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Religion Topics On These Forums


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I'm glad you all know a little about your religions, but when I look into some of these religion threads most of what I see discussed is Christian/Catholic beliefs. I'm wondering if you purposely exclude Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Samaritinism, Jainism, etc or if there just are no followers of those beliefs around here. Hopefully I'm not the only one who would like to see more that just Christian/Catholic beliefs discussed here..

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I don't know anyone personally who follows other faiths here.




In real life, my friend was Muslim, very very nice guy. He would always like to teach. I mean seriously, you say hi, you'll be in a 15 minute conversation with the guy (with him doing all the talking!).




Remember thats it not a Religion that defines who you are, its who you are in that Religion.





If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

2 - Hate me

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I think that the majority of the people in this for are Christian. I mean I only know a handful of people that are not Christian.

"Nobody cheers for Goliath"

~Wilt Chamberlain~

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I, for one, would wish there would be less religious debates on this forum. Don't get me wrong, a religious debate can be compelling, interesting and very enlightening, but there are far too many idiots on this forum to prevent that ever happening.




PS: Deloria, how's quitting tip.it going? :lol:

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PS: Deloria, how's quitting tip.it going? :lol:




Pretty good lol. I said I'd pop back now and again and since I took the day off school I decided to take the opportunity to stop in. Work + school even take a toll on the time I can spend on my own forums >.< How have you been Bubsa?

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I don't know anyone personally who follows other faiths here.




In real life, my friend was Muslim, very very nice guy. He would always like to teach. I mean seriously, you say hi, you'll be in a 15 minute conversation with the guy (with him doing all the talking!).




Remember thats it not a Religion that defines who you are, its who you are in that Religion.





I remember somewhere I was on a subway and outside was a Muslim with a suitcase and everyone was freaking out when there was nothing in it...
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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I, for one, would wish there would be less religious debates on this forum. Don't get me wrong, a religious debate can be compelling, interesting and very enlightening, but there are far too many idiots on this forum to prevent that ever happening.




PS: Deloria, how's quitting tip.it going? :lol:




On both sides of the debate.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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because, and I'm not joking, people hate Christians.... DUH dah DAHHHH!




Big surprise, any way, Christians are persecuted almost everywhere, at anytime, and all levels. IT is that simple... and yes, I am a neoclassical Christian (looks back on classical music and old hymns and likes it!!!)


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Xewleer, Christians aren't hated. In America at least they're the only truly accepted group. People won't vote for an atheist and most fear the other religions. But that's because Christians are the majority in the US. But I haven't ever seen any persecutions of Christians, ever. They seem to be the ones doing the persecuting onto others who don't share their true beliefs. As my new favorite quote goes, "The most dangerous people on the planet are those who are convinced that they know the truth."




But to answer the original question about other religions, the obvious answer is because they're in the minority. And religions like Judaism which I follow aren't that hostile towards opposing viewpoints. I mean I've been taught about God and everything, but as a reform Jew we just have entirely different viewpoints. We're not taught that other people in other religions need to be saved. Our values are just completely different and less conflicting. A lot of reform Jews accept evolution and everything, so there's less to argue about.




PS: Bubsa and Shadow, I love your humor. :P

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I remember somewhere I was on a subway and outside was a Muslim with a suitcase and everyone was freaking out when there was nothing in it...




Did he get dropkicked in the end :-k




How about you get dropkicked? :-k

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Christianity is the biggest religion so it's naturally debated alot. There has also been some threads on Islam but those are always more political. I wouldn't mind other religion threads either. Just wait for one to pop up.

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How about you get dropkicked? :-k




It was a reference to 24, don't get me wrong.




And yeah, I asked for religion topics to be banned before. Obviously, it should've been banned longer.




..What makes you say that? It's a fun subject. If you ask me you are just getting bored of them.

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I remember somewhere I was on a subway and outside was a Muslim with a suitcase and everyone was freaking out when there was nothing in it...




Wow, that'd be very embarrassing. Poor guy.



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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I remember somewhere I was on a subway and outside was a Muslim with a suitcase and everyone was freaking out when there was nothing in it...




Wow, that'd be very embarrassing. Poor guy.




Good old-fashioned prejudice for you! How blind can people be? Did you know about a Muslim being denied transportation on an airline after someone was offended that he prayed in the lobby? I bet if it was a Christian praying then he/she would still be able to get on the plane.

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because, and I'm not joking, people hate Christians.... DUH dah DAHHHH!




Big surprise, any way, Christians are persecuted almost everywhere, at anytime, and all levels. IT is that simple... and yes, I am a neoclassical Christian (looks back on classical music and old hymns and likes it!!!)


What are you talking about?

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@ Celt ------True say. It's not shocking though. They did a survey at my college and 55% of the students had some sort of hate/suspicion against the Islamic community. But hey, everyone is ignorant nowadays - it's the new fad.



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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Other religions have been discussed a lot here before, just not recently.




I'm sure you all remember Kirbybeam and his 50 page long topic about Islam.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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@ Celt ------True say. It's not shocking though. They did a survey at my college and 55% of the students had some sort of hate/suspicion against the Islamic community. But hey, everyone is ignorant nowadays - it's the new fad.


'Everyone' is, has, and will always be ignorant.


"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."

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I think Christianity is probably the most talked-about religion here because most are either Christian, or just like to talk about it.




Or, they could be afraid of hurting someone's feelings. But, of course, they have no problem with Christianity. :lol:

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