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a theory about drill demon (camo)


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i have a theory...i think there is a higher chance of getting drill demon random event (camo) when woodcutting i cant prove it but if im wrong then there must be a serious coincidence because my first account with full camo all parts got when woodcutting i have a friend who got all 3 parts when woodcutting too and the second time i got full camo (diffrent account) the helm and top were while woodcutting (the legs were in a bank) if it also happend to you post it here or if you think im wrong/right etc


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

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umm...but its like zombies you can only get em while burying bones so maybe there is a higher chacne of getting drill demon while woodcutting


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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It's Random...I got it while standing still... :roll:




I also have a theory:


If you are standing in the same spot for a long time, the more chance you have of getting a random event.


It's true. I got full Camo, and Ledhorsen Hat and legs by just standing around.






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It's Random...I got it while standing still... :roll:




I also have a theory:


If you are standing in the same spot for a long time, the more chance you have of getting a random event.


It's true. I got full Camo, and Ledhorsen Hat and legs by just standing around.






if your theory can be right so can mine \'


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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if people didnt get it i said the chances are *higher* to get drill demon while woodcutting not that you can only get it while woodcutting


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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It's random. But its started to not feel that way. I ONLY GOT CAMO LEGS. And my friend got all 3 pieces in a matter of a week. I have a funny feeling the drill demon hates me. Lol.


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Believe me, its really random.




I got it while FM, Mining, and just standing there.




no, it isn't at all. Randoms appear under certain circumstances, i.e. repetative autoer-esque tasks, so this would make sense. Not talking also helps.

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It's Random...I got it while standing still... :roll:




I also have a theory:


If you are standing in the same spot for a long time, the more chance you have of getting a random event.


It's true. I got full Camo, and Ledhorsen Hat and legs by just standing around.










True, if you stay in the same area (the same music) you get the longer randoms more often.



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I get lederhosen the most while wc.




i think that jagex has said that that one is specific to wc

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its not a theory, its a hypothesis. theory is proven, hypothesis is not XD






btw, i got all my camo during teleing

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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I get lederhosen the most while wc.




i think that jagex has said that that one is specific to wc




its not. i got it walking from sawmill to varrok bank, while fming and fixing my barrows

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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its not a theory, its a hypothesis. theory is proven, hypothesis is not XD






btw, i got all my camo during teleing

no a theory is something i assume and have evidence that doesnt prove im 100% right


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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Random event its in the name :wall:
if you havent read before people stated a random is related to certain circumstances


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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how you guys are lucky...never got camo alway lederhorsen (1) Leo the grave...(2 came 2 parts and emote) and only...i always wanted mime or camo


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Quited RuneScape-17 July 2007, Still fighting for f2p rights

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