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Customizable Armour/Weapons (revamped )


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With all of the helpful critiques I have received I have decided to revamp my post.I'm also implementing some ideas by ember3579.




Sadly enough, there really isn't a whole lot of variety with Runescape armour. Really, how many variations of rune armour are there? None. There are more choices when you hit about level 80 (barrows,god,dragon, 3rd age) but in the 50-70 range, there isn't a whole lot to choose from except Rune. Granted, there is trimmed armour, but it's expensive, and again you have to be a rather experienced player to purchase it. Well, there are family crests but, you need 66 construction to make a banner, 16 to make a pluming stand (helmets) and 41 to make a shield easel. It is true you can make helmets at a low level, but then again all it does is change the color and add a feather.So here are a few of my suggestions.




Ok, for aesthetically altered armour you need to use the skills herblore and crafting. Herblore will be used to mix paint in order to paint armour. And crafting will be used to to make cool little additions like claws that extend off of the shoulders, or blades that extend off of the sides of the wrists or other things that aren't covered by painting. (If you can come up with more ideas, please post them) You couldn't paint the entire surface, just a patch on the front and back and a shoulder patch. And if someone had a really cool design, you could (with their permission) copy it. This would be great because clans could all wear the same armour. This armour could of course, be sold.




As for statistically altered armour/weps, a few skills would be involved. Crafting and smithing would be used for melee weapons and metal armour. Fletching and crafting would be used for ranged weapons and armour (except fletching wouldn't be used for ranged armour). Crafting and runecrafting would be used to make mage weapons/armour. However, every time you upgrade an item, there is a chance it will break, and the more you upgrade, that chance gets higher. Of course, the higher your levels in any of these skills will increase the amount the stat increases and


decreases the chance of an item breaking. Statistically enhanced armour would be non-tradeable because macroers woulds abuse it.








So, in sum,




1)Lower levels can express themselves without being millionaires.




2)With custom armour, people could make their guild stand apart




3)Upgrading armour/weapons could be an alternative way to gain smithing/crafting/fletching/runecraftin exp.




4)And modified weapons/armour (statistically) cannot be sold.




5)Painting armour would be another way to get herblore and crafting xp.




6) Painted armour would be a market that would be impossible for macros to dominate (as computers cannot create art =)




7) It'd be really cool if weapons could be painted but some weps (dagger, longsword) don't have the space on the blade.






Constructive critiscism is appreciated =)










-Gehackte------Special Thanks For making the Banner!!











Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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No. Level 99's could not make crazy weapons. Because the weapons would most likely* break before it became crazily powerful. But I do see what you mean about not being able to see how powerful the enemy's weapon is, any ideas?




















*They pretty much would, like 99.999%



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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But still, you cannot get a crest for your chest plate. And crests don't give stat bonuses do they? I came up with an idea for how one could figure out what one is against in PK'ing. For every modification, a bright white stripe will


be added to the blade of the modified weapon. And space won't be a problem as it will be difficult to modify many times. Except for the dagger, b/c you can hardly see the blade, much less stripes... Please, suggestions area appreciated. I will credit you.



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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nice like the idea but u say with herblore u can get the paint if u dont do with herblore but u need sumthing like dye's they introduce gold and silver dye and then also non-member can get those armour painted by themselfs and i have ac so i know exactly what u mean i support addm e to the list




edit: i shall try to make an picture of the grid and a supporters banner

How does 20 minutes turn into 2.5 hours? Was your math perhaps magical math?


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Ooh. Lets say i have this full bronze armour. I am a person with high herblore, so i make a 'rune-blue' coloured paint. I paint my brz with it. And Lo and Behold! i got meself a rune armour! Noneed to pay 180k for it too!. I can paint it 'drag-red' and get d pl8 and d kite too


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No one could do that because the arms would still look different, and the insignia wouldn't take up the entire chest anyway, just a bit on the front and maybe on the back, not on the sides and bottom. And if you tried to scam someone with your "rune color painted bronze armour" they could tell the difference by sight and because it would say "bronze armour". And you'd have to be incredible lucky to upgrade bronze armour to rune, no matter your crafting/smithing level. And you can't design on plate legs (though you can upgrade them). Thank You for your post,I will now edit it to make these facts more clear.



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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I'm all saying there isnt enough variations for classic armor, but why herblore to paint it? Why not crafting or construction?




PS: We have god armor too.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Well, you get herblore xp for making the paint. I guess you should get construction xp for actually painting it, because that's the closest skill we have to painting. Ok, I'll add that. =)



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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Also, you do not need to have the construction level to use the painting stands. Simply use another person's house.


Also, you could paint a "god-armour-like" type of armour, making god treasure trail armour defunct.


99 Hits, Attack, Strength, Defence, Mage, Summoning, Slayer, Ranged, 96/99 Prayer

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Point One-Sorry,I didn't know you could do that.But wouldn't it be easier to simply paint one of your own? It'd be cooler and easier.




Point Two-Yes, but people could make armour that looked better then God Armour. I realize that people who had coughed up for god armour would be left out in the cold, but in the long run it will be better as all players will have greater freedom of expression.








And God armour doesn't look that cool anyway =)



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

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Verac's Helm

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Way, way, way too many scamming chances.




"Selling rune plate (m)! +9 str!"




"Selling rune legs (m)! +15 mage def!"




All someone has to do to scam is modify some cheap armor and lie about its effects.

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If you upgraded melee armours it should boost range defences only




If you upgraded range armours it should boost magic defences only




If you upgraded magic armours/staffs it should boost melee defences only




You should not be able to updrage melee/ranged weapons.






Oh and the stat upgrade as you suggest it would be only for rich players. If you have a change do break your rune armours the poor ppl would not even try.

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Let me put my spin on this if you will. (this is f2p for most upgrades, but past some point it becomes p2p)




It acts as an extension of crafting (imo the closest to art :P ), smithing (for a decent sum of the upgrades), and magic (for some of the upgrades). Herblore can still be used for convenience to make paints and such to draw on the armor, but Aggie (the Draynor witch) is capable of making most color types and shades (with the proper items and gp, can't do all of the shades). Dyes made with herblore (including the herblore only stuff) is usable and tradable in f2p (same as pure ess), so as to make for a new cash crop for members.




I don't have much problem with the original idea of how the painting is added, with the addition of needing SOME materials if you plan on making certain visual modifications (if you wanna add on the shoulders, legs, helm, etc. you need some wool balls, cloth, or other items detailed by Aggie). In order to make the modifications to stats however, certain things deserve to be changed. One, higher level does increase the probability of not destroying the equipment in much the same way higher cooking means less burnt food. Second, higher ammounts of modifications mean a higher fail rate, with some just slightly damaging the armor (fixable with a bar of that metal) depending on the power of that addition. Third, only items of the same or lower metal/hide type/level (mystic can only be upgraded by someone wielding a mystic staff, but that mystic staff can be used to magically upgrade a lower powered armor for example) can be added.




In order to start the process, you must first find the location of the proper station for upgrading your armor (for melee equipment & some weapon upgrades of other types, this is at a special smithy, ranger equipment is at a taxidermy, & mage equipment at an (at first glance) abandoned tower). Once they make it there, they need to provide the materials needed for the upgrade (there's a bank available for those who have upgraded multiple times at that station, & a book detailing the different upgrade classes). Once they have decided what they want to upgrade, they can start the process.




The first step is creating the base materials for the upgrade. For the smithy, this means using their bars to smith the separate parts for the upgrade required (sometimes may use outside materials). For the taxidermy, this means crafting the various parts to the upgrade using what they have. For the tower, this means obtaining the proper book from the tower, the runes needed (detailed in the book), and some sort of focus for the enhancing spell (this focus is the actual upgrade item).




The second step would be to assemble the upgrade. This is connecting the different parts together, casting the enhancement spell, &/or tanning the item. At this point, the item can either be further upgraded using the possibilities detailed in a book on that upgrade type or of your own invention (these are predetermined, stationary mods that have various effects and visual modifications that may or may not completely alter what the item was intended as). This makes for a possibility of the item in question to become useless depending on what you do to it, so be careful. If this happens, you can take the pile of scrap to someone at that station to recover a portion of the materials used.




The final step would be to add the upgrade to the armor. When you use the armor piece in question on a special item in the proper station with required items (upgrade, hammer (maybe nails too for some things), needle & thread, etc.) in your inventory, a menu shows up with an enlarged picture of the item showing all the open areas that piece can have upgrades put. Some upgrades have varying effects depending on where they're put, so don't be suprised if the stat modification is greater (or lesser) than expected. Most of the upgrades are irremovable, so a choice will pop up asking if you're sure you want to put the upgrade there.




There are multiple types of upgrades, as mentioned multiple times before. These are power boost, defense boost (lowers ammount of damage taken), accuracy boost, dodging boost (lowers chance of getting a hit landed on you), speed boost (how rapid you attack), attacking armor upgrades (see next paragraph), or a combination of them. It is possible for an upgrade to have more than one type of boost, but this lowers the degree of the boost from if it were specialized. Compatible boosts (defense and dodging for example) have a lower reduction than normal, while conflicting boosts (strength and defense for example) have a higher reduction. At most, an upgrade can use 3 boost types. It is possible to improve on these however, as long as it doesn't branch into more than 3 types.




It is also possible to make upgrades that allow for attacks to be launched on your opponent using the armor. Most of these are special attacks as well as a possibility of the opponent to have a sort of ring of recoil effect done on them (higher quality materials, greater chance of this occuring and more damage done). These can include [bleep]es on the armor, built-in claws (weaker than the real thing, like a shorter version of Wolverine's), blades attatched to the bottom of robes (for mages), metal attachments on the ends of a bow (for rangers), or something else. These attatchments could allow for a special attack when the current weapon doesn't have one (the [bleep]e armor gives a tackle, the robe blades a curcular multihit attack, etc.) or the use of the armor as weapons. These will not be better than actual weapons on their own, but do provide a good alternative to just running from a fight because of lack of ammo or being overwhelmed.




Thus far, this is all i can think of. If you like it, please tell me. Thanks!

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it'd have to be non tradeable through and through. but i do like the idea, however rune would be the maximum upgradeable armor, otherwise someone could take a very big risk and upgrade full third age of any sort and be even more thoroughly powerful. imagine a lvl 99 mage with like +10 to all the stats of third age robes + ancients at castle wars. ownage much?

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