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Everything posted by Beaumonde

  1. Come on 15 views and no one has any ideas. Come on even just a little sugestion.
  2. Ok everyone im making a new pure and really want some help so if you can anser anyone of these questions plz post. (1) What do you guys think would be good skills for a pure mage P2P Pker and staker with ancients. Now automaticly you must realize that I will get 11 prayer from preast in parrel which is a requirement for DT so factoring that in what do you think. (2) Training help for each lvl would be usefull to. (3) is mage pure or mage/range hybrid better (4) and whats the best money maker for my pure (5) and do you know any very detailed guides for making each type of pure BTW im starting with a clean slate cause i messed up my first pure so plz help I need it.
  3. Figured Out Problem To solve this problem simply find the signon file and key3 file put them in your profile and restart firefox.
  4. For one this is what i did Secondly i found the signons file full with all the encripted passwords and usernames and the unencripter key3 still in my profile so now what.
  5. OK For those of you who know firefox very well i need help. So ok i used the clear private data button and it deleted my saved passwords. Ok So now i need to know how to get them back. a link to a guide for it or something would be helpfull and plz step by step instructions im new to firefox thx. Origanol topic i found that i dont understand and cant post in. http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic ... b1748e084e
  6. If this is interesting enought plz make Kind:pixel Character 1 Character's apperance:Ahrims, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Character 2 Character's apperance:Dharoks, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Character 3 Character's apperance:Karils, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Character 4 Character's apperance:Torags, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Character 5 Character's apperance:Veracs, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Character 6 Character's apperance:Guthans, rune boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, fury ammy Background: Somewhere in the wild some lava maybe but ill leave the rest to imagination Event: Pking in the wild Special details: they could possible be atacking some other people perfurible people in full dragon Other: I would perfer if you could to have the text animated in front of the image in some way like go No mercy for the weak, then fade to no pity for the dying, and finally go to no tears for the slain in a sort of loop Font: what you think will look best in this type of picture Text: No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain Subtext: Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death Plz pm me if its to hard or not interesting enought or something also when finished plz pm it to me or pm me something telling me its ready. Thanks Alot
  7. Morfing like terning into animals and other npc's. Lol next time you see me i might be Tztok Jad.
  8. Im so lonely World 16 RSN Dark Math2 Doing Running Airs "Not On Now But Will Be"
  9. I think I would pesonally prefer the highscores where you could look up someones name and see all there skill lvls which were over 30 instead of a competition to see who's the best that way all at least incouraged players would have a chance or they could just put it so more people can be listed for each skill.
  10. Lol I like it. It has a nice story element to it.
  11. RSN:Dark Math2 Type:F2P Dont worry I'll get my posts up nonspam.
  12. Lol Im f2p and I would use it all on runes. And by the way one time I found 927k in a pile of burnt lobbies on my noob acount. But I've blown it on stuff by now. All I have left is 200k lol.
  13. How about on the second floor of the wise old mans house? No none tip.iters would bother use there ***********************************
  14. I thought about it for awaile and thought it would be cool to have a forum clan like RuneVillage does. But we would have to make it so like anyone with less than 50 post couldn't join to you know prevent spys and all that. So all in favor say "yeah" Now really any sugestions.
  15. Only thing i dont know is how runevillage and runecrypt will be able to stand up to use , runehq and rs comunity. Because if you really think about it we have so many more members than they do. BTW im a member of all 5 forums but i think ill come with tip it.
  16. Ok Im Makeing A mage pure and i want to know (from someone who has acually made a sucesfull mage pure) which attack style to put my staff on. BTW pictures would help
  17. Dude if you havent sent this to jagex yet do it now this is such an awsome idea.
  18. I belive jagex has forgot this update and that summoning and the life rune will never become reallity.
  19. First of all lvl Def first so you get hit less and second of all if your going to range then The Moss Giants on crandor for both F2p and P2p But for melee The Crandor Island Lessers For F2p or your pick of monster in the members Dungon.
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