this was complete garbage, how could you publish this?"). Of course which is why I have never said anything like that in the discussion thread. But the truth is you guys need to relax on a little bit of the rules concerning criticism. If someone were to insult my writing, I would certainly not take it personally because it is hardly personal. In fact my high school English teacher probably offered the best criticism to all our writing and that without sugar coating anything. That was probably the only English class where I actually learnt something. Point being, relax the rules. If I call an article a `snorefest` suddenly I am ``attacking`` the article. I never try to take things on a personal level with any author and if I do ``attack`` anything it is the piece of writing that is published not the person that wrote it. Also while I understand the fact that you are trying to promote a positive atmosphere, those responses that you posted would be something I would never post. Just seems bland and lacking flavour. :P Another thing that really annoys me is when the debates get slightly heated and this argument pops up every time ``If you are so good, why not show us what you can do``. I have been on this site for a long time if I had any inclination of joining the panel I would have already. Some of us have other commitments, others are simply out of touch with an ever changing game. Using that as a rebuttal serves only annoy.
  21. Wrong. Let me tell you a story tip.it admins try to hide/cover up. Tip.it got hacked. It's databases with ip-s, passwords and emails got leaked all over the internet. Now if your tip.it's password matches your previous RuneScape password, it can easily be used to recover your account. Not a smart thing to tell on public forums as the account creation date is one of the things needed when recovering an account. No. Nobody is trying to hide anything, tip.it did get hacked. After the hack we were all told to change our passwords to all accounts that shared the same password as our TIF account. And way to be dramatic, `leaked all over the internet`, if it has been leaked all over, you should have no problem producing a link. Besides how did you jump to the conclusion that the OP got hacked because TIF got hacked. Also you need the approximate date of when the account was created to recover it, saying that you have been playing since `04 will not get you the account.
  22. The thing with owning a bneck is you want all the meeleers on you, so you could tell me to dehood but dehooding exposes me to all the rangers in the room which basically rape me because I have literally no defence (assuming mages are dead). The nice thing about the plate is that I take far less damage while making full use of my bneck. I know to many this may seem stupid, but it makes sense to me. I am more concerned about floor times rather than coming out of the dungeon without a death. The only place I will miss the hood is at poltergeist or emotes and other rooms where hood definitely saves time.
  23. I believe there are quite a few at the forinthry dungeon risking nothing and carrying falador tabs. It is a multi combat zone, so once you get barrage you can wreck them. If you are maxed you can`t do it as most bots are in the 80-90 combat level range. You also do run the risk of being pked yourself and it being multi combat means you can die before you know it.
  24. This is primarily the reason I stopped merchanting, when the same margins that you have been using for a while suddenly reduce to the point where you just don`t feel like it is worth the effort to merchant anymore. Considering I have a very small cash pile due to training herblore and summoning, it is increasingly frustrating when the item that you have been selling consistently for price X suddenly drops so that you have to keep adjusting. I need my monies so that I can merchant or buy other stuff and the having all your cash pile stuck in a merch that yields so little profit is really depressing.
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