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Everything posted by noname713

  1. Next time you meet someone who owns a sword-cane, show him some respect :roll: I wish for you to lose something tomorrow :twisted:
  2. Quite honestly, if they gave up the censors, they'd get sued by overprotective parents whose oh-so-very-mature children lied about being over 13 :roll: (pokemon question) All cubone females die shortly after giving birth. This is how all cubone wear their dead mothers' skulls. Based on deaths resulting from childbirth alone, each generation of cubone should have half as many members as the last. You also have to factor in the cubone that die from disease, predator attacks, etc. My question is, how do cubone survive as a species? I'm thinking ditto, except ditto are usually kinda far from cubone :-k
  3. Nah, it's just that for some of us, the fun is in trying to find creative ways to disprove the above poster and thwart the below poster. If you don't like reading the responses that result from this, so be it (sorry if that came off kinda cold >_<) You are breathing right now.
  4. I love you too. :roll: Nowhere in the game instructions does it say I have to be funny. I simply have to disprove the above statement (with an acceptable explanation)
  5. That's actually a relatively simple wish to grant. All you need to do is take a sharp object to your eyes... I wish I had a spidey-sense (without all the villains and painful radioactive spider bites, thank you)
  6. Whatever it is that the poster says. IRL, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a curved sword as opposed to a straight sword?
  7. An accident leaves you colorblind, so it doesn't really matter :P I wish for you to drink adequate amounts of fluid and get plenty of exercise.
  8. It was invented by a pharmacist. Scientists are more research-oriented. I repeat my previous statement, drawing attention to the word "planets."
  9. The money was not wasted. Rest assured that you have helped provide funds for everyone involved in the production and distribution of Zodiac. I wish for you to turn off the lights when they are not in use and/or replace your incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent ones.
  10. It's merely a demon. The very slightest semblance of Lucifer himself would actually cause your computer to warp outwards as its very molecules tried to get as far away as possible. Don't ask me how I know this :anxious: Of all the planets in the solar system, Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field.
  11. A gooseberry is a type of bush. By definition, trees and bushes are not the same things. Around what time did seafaring pirates stop being a serious threat to international trade?
  12. Oh, we just finished a unit on waves in physics. If you like, I could start making statements on electromagnetism or quantum physics. Perhaps I could even throw in a few obscure events from America's second industrial revolution just to throw you off :twisted: Future reference, if you can't disprove something using even the most nitpicky, insignificant detail (longshots are perfectly acceptable :mrgreen: ) you really shouldn't reply until someone else disproves it and makes another statement. It's kinda unfair if you get to ignore all the statements you want while expecting everyone else to respond to all of yours. As for your statement, are you implying that cars did not exist prior to modern times? Or maybe that people are just now calling them cars? I will have you know that vehicles have existed since the advent of the wheel, and that most compact vehicles today are referred to by specific names (such as "Prius" and "Sentra")
  13. You litter and jaywalk every day :shock: I wish for you to recycle one metal can today, without throwing away large amounts of recyclable items in retaliation or having someone else do that.
  14. One, unless he was one of those test tube babies. Why did Napoleon invade Russia in the winter? :-k
  15. Well if you have no new problems whatsoever, what do you expect to do with your newfound intelligence? Finally figure out the answers to tests that you are not allowed to retake? Use it to prove that 1+1=2? :roll: I wish for you to eat a leather shoe, without my involvement (by that, I mean I don't get blamed and you cannot enact revenge upon me)
  16. Nature also takes your life away but it is considered a neutral force, not an evil one. The average human eye can detect light that is between 400nm and 700nm in wavelength.
  17. About 6.6 billion Do sneeze guards on salad bars work when there are children/short people in line? :-k
  18. Actually, if you look at modern literature and critical analyses, people nowadays prefer to look at what might be considered "evil" as something stemming purely from psychological trauma. As a result, "evil" motives can be understandable. For example, although Hannibal Lecter performed many "evil" actions, people can trace these actions back to his traumatic childhood. EDIT: sweet my reply still works even though we posted at the same time :XD: No mirror reflects 100% of the light that hits it.
  19. Seriously, you need to stop. As for your wish, I'm sure that blaze is surrounded by straights every time he walks into a crowded area. I wish Elmer's would stop calling it's regular glue non-toxic. Anything is toxic if taken in large enough amounts :roll:
  20. No, he is merely unfamiliar with your personal perception of logic \ All cats have four legs. A dog has four legs. Therefore, a dog is a cat. (sorry, I felt lazy today :P )
  21. For those 70 years you are also the most paranoid man in the world and spend all your money on completely unnecessary security features. In the end, you die from slipping in the shower (hey it's a serious problem: don't laugh) I wish for you to use the letter "e" at least once in your next post.
  22. Because that's what you're supposed to do in this thread. Am I really the only one who can prevent forest fires? :ohnoes:
  23. Nobody gives you any money. In fact, to show it's gratitude, the government gives you a share of its current financial resources, which are negative because we're in debt :P (yes, that means you end up paying someone) I wish for you to...RUN WITH SCISSORS!!! :shock:
  24. Admiration generates a sense of pride and self-esteem. Of course, a greater risk of assassination comes with it all, but most people feel it's all worth the cost :D Who can prevent forest fires? A) you B) me (please don't add choices :) )
  25. We prefer the term "socially challenged" :P There is no fabric dye that is truly black. Any fabrics that appear black are actually very dark blue, very dark green, or any other color (mixed with a few others) in a more concentrated form.
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