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Tip.It Times Presents: Anything Goes


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Okay, It seems that a lot of people have their own oppinions...




However, I'd like to express my point of view. Now, the bulk of my time in the wilderness has not been for pking, but rather other things, fighting monsters, doing treasure clues ect...




Now, I've come to an understanding about the wilderness that makes it the most unique, dangerous, and exciting part of runescape.




Anything can happen.




You can be standing somewhere waiting for a respawn, when an ancient mage comes barreling at you blasting you with magic. You can have some random guy run up with nothing but a DDS (quite amusing really, when I have torags and a whip. mind you I also always bring an antipoision as well)




I've seen groups of pkers, single pkers, and sometimes people just wandering around, who just decide they dont like the other person at the green dragon spawn as much as they did 5 minutes ago.






I say this not to comment upon "Honorable PKing" because honorable pkers suck at killing me. I say this to say that if you want to call yourself a good pker, and in my oppinion to be called a good pker. You haveta know how to kill people.


Results are results, and the wilderness is the wilderness. There is no fair in the wilderness






I would like to make this clear...




The wilderness is a place where anyone can fight you at any time using whatever means he or she darn well pleases. If they kill you, then they did their job well, if they didnt, then you did your job well.






I would like to also remind you "honor pkers" of something in that article you seem to keep forgetting about.


Theres a Duel Arena! Its in Al Karid! I've spent quite a lot of time there! Nobody 1-items there, though it might be hard to get someone to stake all but their highest item










One more thing...


The guy risking full barrows, whip, ect ect... who's using up potions, and using prayer, is risking more when fighting someone in proselyte, but at the same time, has a great advantage. Thats why good armor is more expensive, its better.

Revel in my Wierdery

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I just am seeing an overwhelming sense of selfishness and apathy for fellow man coming from anyone argueing for no honor. Just because you can do something selfish/ dishonest doesn't mean you should, and if you think it does, I personally would not want to be your friend in real life.

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I just am seeing an overwhelming sense of selfishness and apathy for fellow man coming from anyone argueing for no honor. Just because you can do something selfish/ dishonest doesn't mean you should, and if you think it does, I personally would not want to be your friend in real life.




+1, along with coga's post which basically destroys the whole article neways...

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Jitterboogie -




I'm afraid that it is you who is completely missing the point.




It is incredibly presumptuous and foolish of you or any group of players to try to make up rules and apply them to other players. Nobody has given you the authority to do this and, moreover, it is incredibly ineffective because you have absolutely no power to enforce those rules.




JAGEX has designed the game in a certain way, and has set up a certain set of rules. Clearly, JAGEX intends the "supplies" in the game to be used by players. However, if someone actually uses the "supplies" of the game to foil you in a fight, or to make the fight last longer than you, in your great wisdom, think it should last, you start complaining about a "mass waste of supplies".




Look, if you have a problem with the way the official game rules are set up, you should take it up with JAGEX or, if you want, quit. But there is absolutely nothing unfair, mean or "selfish" about other players using whatever resources are at their disposal to win a fight or avoid being killed.




And you still haven't answered my question from my prior post. Just accept for a minute that in fighting you with prayer, eating, etc., I am honestly playing the game the way I want to, and in the way that I think JAGEX intended. I'll accept for the sake of argument that you don't like this. How are you going to stop me?




You are going to try to hurt my feelings by calling me "selfish?" On what basis? Because the method by which I am trying to kill you (!) doesn't show proper respect for your limited stock of supplies? That's laughably silly.




Or you are going to pray back at me, eat, etc.? Well, that certainly doesn't stop me from doing what I am doing, and it doesn't bother me in the least. I think that's exactly the way the game should be played, and your behaviour will just amuse me because I will be watching you violate your own "rules" in a failed attempt to enforce them.




So why don't you try again.

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How are you going to stop me?






WE can't stop you, and if you actually read any post on here, you would see noone implied that we could.




However, what we can do is mimic your actions(besides teleporting).


When someone does it first, it's not a no honor move ot mimic it, its playing fair. If you can - I can.




And what happens when both players are praying/safing/whatever? Nothing, nothing at all.




Is that what you wanted?

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No, when I'm PKing what I want to do is to kill other players in the game. And I do this regularly, regardless of whether they eat or pray or try to tele.




As you admit, you have no power to enforce any rules against any other player. Therefore, all this talk about honour rules, etc., is just a bunch of drivel.




If these so-called "rules" exist at all, it is only for those players who mutually and voluntarily choose to abide by them, and given the number of n00b callings I see in the wildy every day, I would say that there isn't a very high rate of compliance.




The bottom line is that I don't at all ascribe to your concept of "honour." In fact, in my view you are trying to hijack that word, which is a loaded term, so that you can call anyone who doesn't abide by your wishes "dishonourable."




Playing by the rules that Jagex has set up for the game is in no way dishonorable, and calling it that doesn't make it so.

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Clearly it is. I'm assuming he enjoys wasting all of his supplies. Zander, you're not actually a pker are you?




What do you do when people do this same thing to you? Do you not get frustrated at having wasted all of your Supplies, which are not cheap, on these pathetic little children running up with just a dagger yelling "Owned Lol" As they throw their specs at you, then die and call you a noob?

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That's really funny.




When you can't deal with the arguments on a logical basis, you start attacking the person himself by saying he is "not actually a PKer" and saying that he "knows nothing of PKing" and "doesn't know what respect means."




All very untrue, of course, and all very weak.

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Zander, I'm assuming the stats on the runescape hiscores for the same username you have on this forum are yours. If that is the case, your stats are hardly reflective of the stats you would need to be an effective pker.


Your arguments beg the question. All of them. You addressed nothing I said. They are not rules in place, they are basic decency. Let me quickly point out, again, since you don't get it, why these are in place.






No safeing - Both people have a chance to come out with something, as opposed to both coming out of it emptyhanded, and in fact worse off, for having wasted their money on potions and food.




Don't PJ - This is just plain rotten. Color it however you want, scream about how it doesn't say in the rules you can't do it, but the plain and simple fact is that it is incredibly disrespectful, cowardly and just generally underhanded.




PKing in Junk- If you can't afford to lose it, you probably shouldn't be out there. You know, if you started saving up, instead of wasting all that money on those sharks and potions you throw down the drain, you might be able to afford the better equipment.




One iteming - Again, deplorable. Sure kid, it's not in the rules, but again, it's a matter of RESPECT and DECENCY. You know what? most people who pk that advocate fighting fair, and miss the old days, Guess what? They're not out there for the damn pixels. They're out there because this is a game, and it's for fun, and it's not fun when some little idiot with a dragon dagger and nothing else comes up throwing specs at you

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jitterboogie you are contradicting yourself




on one hand you say "Both people have a chance to come out with something, as opposed to both coming out of it emptyhanded"




and on the other "most people who pk, and who advocate fighting fair, and miss the old days, Guess what? They're not out there for the damn pixels. They're out there because this is a game, and it's for fun"




now if as you say the whole thing is for fun... then why does it matter that noone gets anything?




and as to the whole supplies thing... supplies are there to be used.. end of discussion. if you dont want to use them fine... but i wont respect you for it... in fact i'll think you are actually rather stupid to turn down the advantages of pots and healing




but hey thats just my opinion

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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Esta, i can definitely see how you think I'm being contradictory, but I'm not. I'll elaborate.




The main reason I'm out there is fun, not pixels. Of course, I'm excited when I get those kills, but it's not the be all end all. It just simply isn't fun, when you get the one itemers hopping on you and leaving bones. I don't care incredibly about the pixels, but I still get annoyed by them wasting my supplies.

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although i am well aware everyone will probably hate me i have to say it anyway....




im going to be a one item pker




but before you all flame me!!




ive never pked before and the only reason im going to do it? abyss pkers




people who sit in wait for runecrafters, then jump them when they are defenceless




now though i know that these people do not represent the majority of pkers i hate them with a passion, they are the lowest form of life (IMO) and i am on a mission to wipe them out. they give normal pkers a bad name.




if honour pking could be enforced, i think it should be enforced there.




but the wilderness? i like the anything goes side.... but then i always did like suprises, and not knowing what will hit me next sounds like fun

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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First, I'm afraid you've got a bit of a reading comprehension problem. I stated very clearly above that my name on these forums isn't my RS name. Go back and read my post again, slowly, and maybe you'll pick up on it this time.




There wasn't a RS player with this name when I set this forum account up. There may be one now. I don't know, I don't care, and it's not material to our discussion.




Also, go back and read your post. You are still talking about why these rules "are in place." Again, there are NO SUCH RULES in place.




I get the fact that you think its not nice when people safe, pj, pk in junk and safe. You made that real clear. Some players agree with you, others don't. I actually agree with you that some of this behavior isn't very nice.




But so what?




I don't think its nice when I'm ranging and people take my arrows. It makes me mad. But Jagex has made it clear that this isn't stealing or breaking the rules in any way.




So, although I don't respect the arrow thieves, I don't delude myself into thinking that some rules "are in place" to keep them from stealing my arrows, or that I, together with any group of my friends, has the authority to make any such "rules." Even if I were subject to such a delusion, at some point I would realize that whatever rules I decided to make would fail due to my inability to enforce them in any way against the violators.

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i know its a rant about them and minorly off topic, but im glad someone agrees




( you think making an anti abyss pker clan would be a good idea?)

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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Ok Zander, I had seen someone say his U/N wasn't his ingame name, did not realize it was you.


Again, they aren't rules, it's basically an agreed upon code of conduct among respectable pkers.


So you go ahead, one item etc, but expect nothing but scorn. And I hope you feel great when there's noone left to one item on but one itemers themselves, til eventually even they leave to go harrass others, screaming noob to an empty server.

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no idea lol




only just thought of it...... cant take them all down alone though it would be fun to try.




something about revenge... we could recruit all the runecrafters who have been abyss pked to join... and supply our mages with runes to teleblock n ancient the evil abyss pkers......




im going to need to think about this.....im feeling a need to kill something

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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Artificial_Doom_Flavor we were of course talking about members... there really is no need to shout.




and if you are on a "duelling world" then if you dont know that these rules are in place you deserve to be insulted and harrassed? where is the honour and respect in that??




admittedly if you have agreed to these "rules" and then violated them then thats different... but at the moment short of one on one or prearranged clan wars there is no way to make sure these "rules" are followed

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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This article is extremely biased and I can tell that whoever wrote this has never pked.




When someone uses something like protection prayers, it forces you to do so aswell. When 2 players have protection prayers on at once, the fight will last a very long time and won't be very exciting. People say that this is why smite was created, but you are small minded. Smite doesn't drain prayer that much, and because they have protection prayers on, it doesn't do anything and plus there are prayer pots.

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Artificial_Doom_Flavor we were of course talking about members... there really is no need to shout.




It isn't shouting: the caps and bold are simply to draw attention to it because it's a point that simply hasn't been made clearly enough.




and if you are on a "duelling world" then if you dont know that these rules are in place you deserve to be insulted and harrassed? where is the honour and respect in that??




It should be fairly obvious based on the number of people fighting near edgeville what's going on. If you don't know what something means, then you can always ask. Contrary to others' experiences I've found that most pkers at edgeville will not scorn you if you ask what a term or rule means. If a few do, that's a personal thing and you shouldn't judge the rest by it.




admittedly if you have agreed to these "rules" and then violated them then thats different... but at the moment short of one on one or prearranged clan wars there is no way to make sure these "rules" are followed




Precisely my point. These rules should be followed in worlds and areas where players have agreed upon and can enforce these rules (such as World 3 Edge). I don't know about you, but getting tagged and teamed by silly fools who think they own kind of sickens me. So, the rules established by the denizens of world 3 edge are a most welcome change.

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Artificial_Doom_Flavor the point i was trying to make is that there is no sure way of knowing is you are on a world where these rules are followed. numbers of people at edgville really arent a very good guide are they? if it was generally accepted that, for example world 3 is a duelling world... the same wy world 2 is the market world, then that could work, but that takes time, and the insults from the pkers there wont help people abide by the rules pkers want them to




and no offence to the pkers out there, but if you ask the people in edge they could say yes here are the rules....... you follow them thinking you are abiding by the rules of the world, and they turn around and mash you. yes you come away knowing you were the honourable one... but you are also the dead one who proved nothing other than the fact you are gullible. the current outlook on the wilderness is each to their own. you look after you and yours, not other peoples rules, because no one out there will follow yours.






oh and for the record? bold capital font is the written equivalent of shouting

sometimes there are days when i really want to hit you..... this is one of those days

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