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Everything posted by Bulb

  1. That's US Eastern? Should be around 11 pm for me, I'll try to be there, if it's ok :P
  2. Bulb


    Damn, too late :( Was going to suggest Sir Humpalot
  3. I've spent so much time down at the fire giants. I've had like thousands of lines of conversation. Mostly they're positive and enjoyable. Heck, I even made like 2-3 friends from there who, since then, have been in my friends list. Kinda hard to remember all the conversations had, and I think yours is quite recent one? Most of the conversations there start with the phrase "Ranged lvl?" :D
  4. I don't think max hit calc works through jagex's site -.-
  5. I thnik it's special, when you character is purely f2p, since there is no pc and the weps do lower dmg and the possibilities for training are poor.
  6. Or maybe some different guthix related spells. But I still think it will be tele :D
  7. Lol, like teleport to gnome stronghold :D
  8. Lol, when i saw the name crossfire39 on the last post box, i thought it would be this pic. Well, nice. My best would be, mmm... r b axe... Killed like 3k fire giants and that's the best -.-
  9. Bulb

    Being rich

    Or maybe slayer 85 with incredible amount of whip-luck and spare time in their hands?
  10. You should be glad that they're wasting their precious time and energy on taking useless action. Meanwhile you can umm... ah, own them!
  11. Dang, I'm so bored in pest atm. And since I can't read forums meanwhile, someone pls pm me :P
  12. And who says they don't anymore? Dbreath spec can easily avoided by shield and that spec happens like in every 30 shots, but xbow is slow...
  13. Chaos Ele has 350 hits. That means like, 70? Cute :P
  14. Ranged, for sure. Been that way for the last few months :P
  15. I don't think you could value stuff in stores in rsc. Failed?
  16. It's quite easy actually, so it really doesn't matter if it's in a guide or not.
  17. Bandit camp? Guthans PLX!
  18. Since he has only 2,6m it wouldn't be veryy humm... good for him? Since torags are barrows armor and it degrades and he starts losing money.
  19. I believe the other is void knight staff or smth. Someone said it under hidden updates.
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