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Everything posted by olenik2

  1. I support you (Not yer team) <------- 8-) (Im looking forward to November 28th :lol:) Now gimmeh free stuff and 3 points in the group stage
  2. Led Zeppelin - Achilles last stand Led Zeppelin - Nobody's fault but mine Thin Lizzy - Warriors Van Halen - Little dreamer Van Halen - Unchained Black Sabbath - Planet caravan AC/DC - Rock'n'roll damnation AC/DC - For those about to rock Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo child Rolling Stones - Start me up \
  3. Like we don't know those guys came with those bands. lol freaking. btw this place is boring without arguements so i just like starting them. Gives you something to look for when your online. Plus you get to express your true feelings as shown in bold red above. Haha, you just got BURNED, and you conseeded the point, good boy. I'd have to say Flea and Justin Chancellor from Tool. :P Mmmmm, being a huge Zepp fan, I wouldn't rate him too highly. But he was awesome, but I've hardly ever heard a Zepp song and gone OMG THAT BASS IS MEAN! And as a side note, he had a terrible singing voice, haha. I got some live tapes recorded off the radio of some of their live gigs, and he was singing along side Plant to The Battle of Evermore, he hashed it so bad. A good album for you if you like JPJ would be ITTOD (In through the out door) an album heavily influenced by JPJ (their last studio album also) as Plant was still greiving the death of his son, Page was battling his heroin addiction, and Bonzo was having his own problems, lol. Lets see what Sunwarrior has to say about that, I do think a little info is a good thing to add to your post then saying someones name huh? John Paul Jones ftw, also nobody mentioned Phil Lynnott? And btw sunwarrior... Ian Gillian?
  4. The ruins of Uzer? Dragontooth island? Trollweiss? Arandar? Eagles peak? Deep inside lunar isle (not at bank/altar)? Lake at mountain camp? Telekinetic area in MTA? Harmony(the island south of mos le harmless)? Area south of tree gnome stronghold? Lava maze dungeon? :anxious:
  5. Weee Rosenborg - Tampere, 2-0 (5-0 over both matches) Rosenborg BK is baaaaack in champions league!!! To all Milan fans out there... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9ckEpsQoWw \ \ \ \
  6. And chicks for free Phr33 24m :ohnoes: From chewed bones... like 100 drags, 4 chewed bones...
  7. Page... 5!!!!shift!11!one!1!eleven!1!!1!!!!! :ohnoes: :ohnoes: Update your blawg, and get your [wagon] down to the dks
  8. Nobody can resist the mystery box... always the box... got mostly everything
  9. Rex is waiting for ye, so he can drop his stuff... :-w Pmfg0rz 4th page :ohnoes:
  10. Wubbable bank and wubbable def above att/str But keep wand and book :shame:
  11. When you left, i started getting spears... now as you come back i wont get any more
  12. Woo, ruined you 1337 posts on your blawg :twisted: Btw, you forgot me on that nublist :ohnoes:
  13. An ok siggeh, 6/10 How about mine 8-)
  14. I skulled in torags against a guy with v skirt, 99% of all pkers just dont have balls... :-w
  15. Venge do own in wild, didnt do the later dms, as we agreed
  16. 8-) First 2 whip pks... hawt day Same guy, he ran next match, i said another dm, and he runs again... notice the teles...
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