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This is what I am currenty wearing.














These are my current stats.












I have all I am wearing, rune plate and legs, a few hundred sharks and 1.2m cash left.




I want to know what to do. Sell all of my stuff and spend it all on skills? Train? Merchant? I have no idea!




Please tell me what you would do. I made a slight estimate and came up to about 7m.




Also if someone could auclty calculate this that would be great. Thank you,








Sorry for typos I typed this fast.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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spend it on guthans, veracs or dharoks, and go uber monster killing!




thats what i did with my 6mill.....but i still kept a basic set after that (full rune, zerker helm, and whip for fun purposes.)

Barrows drops: ahrims staff (2), karils coif, karils xbow, torags plate body, veracs helm.

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It still all depends on what YOU want to do, if you want to train combat, sell away those god armor and buy a granite plate and just wear rune legs (consider d skirt as well since it is cheap, i doubt you can afford d legs).




If you want to skill, I would suggest you lvl all those skills below lvl 30.




Just do what you feel like doing is my solution.

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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I suggest doing some slayer, and some theiving.. Maybe sell your sara, buy Normal rune, and spend the rest on Iron ore for 100 each - then sell for 120 - 150 each - making a profit, Then Get some rune essence and get 44 RuneCrafting *Note: Sell all runes you make for 44 rc* once you get 44 runecraft nats with pure ess, using the Abyss, or just a Nat company =] 2 good ways of making money, 1 is merchanting, 1 is using a skill.

Remember ~ Nothing Is Impossible - Lonk41


My Blog :)

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sell ur god armor+helm for 2030k(550k for kite,420k for legs,1000k for plate,and 55k for warrior helm.Or google zybez price guide and use it,go to Unstable & Popular items,under the God & Guilded section click Saradomin and ull see the pieces of saradomin armor + the prices).U should have 3230k.Then,buy whatever u want or what the guys before me said with the $ u have now.Hope I helped! :D



Really? Cause as I recall it was you who was the one cussing me at base. Also, re-read what you just said: one 15 second delay (which is an exaggeration to begin with) ruins floor times? You are beyond ridiculous.

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well even though you really shouldn't be asking other players to tell you what to do :? only you know what you enjoy doing... I suppose I would sell the sara armor because it is only equivalent to rune anyways, and then invest the cash or use it in something you enjoy doing :)

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i suggest opening up more future options by selling it all, merchanting up to maybe 17mil. set 3mil aside for later merchanting and then use the other 14m to skill like crazy, and later if you want to skill some more or do combat like others uggested, just merch that 3mil into what you need.

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I agree with Sonerohi;


I'd sell all the things you don't need,


(Hey, the Saradomin armor is getting cheaper and cheaper


anyway, so why not sell it now?) then become a merchant,


get a decent amount of money, and then look at your favorite skill.




Spend some money on it, especially if it's a non-profitable skill.


You need to remember to keep some cash, though, for future merchanting.




For me, 3m is a little low, but it all depends on what your goals are.


So basically, sell your items, make a couple of millions


(Doesn't need to be 17m, but do it untill you have a decent amount of money.


Less than 2m can get you to 99 firemaking)


Once you've skilled away, and are low on cash,


you get the cash you've stored in the bank,


and start merchanting again...




Remember, you shouldn't do things you feel make you seem "cool".


If people say Dragon full is cool, and you don't think it is,


you shouldn't waste your time trying to get it -


just do what you feel like, don't let other's opinions bother you,


and enjoy the game :D




Good luck, mate :)


Thanks to Jwrm22 for helping me with the signature :D

Have a look at my 'Land of Fakes'

Private chat ON, give me a HYT and I'll HYT you back :D

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Do barbarian Assualt and get a Fighter Torso.(GIVES +4 STR =O) Then sell your Sara plate when your done so you have some more money to spend on what you want. Also a Helm of Neitizot, which gives the same strength as a Bezerker Helm, but with prayer!=O The stats and pictures for both are below.








Fighter Torso






Magic: -40






Stab: +62


Slash: +85


Crush: +62


Magic: -10


Range: +67


Strength: +4




To get:


Get 375 points in each role at barbarian outpost






Helm of Neitiznot












Stab: +31


Slash: +29


Crush: +34


Magic: +3


Range: +30


Strength: +3


Prayer +3




To get:


Reward from finishing the Fremminick Isles Quest.




Both are just about free, saving YOU money.

Click here for my Falador World 2 Bank/Park and Price Guide

Clicky click for Recipe for Disaster Weapons and Gloves Guide!

Proud owner of a Woodcutting Cape - Sunday, Febuary 11th, 2007

Proud owner of a Flecthing Cape - Sunday December 16th, 2007

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yea guthans is a great way to train, and you can stay in a single monster training location for hours, without ever needing food. if not, go for some higher skills.




I see a few skills that could use improvement on the bottom

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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