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Hi there.








Im Fonz and Im pretty lonely on RS nowadays, out of my 3 friends on RS, 1 has quit, 1 is on F2P and the other is always off with his clan..








Basically Im just looking for some people to talk, maybe make a few friends.








I don't mind if your a level 36 or you telly in the wild etc etc, as long as you are friendly.








Im currently at Rimmy on a f2p world Firemaking.








I'll add a picture up sometime soon. So post here just add me :)


Currently looking for someone to make me a signature.. pm here or in game! Thanks ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâæ Fonz

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Thanks for the heads-up. Its mainly just to talk via PM and make new friends. Not so bothered about xp.


Currently looking for someone to make me a signature.. pm here or in game! Thanks ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâæ Fonz

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Heres a thumbnail to a picture of me at the moment, burning at Rimmington.












Still looking for people to talk to :D


Currently looking for someone to make me a signature.. pm here or in game! Thanks ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâæ Fonz

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Thank you Sala. I don't play very often either. So I think I'd find it too difficult to stay in a clan.


Currently looking for someone to make me a signature.. pm here or in game! Thanks ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâæ Fonz

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Thank you Sala. I don't play very often either. So I think I'd find it too difficult to stay in a clan.








Maybe join a community then. One that doesn't place emphasis on amount of time played or your skills. Try checking out the skilling clan recruitment centre board, some of the clans there are really good <3:

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umm i did once get a friend in waildernes and now wew een friend for 3 years lol geting real good friends are hard.. but geting a real good friens u first have to try out som friends =) and they are easy to find if ur doing somthing a longer time =)




mining, wc, smithing =) woork on somthing wher u stand still i woldnt recomend agility lol




oo and ye! finding friends thro qests are fune!


Dyslexia lvl 99, Youtube:3D RS, My 3D on Tif, My Runetrack, My Tif Profile

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I don't have many people to speak too either, just have the odd one who frequent rs. So yeah, add me sora owned u, for an interesting chat.

sora%20owned%20u.gif-Aint gonna happen! Feel free to pm me and to join me!



some random idiot comes behind and says "rotfl u nub omg lolololoololol!!! mine is 1600!!!! roflecopter!!!" etc.

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this may seem odd as you move about a lot, but i have found that the best skill to train to find friendly people is slayer, though only at higher levels (60+). If you keep at it, and stay in the same world then you are bound to bump into people and become friends with some.

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Add me: Made0f12une








Always looking for an extra face on my list



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I just had to think of something I read in a book: "Eenzaamheid is geen schande" in english: "Loneliness is no shame".




What I meant is; it's not bad to have no friends and be alone. Personally I hardly have any real friends in rs too, I just can't make friends on the internet. I always keep them on a pretty big distance from me (no, I'm not like that in real life). That's why I became member of these forums, it's a very nice community and one of the best things is you don't have to become friends to be part of it.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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I just had to think of something I read in a book: "Eenzaamheid is geen schande" in english: "Loneliness is no shame".




What I meant is; it's not bad to have no friends and be alone. Personally I hardly have any real friends in rs too, I just can't make friends on the internet. I always keep them on a pretty big distance from me (no, I'm not like that in real life). That's why I became member of these forums, it's a very nice community and one of the best things is you don't have to become friends to be part of it.








Do you cut your wrists too? Just kidding.




Thats rather depressing. If anyones goal in life is to not have friends, whether it be a game or real life, then they have some serious phycological problems.








No offnece or anything



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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