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VT Shooting on a Global Scale


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Before I start out on my post I'd like to make two things clear.




1. I am extremely sorry for all the people and their families that lost their lives at Virgina Tech. I hope they feel better, and I'm hope this isn't repeated.




2. I live in America so this article will be kinda from a different point of view and people from different countries may not understand as well, I hope every1 gets it.




Now, I come from a family of activists in a way so I have a slight sense of world affairs. So, when I see this story on the news 24/7, I can understand that's its important and that it's reported more because Americans were harmed.




But, globally why should this be such a large news story. So many people die every day in iraq , not to mention Darfur, and other places where events that hold so much more importance than this issue. This story should obviously have decent coverage but there are still other events happening. I haven't seen anything about the on going conflicts in Darfur, or anything about the hurricane survivors are still having a hard time, or about any other issues. Even other countries report this like it was the biggest event of the month although other people die in cruel and menacing ways as well. I believe the victims should be mourned but we as people need to realize this is such a small fraction of the innocent people that die every day as the result of senseless violence. I don't think many people think about that.




I don't even believe Rwanda got the same coverage as this back in 1994, although I cant be sure, i was just a toddler. In that case over 1 million people died that were innocent. I just don't see why most Americans at least to me seem so oblivious to the deaths in other countries.




Thanks if you read. Discuss.




If you flame me please give reasons, and I'm sure my opinon has many errors to it. Just wanted to see tip.its response.


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I just don't see why most Americans at least to me seem so oblivious to the deaths in other countries.





because they are in other countries. simply put, most americans have never been to another country, and could care less about deaths in africa, europe or asia. iraq is a bigger issue because many people have friends or family in the military, but still, it's not here, so it gets less attention.




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I just don't see why most Americans at least to me seem so oblivious to the deaths in other countries.





because they are in other countries. simply put, most americans have never been to another country, and could care less about deaths in africa, europe or asia. iraq is a bigger issue because many people have friends or family in the military, but still, it's not here, so it gets less attention.




Right, but its seems odd that people can just not care what happens in another country. Or maybe I' m just an odd caring person :?:


i don't know.


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97% of teens eat cereal for breakfast. Stick this in your siggy if you eat waffles instead.

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I just don't see why most Americans at least to me seem so oblivious to the deaths in other countries.





because they are in other countries. simply put, most americans have never been to another country, and could care less about deaths in africa, europe or asia. iraq is a bigger issue because many people have friends or family in the military, but still, it's not here, so it gets less attention.




Right, but its seems odd that people can just not care what happens in another country. Or maybe I' m just an odd caring person :?:


i don't know.




Aye... Tis be the "Im in the center of the world" complex and "everything revolves around me" mentality.




Its the same here in Canada, and frankly, every place on earth.




If its not in their backyard, they won't look twice about it again.




We're just that desensitized. :-k

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Why do people feel that it's their responsibilty to care about every single person in the world? And why do people only care when it's murder? Does it intrigue human interest?




Personally, I think people who say they care for others are acting. If someone really cared about Africa or New Orleans, they'd be there.




So many people die every day in iraq , not to mention Darfur, and other places where events that hold so much more importance than this issue.




Many people die everyday. That doesn't mean it has to be reported. Besides, it's not like watching the news will change the fact that people died. All it will do is sicken you at how dark the world is.


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Unfortunately, this is mostly true. :(




We see news of seveal hundred people dieing in bombings, or several thousand dieing in an earthquake, but the news quickly passes. At most, we see a small blurb on the news and that's it.




However, a massacre of 32 people happens, and everyone gets hyped up about it.





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Well, we westerners are an egocentric bunch. We think, ney, we know we are the best and will generally only report on our own issues. Same goes for any other sphere of the populace with a media outlet. To put it depressingly, if we started reporting every atrocity in the world, we'd kind of stretch the alotted half our/hour of daily news by a fair way.

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its not the people itself. its the media. honestly, the people of america either devote their whole sympathy to the event, or ignore it and occasionally discuss it. its the MEDIA that causes all these stereotypes. When the pope died, he had maybe 2 weeks in the news. now this anna nicole smith died about a month ago and is STILL in the media. why? sure, there is a lot of stuff about the inheritance. but what about the new pope? doesnt the news care about what hes gonna say to the world? no, ONLY when there's a speech involved and millions want to watch it.




The associated press and other news places think they're reporting "news" when people die in iraq. yet they don't give a damn if a new school is built or other progresses.




now we have these mass killings. virginia tech? very close to home. people all over the country have kids who go there. rwanda? not as likely. plus, in virginia tech people are still looking for someone to blame. there's a new story almost every day. today's story was that the english professor who had the speech "we are virginia tech" had kicked the gunman out of class 2 years earlier. why 2 years? why is it important now? they're looking for a scapegoat to toss all their troubles at. "she kicked him out 2 years ago! she might have stopped the massacre! KILL HER!!!!" yea, as if sending him out of english class would stop him or cause him to kill over 30 people.


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34 people are murdered in an university. President Bush repeats:




"I'm horrified".


"I'm horrified".




Six times.




No comments about the two explosions that same day in Iraq that killed 170 people, just about all civilians, children, women, near a police station and a market?




People who act like they care about the Virginia murders are hypocrites. A murder isn't any more grave if it happens near to where you live, or if people you know die in it.




See, to you, the dead were "Americans". But to the great majority of the world they are 'foreigners'. Just like if my whole family died, or yours, they were not "dead" family members but just a fixed number of victims in a terrorist attack.

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Like you said, Bluelancer, nobody else in the world cares.




That's why the gross majority of Americans do not care about other countries.




Jeff Foxworthy makes a good point:




"The news is getting so depressing lately that I only seem to care if it happens to Americans, anymore. Last week I heard a story on the news about a bus in Pakistan that drove off a cliff and killed 300 people. My first though was 'how do you fit 300 people on to a bus?' Once it becomes a math problem, some of the emotional sting seems to be removed."




While I will agree that the sensationalist media that seems to have cropped up in the past 10 years is indeed making a BIG deal out of it, that's what they always do. These are the same freaks who made Scott Peterson into a 'celebrity' and spend more time broadcasting Anna Nicole's funeral instead of the President's speeches.




And don't make fun of Bush's speech. The nation was horrified. As a college student myself, I have noticed myself and others looking a little more cautiously at each-other. I've seen people on campus that honestly worried me that they were carrying an assault rifle under that black coat and dark expression.




The nation is horrified, is horrified, is horrified, is horrified, is horrified, is horrified. At the very least, those of us most affected by Monday's events.




Look at the Press, Bluelancer. They have made a big deal that 3000 Americans have died in Iraq. No mention is made of prayers for the families of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, unless it's for a political stab. It's called the liberal media (and I am not talking partisan here). All they care about is making money by their audience.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I find it harsh that I'm called a hypocrite for caring about VT shootings, in a different country than mine, but not caring about an attack I didn't even know about :|




It's saddening whenever there's something like this. None are more than the other, because one innocent life is equal to another, and so is there death. It's always upsetting; I don't try and kid myself that something was more important, the most important thing was the lives lost, and that will always be felt on the same scale regardless of where, when and how it took place. My ignorance to an event shouldn't brand me as a hypocrite.




As for that attack itself, it's worse than our 7/7 bombings fatality wise, and looks awfully similar. Anyone else got news links and sources to it?

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Good point, Bubsa.




The news of the bombings in Iraq were probably broadcast on a Ticker...I wouldn't have even noticed it. :(


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Well, you're kind of right if it would of happened in some other country it propably be so big thing and hell yea if something happens at U.S ..




If in Iraq there would die 20 Iraq soldiers it would be nothing but if there would die 20 U.S soldiers it would be a big thing, so I think what happens in to Americans it's a bigger thing...




No offence..

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Well, you're kind of right if it would of happened in some other country it propably be so big thing and hell yea if something happens at U.S ..




If in Iraq there would die 20 Iraq soldiers it would be nothing but if there would die 20 U.S soldiers it would be a big thing, so I think what happens in to Americans it's a bigger thing...




No offence..




If 2 Finnish soldiers and 10 Americans died, you would probably be concerned more about your own nation's losses.




It's a global phenomenon.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The reason for this is somewhat simple. You see deaths and car bommings are a common occourance in iraq. We've all read about countless car bombings and, while they all are tragic, are so common that its just not a 'shock' more than an 'oh thats so sad'.






The shooting in VT was the largest in history and it is also a rare occourance to get this large of a shooting in an american school. The reason its covered so much is the shock of hearing about it.






Thing is all the deaths are 'equal', you are right. Death is generaly a tragic thing. However the car bombings just are not a shocking suprise such as this was.

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its shocking because 33 people were killed by a friend and a classmate. not because it actually happened in america. soldiers enlist with the military and other services knowing that it is dangerous but when they get out, they may have an education for cheap or free to set them up for the rest of their lives, among other things like american pride and poverty situations. also, it is a warground in iraq and it is kinda expected because of the people who disagree with the american democracy.




also...Bush put it in very good words (surprisingly) :




Schools should be places of sanctuary and safety and learning. When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom and every American community. Today, our nation grieves with those who have lost loved ones at Virginia Tech.





and i'd like to correct Mr. Bush. Not just America...but the entire world

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The reason for this is somewhat simple. You see deaths and car bommings are a common occourance in iraq. We've all read about countless car bombings and, while they all are tragic, are so common that its just not a 'shock' more than an 'oh thats so sad'.






The shooting in VT was the largest in history and it is also a rare occourance to get this large of a shooting in an american school. The reason its covered so much is the shock of hearing about it.






Thing is all the deaths are 'equal', you are right. Death is generaly a tragic thing. However the car bombings just are not a shocking suprise such as this was.




exactly. people have come to almost "expect" death in Iraq and other disputed parts of the world, so another 200 people dying in an explosion is just counted as another casualty of war.




however, when some disturbed person goes and shoots up a university in a peaceful town, it's unexpected and surprising, so it gathers a lot of attention.




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The reason for this is somewhat simple. You see deaths and car bommings are a common occourance in iraq. We've all read about countless car bombings and, while they all are tragic, are so common that its just not a 'shock' more than an 'oh thats so sad'.






The shooting in VT was the largest in history and it is also a rare occourance to get this large of a shooting in an american school. The reason its covered so much is the shock of hearing about it.






Thing is all the deaths are 'equal', you are right. Death is generaly a tragic thing. However the car bombings just are not a shocking suprise such as this was.




exactly. people have come to almost "expect" death in Iraq and other disputed parts of the world, so another 200 people dying in an explosion is just counted as another casualty of war.




however, when some disturbed person goes and shoots up a university in a peaceful town, it's unexpected and surprising, so it gathers a lot of attention.




Yup, exactly.




Its common sense that people are going to die in a war, I mean its war. But this was 33 innocent kids in a suposidly 'safe' place.

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It doesn't matter how people die. They are dead. Does it really matter to you? Pain is pain. Suffering is suffering. We are all people and the United States seems to think that the world doesnt have feelings because we cry and mourn for 33 deaths in one instance when thousands of people are being killed (Chinese Genocide?) and we do not even recognize it. This is why i make a strict rule of being emotionally detached with all deaths. It makes life easier.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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I'm going to summarise my answer into two words: Racial Inequality. Plus, there's so much of this kinda stuff going on it the world, its human natural mentality to only really have true care about the ones in their own country. :shock:


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As Bubsa said, every innocent human life is absolutely equal, an American's life is not worth anymore than an Iraqi's (ignoring personal and family relations).




But the thing is, there are reports of suicide bombings and massive deaths in Iraq and the Middle-East all the time. I'm sad to say that I have become more desensitized to death in that region. To put it simply, I wasn't suprised to hear of the bombing, horrific as it is.




But I was surprised to hear of 32 students and teachers being killed by one of their own in such a brutal and sickening manner.




Personally, I can relate to the shootings better than the bombings. The fear and worry that you must feel living in Iraq, walking in crowded marketplaces and not knowing whether you'll come out alive again is a completely alien concept to me.




But I know what it's like to sit in a classroom, and to react as a class to things going on, fire-alarms or whatever. Thankfully i've never been in any situation like those in Virginia Tech were, but it wouldn't be as big a leap of faith from my normal life as being blown up in a crowded market place or bus is.




That's why I think it was a shock to me and the bombings weren't. It's not that I care about either incident over the other, they were both appalling and horrific, neither should have happened. But something about Western people being killed in a college that is probably like many others i've been to in such a horrible way is closer to home for me.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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