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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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If Voldemort was serious about looking for Harry, why would he have spared a lot of lives? He would've had the whole Weasley clan kidnapped to make Harry come out of his hole


I thought the Weasleys were in hiding?
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When Harry and the others were far enough from Harry's house in the beginning, why the hell did they not Apparate?




I cant really remember that bit that well, but maybe it was because they couldnt since as they may of been caught by death eaters or something?




The guy who got Alastor killed (Mundungus) in the beginning of the book Disapparated from the air and he was alive later on in the book




Best explanation I can come up with is that they needed the brroms and protkeys to be able to get inside the protective enchantments, because they wouldm't have been able to apparate in would they? And if they apparated right outside the enchantments there could be Death Eaters waiting, since they probably knew which houses had the enchantments on them.




But I agree, there are a lot of holes. . .


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If Voldemort was serious about looking for Harry, why would he have spared a lot of lives? He would've had the whole Weasley clan kidnapped to make Harry come out of his hole


I thought the Weasleys were in hiding?




Hah, no.




If I remember properly, Ron said "My whole family can't hide because of their work"




That's why they came up with the Ron ghoul with some sickness

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And this, I think is the biggest hole in the whole story line




Why did the Potters have to use another person as a secret-keeper?




I mean, Harry Potter owns the Grimmauld Place because Sirius gave it to him, and since Albus died, he is one of the secret-keepers




If it's fully possible to be a secret-keeper of your own property, why don't everyone else use it?

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When Harry and the others were far enough from Harry's house in the beginning, why the hell did they not Apparate?


Not much of a Harry Potter fan, but isn't it obvious? Being under 17 and having the trace and all...


Hm, I only expected 2 ppl to die, not half the characters in the history of the books. One of the few places where more good guys die than bad guys... :|

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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And this, I think is the biggest hole in the whole story line




Why did the Potters have to use another person as a secret-keeper?




I mean, Harry Potter owns the Grimmauld Place because Sirius gave it to him, and since Albus died, he is one of the secret-keepers




If it's fully possible to be a secret-keeper of your own property, why don't everyone else use it?




To add to that, Mr. Weasley was Secret-Keeper when the Weasleys went into hiding and Bill was Secret-Keeper at Shell Cottage. Huge hole, you're right. I think she originally intended for it to not be possible, but forgot later on. Which is bad.


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JK started getting lazy in the last 2-3 books. Like in DH where she had Harry marry Ginny in the epilogue. She probably did that so she wouldn't have to write more than 4 pages.

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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JK started getting lazy in the last 2-3 books. Like in DH where she had Harry marry Ginny in the epilogue. She probably did that so she wouldn't have to write more than 4 pages.


There was an interview where she said that she wrote like 50+ pages long on the characters' afterlife but then she decided that it would not suit a novel like that, and decided to go with this "foggy" epilogue type. Not really a sign of laziness imo. :)

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Not much of a Harry Potter fan, but isn't it obvious? Being under 17 and having the trace and all...|








that's traceable, the trace is magic used around a person, not by the person




Yeah, that's why I said when they're far enough from Harry's house

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JK started getting lazy in the last 2-3 books. Like in DH where she had Harry marry Ginny in the epilogue. She probably did that so she wouldn't have to write more than 4 pages.


There was an interview where she said that she wrote like 50+ pages long on the characters' afterlife but then she decided that it would not suit a novel like that, and decided to go with this "foggy" epilogue type. Not really a sign of laziness imo. :)




That is really dumb. the big 50 page one would have been so much better. I hope one day they out with like a second edition with it included instead.

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JK started getting lazy in the last 2-3 books. Like in DH where she had Harry marry Ginny in the epilogue. She probably did that so she wouldn't have to write more than 4 pages.


There was an interview where she said that she wrote like 50+ pages long on the characters' afterlife but then she decided that it would not suit a novel like that, and decided to go with this "foggy" epilogue type. Not really a sign of laziness imo. :)




That is really dumb. the big 50 page one would have been so much better. I hope one day they out with like a second edition with it included instead.




Hopefully, her new books will fail so she'll have to make prequels to milk the franchise

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i must admit the 7th book seemed a little rushed and watered down in the action like cmon its the 7th and final book harry needs 2 kill voldemort and voldemort needs 2 kill harry and what does harry do.... go camping




i must say the first one was more exciting then the camping parts....




"harry and hermine apperate into a field and eat some dinner go to sleep and leave the next morning" wow exciting then they turn into rebels and steal some eggs ooooooo so interesting




i must say the end was good




epilouge terible 50+ page 1 way better i would pay and extra 20$ to read a 50 plus epilouge then a 3 paged 1 :notalk:



click for teh bloggy.


ty to swaggeh for sig!

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JK started getting lazy in the last 2-3 books. Like in DH where she had Harry marry Ginny in the epilogue. She probably did that so she wouldn't have to write more than 4 pages.


There was an interview where she said that she wrote like 50+ pages long on the characters' afterlife but then she decided that it would not suit a novel like that, and decided to go with this "foggy" epilogue type. Not really a sign of laziness imo. :)




That is really dumb. the big 50 page one would have been so much better. I hope one day they out with like a second edition with it included instead.




Hopefully, her new books will fail so she'll have to make prequels to milk the franchise




she's already the richest woman in the UK isn't she? Ending was kinda lame, especialy that harry could return from the dead because he was courages... wtf is that? lily potter was protecting harry with her body while she knew she would die if she did that... isn't that courage. And only about 1 time she mentions that harry becomes (forgot the word... the side-parent you could call it of lupos and tonks son) and after the in the epilouque a one liner about the greeting the son again... pretty week

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Was it me, or did there seem like there was hardly any mourning over Tonks, Lupin and Fred?




Yea, there really wasn't much mourning over those deaths. However, there wasn't much time for the characters to mourn with all of the other things that were happening. Also, the book didn't really show any of the aftermath of the battle..it just sort of skipped to the epilouge. One of the only things I didn't like about the book was that it ended so soon after Voldermort was killed.


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