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My legit bank, sdn30 better be happy... :)

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Skate... You don't seem to understand, I have a crafting business, I sell dhide and then people want bows with them. I'm a merchant, I've gotten and will get the prices I mentioned above.


-Noob leran hwo two tyep godo lkei em noob.

-I spelled nobo right =D


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yeh why do you have 2 stacks of black dhide 1 next to the weeds then 1 further own


ignore top lol just realised it was hard leather sorry


nice bank none the less



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Haha, thanks




The greens cost me about 1.5k each, with the tanning cost it'll be 1520 per hide. It takes 3 per body so the bods cost 4560 gp for me.


The blues cost me between 1.8k-2k each, and then theres the tanning cost again, so a blue bod ends up costing between 5460 and 6060.




I had a friend offer to buy them at the alch cost (I'm assuming he just wants mage exp), so I'm probably gonna end up selling extras to him. Thanks again for the offer, though :)


-Noob leran hwo two tyep godo lkei em noob.

-I spelled nobo right =D


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Haha, thanks




The greens cost me about 1.5k each, with the tanning cost it'll be 1520 per hide. It takes 3 per body so the bods cost 4560 gp for me.


The blues cost me between 1.8k-2k each, and then theres the tanning cost again, so a blue bod ends up costing between 5460 and 6060.




I had a friend offer to buy them at the alch cost (I'm assuming he just wants mage exp), so I'm probably gonna end up selling extras to him. Thanks again for the offer, though :)






i buy greens 4570gp each.







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Hmm... I checked with my friend, he only needs about 1k of them, and I need about 40k to get to 99 crafting, so when I get more hides, I'll let you know, whats your rs name?


-Noob leran hwo two tyep godo lkei em noob.

-I spelled nobo right =D


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Hmm... I checked with my friend, he only needs about 1k of them, and I need about 40k to get to 99 crafting, so when I get more hides, I'll let you know, whats your rs name?




RSN: Sir Gudi




I'm perm muted, add me on msn or email me to talk to me.






[email protected]

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Hmm... I checked with my friend, he only needs about 1k of them, and I need about 40k to get to 99 crafting, so when I get more hides, I'll let you know, whats your rs name?




RSN: Sir Gudi




I'm perm muted, add me on msn or email me to talk to me.






[email protected]




u dere?

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Sorry sirgudi, I got offline for a while, I'll be on in a bit, I'm gonna eat dinner first and then I'll be working on buying a boatload of blue/green hides, but I'm not sure how long that'll take... lol




armour-lol the cash flows in pretty well after level 77 :), red sells like crazy and black sells even easier. I'm working on getting to 90... Haha, not sure how long it'll take though, I haven't been able to get on much lately




boris-Nah, sorry


-Noob leran hwo two tyep godo lkei em noob.

-I spelled nobo right =D


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your breakdown is not very accurate


all the prices you gave yourself are on the extreme high end of the market.


like mage logs for 1100 each - good lucky with that


i do not believe that you could ever sell everything in your bank for 90m.


srry, its just not possible.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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Dynasty, I said don't bother posting if you're gonna say that, I know the prices I can get, I get them often, and I don't need people saying I can't when I sell for those prices daily and buy more stuff. And since you mentioned the mage logs that I couldn't get 1.1k each for, I sold them earlier today for 1.1k each, thanks for the advice though


-Noob leran hwo two tyep godo lkei em noob.

-I spelled nobo right =D


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Very very nice bank.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Well the bank I don't think is worth quite that much but all in all its a really good bank. Hopefully you will have the crafting lvl for the new onyx bracelets! I would hugely suggest right now that you buy and uncut onyx because when the bracelets come out they are gonna be worth alot :D

Getting another sig


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