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Is Jagex showing a lack of attention to autoing?


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(Note: before anyone even has the mind to spam on this thread, read through it, and realizes this isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t directed to autoers, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s directed towards jagex)








Ok, the prices for Sharks have dropped 23% 200 gp why? Autoers in the fishing guild. You can see them all around plus thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s no way to report them. How do you report someone who is saying nothing? How do you know if he just doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to speak? Players canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t tell if there autoers or not, you have to do that. We canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t ask them, there programs could you please investigate this further? Even being there






I sent this message to jagex in an outrage because I saw an unbelievable amount of autoers within the fishing guild. They replied to me with the usual ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åhelp by reporting autoersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Beware of the Sara Trio


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Ok, the prices for Sharks have dropped 23% 200 gp why? Autoers in the fishing guild. You can see them all around plus thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s no way to report them. How do you report someone who is saying nothing? How do you know if he just doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to speak? Players canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t tell if there autoers or not, you have to do that. We canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t ask them, there programs could you please investigate this further?




When in doubt, report. In all the cases I've read about unfair bannings, I'm yet to read one about someone being banned for macroing. And I know that I've been reported for macroing before - I was wc-ing with public chat off. Turned it on again in time to see someone say "Well I don't care, I've just reported her for being an autoer." Haven't been banned yet.

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i've always been a nice person to other people. on christmas day, its a custom of myn to give away over one mil (alot to me, and i doubt if i can when xmas comes around again since i make all my money by fishing). i feel guilty about reporting people. ive known plenty of people that had bad morals, but still were nice people. Its a psychology thing, plus maybe some of those things ARE true?

Beware of the Sara Trio


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i feel guilty about reporting people.




If you feel bad about reporting people, then that's something that YOU need to work on, not Jagex.






Its a psychology thing, plus maybe some of those things ARE true?




You meant the claims of unfair banning? Whether fair or not, nobody seems to have been reported for autoing.

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Now, you can bring up that there already banning 5k people a week, but then convert that to a percentage compared to 1 mil, and you get .5%. There is certainly more then .5% autoers, I see more autoers then people these days.




same here, I am f2p, but walking from Lumbridge to draynor surprises me. easpecially near the lake.




I recently went on a reporting trip, every autoer i could find, for 1 minute I would talk to them, try to get a response. If no response I reported them. But why should i be stuck out there reporting all the players, wasting my own time. the answer is i shouldn't. But jagex doesn't care. they only care about the income and profits. Not the feelings of the players in-game. plus, there are a lot more people in f2p than p2p.








Lets say that there are 3 X more f2p players than p2p players. this would mean that approximately 3/4 of the entire population of rs is f2p. around 3 million.




3000000/5000 -} 3000/5 -} 600.




only 600 is banned every week, out of 3 million. Sure, the amount of autoers is not 3 million. but how much of the population is being banned?




0.02% is being banned every week. Add that to the amount of autoers join every week. and jagex aren't really affecting the autoer population whatsoever.

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When in doubt, report. In all the cases I've read about unfair bannings, I'm yet to read one about someone being banned for macroing. And I know that I've been reported for macroing before - I was wc-ing with public chat off. Turned it on again in time to see someone say "Well I don't care, I've just reported her for being an autoer." Haven't been banned yet.


This may change soon. A load of people get banned for "real world trading" now because they give or maybe lend lots of free gold to their friends (the best way to counter this is to trade something in return - anything - as far as I know). Who knows, in June or July Jagex will really start to make an effort by banning every level 3 cutting yews or fishing in the guild. Even if it's just a genuine skiller.


What I don't understand is how these member autoers manage to get away with it? (e.g. fishing guild) If they have paid $5 for one month of autoing, then they must be able to transfer more money worth of sharks back to another account, before they get banned and waste the $5 for nothing. And they still keep doing that! It must bring them quite a lot of profit if it is worth it for them - if the $5 would be a loss, or not enough of a gain, they'd just F2p auto, but no, they invade membersland! Whoa!



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People seem to like complaining about how much of a problem macroing is, but they don't have any ideas on how to prevent it.


Macroing can be slowed down temporarily, but is impossible to stop it.

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People seem to like complaining about how much of a problem macroing is, but they don't have any ideas on how to prevent it.





correction, we don't have any good ideas on how o prevent it. Something called increase the number of randoms appearing, which follow you for longer than they do know. The problem with this is that almost everyone hates randoms. as they are the most annoying things ever. But sometimes even the pain can cause the solution.




Unfortunately now, autoers flee from them. so perhaps change it so that some of them freeze you for a few moments. idk.




*sighs* if only J-mods would come out a bit more.




:-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k




wait a second. wasn't this thread based on the fact that jagex is not responding to the autoers?

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People seem to like complaining about how much of a problem macroing is, but they don't have any ideas on how to prevent it.





correction, we don't have any good ideas on how o prevent it. Something called increase the number of randoms appearing, which follow you for longer than they do know. The problem with this is that almost everyone hates randoms. as they are the most annoying things ever. But sometimes even the pain can cause the solution.




Unfortunately now, autoers flee from them. so perhaps change it so that some of them freeze you for a few moments. idk.




*sighs* if only J-mods would come out a bit more.




:-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k




wait a second. wasn't this thread based on the fact that jagex is not responding to the autoers?


The problem is, if a random event comes, the autoer's controller will switch back to playing himself, then he solves the random event, deals with the... um, rewards (they tend to be crap, except the genie and maybe the Evil Bob island one which gives some small skill exp) and lets the autoer continue.


Wait a moment... I have an idea. What if the tree spirit random could cast a bind spell on you? A genuine player could still escape as a bind is only 5 secs, but an autoer may get confused.



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People seem to like complaining about how much of a problem macroing is, but they don't have any ideas on how to prevent it.





correction, we don't have any good ideas on how o prevent it. Something called increase the number of randoms appearing, which follow you for longer than they do know. The problem with this is that almost everyone hates randoms. as they are the most annoying things ever. But sometimes even the pain can cause the solution.




Unfortunately now, autoers flee from them. so perhaps change it so that some of them freeze you for a few moments. idk.





Correction: we don't have any ideas that will actually work.




Randoms do nothing to stop macroers, period.


Heres what happens with the most common macro right now, when they get a random, the server TELLS the macroing program, "Hey, you just got a sandwich lady, you had better talk to her" then "Hey, the sandwich lady told you to pick a triangle sandwich, so click it before you get teleported."




If a random freezes a macro, it will wait and then run away.




Anything a play can do, a macro can do better.




That is why the solution to slowing down macroing is not in game, jagex has to do something like change the way Runescape's servers send and receives packets.

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Agreed. The only thing Jagax got on macroers ar randoms




Did you even read my post?




Jagex has traps in the client, a reflection system etc, which does much more than randoms.

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People seem to like complaining about how much of a problem macroing is, but they don't have any ideas on how to prevent it.





correction, we don't have any good ideas on how o prevent it. Something called increase the number of randoms appearing, which follow you for longer than they do know. The problem with this is that almost everyone hates randoms. as they are the most annoying things ever. But sometimes even the pain can cause the solution.




Unfortunately now, autoers flee from them. so perhaps change it so that some of them freeze you for a few moments. idk.




*sighs* if only J-mods would come out a bit more.




:-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k :-k




wait a second. wasn't this thread based on the fact that jagex is not responding to the autoers?


The problem is, if a random event comes, the autoer's controller will switch back to playing himself, then he solves the random event, deals with the... um, rewards (they tend to be crap, except the genie and maybe the Evil Bob island one which gives some small skill exp) and lets the autoer continue.


Wait a moment... I have an idea. What if the tree spirit random could cast a bind spell on you? A genuine player could still escape as a bind is only 5 secs, but an autoer may get confused.




they will always find a way




Jagex and Andrew are lying about banning lots of marcos they just want to give false hope

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I think that jagex is trying, but putting to much faith into their randoms.




(80+ macros reported in a week, don't think any were banned)

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What can they do... Rs is browser based, thats a recipe for getting autos.


Jagex shud make Rs downloadable already, and put gameguard, xtrap, or something of the sort in it, and leave us the hell alone with their annoying randoms.

2480+ total

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What can they do... Rs is browser based, thats a recipe for getting autos.


Jagex shud make Rs downloadable already, and put gameguard, xtrap, or something of the sort in it, and leave us the hell alone with their annoying randoms.




meh, sometimes the randoms are ok. i recently got the frog princess random for the first time. however, in the short span of 10 minutes i saw 2 old men appearing. At the same place, (karamja fishing spots), THAT is OTT.




lol, i've been wandering round draynor letely, i say two autoers getting killed by a drunken dwarf. Unlike others, they stay for a long time. so the autoer programs go back only to be attacked again by the dwarf.

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Autoers suck, that's a fact.


They also make it a pain for other people.


I'm not sure how many other people get this kind of crap but it happens to me and my little brother all the time. I'll be minding my own business, and by that I mean ignoring everyone since people around RS tend to be real jack***es nowadays and I get accused of being an autoer..a lot. I think a combination of the fact that autoers are as plentiful as imps and goblins and most people don't like to see anyone "stealing their ore" has something to do with it.

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The problem that Jagex has is that it's Jagex vs. all the sweatshops, goldfarmers, etc., whatever you want to call them.




It's very easy to make accounts, you know?




Also, they do have to confirm that the accounts are macros, and 5 mil per month isn't enough to cause a revolution after paying 200+ employees, members' servers' costs, etc.




On the topic of Jagex's inaction, I heard rumors of more...powerful...methods coming soon, but I don't know anything about it.

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*sigh* jagex fix this, jagex fix that, jagex fix my firends list cause im too much of a bum to do it myself




jagex IS working on banning autoers, u dont see it but it does happen




YES, they dont do it enuf, but they CANNOT DO EVERYTHING




in the future i would like to see no autoers, as for now, just take it as it comes

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Jagex just needs to even out the mod/autoer ratioa bit more.




There will always be autoers, there just needs to be more mods to catch them.


more mods=more chance of abuse of power= more work for the admins to staighten out mods




thats what jagex wants, MORE work

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Jagex just needs to even out the mod/autoer ratioa bit more.




There will always be autoers, there just needs to be more mods to catch them.


If you mean player mods, they aren't meant to hunt down rulebreakers. They're just a means of handling regular reports more efficiently, so don't hassle them to make them report stuff :shame:




If you meant Jagex mods...they have enough people, it's just that their system is a bit behind from what I understand.

Truthscape - qeltar's excellent insights into RuneScape and more

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  • 3 weeks later...

Totally. They have to start IP banning. They should start going into worlds, going into popular macro spots and make them drop like flies. Ban every single level 3 who has a completely random name, starting clothes and hairstyle, and doesn't talk. They may get a few legitimate players but they do that a lot already. A lot of pures have their mains banned. Even if they don't drop trade or macro or whatever. There has recently been a Bots/Real-World Trading fiasco...I've only seen an increase in autoers since then. But before this gets better, it's going to get worse. Much worse.

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Jagex just needs to even out the mod/autoer ratioa bit more.




There will always be autoers, there just needs to be more mods to catch them.




I've seen player mods using autotypers. I don't think anyone can type-Glow3:Wave2:Buying all snapdragon, rannar, kwuarm and watermelon seeds! PM to discuss prices! ~(name)~. I've seen them threatening to mute people for calling them noobs. For crying out loud, go on google or eBay and search RuneScape Pmod. You'll see accounts for sale.

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