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Sex Offenders Under a Bridge


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Simple answer, yes i would




Its not only a simple answer, its stupid.


Biggy is trying to have an argument, and so far you admited defeat. Give him an argument please. Justifications, anything.




i dont argue just to entertain the likes of you 2 who are afraid to make your own points and just read what others say. Anyway what he said, and what he quoted me saying are different therefore he "lost" the argument by attempting to create a crap 1.

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Simple answer, yes i would




Its not only a simple answer, its stupid.


Biggy is trying to have an argument, and so far you admited defeat. Give him an argument please. Justifications, anything.




i dont argue just to entertain the likes of you 2 who are afraid to make your own points and just read what others say. Anyway what he said, and what he quoted me saying are different therefore he "lost" the argument by attempting to create a crap 1.




Apparently, you dont know me very well if you think I'm afraid to argue and state my points. I've stated my peace in this thread already, I dont intend to continue on an old, worn out argument on the lesser of two evils.




If theres one thing I cant stand, its that. When people attempt to win an argument, state their points, and expect to be right by only justifing it with your own personal and self-righteous opinions. If you came here to argue, argue. If you came here to state your "correct" opinion, then leave. You add nothing to the argument or to defend yourself. I'd even go so far as to consider it spam (posting your opinion and leaving while asserting yourself over other posters who put up a somewhat valid argument, atleast give them the respect of answering).




Its nothing against you, people do it all the time. It just really annoys me. Please, next time, dont attack the poster. It shows your unintelligence.

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Sorry How2PK but I disagree entirely. These scum should feel lucky they are even alive, because there isn't a very strong culture of revenge in the States. Should they be living in Saudi Arabia etc., those guys would thank god for even being able to hide in the sewers eating mice.




"Mental torture" my ***. You had the choice, and you mentally tortured an innocent kid and ruined his life. Live under a bridge and read newspapers, eat food? That's better than these people deserve, heck it's not like they work in a coalmine. They sit there doing nothing.




They aren't living in SA, but in America. So that's a pretty weird thing you're saying there. If you like the way things are handled in SA, why don't you live there. I prefer a more civilised surrounding. These men/women have done something horrible, I won't deny that. They have been punished for it. I don't see why we can't 'forgive' them, give 'm another chance and help them getting back in society. Where they can do something else than 'sit there doing nothing'. What's the point of jail anyway, if you give them an extra punishment like this when they get out. But I'm out of this topic, I've seen some truely sickening replies. And I don't think it's got a point in talking to you people, as you won't see anything else than your own emotions. [edit] <--- I realize that is a bad attitude, but I just don't feel like putting all that time and energy in it.


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he should be tortured into insanity and the world should be able to view it




Is it really necessary for me elaborate on what I said earlier when you're doing such a great job of proving my point?


The Poison Fairy

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My only problem is the term "sex offender". You can have that status applied to you for relatively small things...the media only gives examples of the big cases, however.




Even the bad ones deserve to not be forced to live under a bridge...at least give them the chance to work and give something to society.




I could go on with this, but meh.

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Simple answer, yes i would




Its not only a simple answer, its stupid.


Biggy is trying to have an argument, and so far you admited defeat. Give him an argument please. Justifications, anything.




i dont argue just to entertain the likes of you 2 who are afraid to make your own points and just read what others say. Anyway what he said, and what he quoted me saying are different therefore he "lost" the argument by attempting to create a crap 1.




Apparently, you dont know me very well if you think I'm afraid to argue and state my points. I've stated my peace in this thread already, I dont intend to continue on an old, worn out argument on the lesser of two evils.




If theres one thing I cant stand, its that. When people attempt to win an argument, state their points, and expect to be right by only justifing it with your own personal and self-righteous opinions. If you came here to argue, argue. If you came here to state your "correct" opinion, then leave. You add nothing to the argument or to defend yourself. I'd even go so far as to consider it spam (posting your opinion and leaving while asserting yourself over other posters who put up a somewhat valid argument, atleast give them the respect of answering).




Its nothing against you, people do it all the time. It just really annoys me. Please, next time, dont attack the poster. It shows your unintelligence.




1. No i don't know you and i couldn't care less who you are, you're not above me nor below me so me thinking you're afraid to argue has no relevance to your point


2. I have never stated that i was involed in an argument, that i wanted to win and the fact that you see every argument as a chance to better yourself with a victory over someone says many things...


3. No opinion is correct or incorrect/right or wrong they are thoughts and can be delivered in anyway shape or form and if i choose not to back up my opinions, defend them or anything else i frankly don't give a damn what others think about them.


4. Don't accuse my opinions as SPAM just because you don't agree with them. I have not merely come on this thread and started ranting thoughtlessly. :roll:

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he should be tortured into insanity and the world should be able to view it




Is it really necessary for me elaborate on what I said earlier when you're doing such a great job of proving my point?




Don't just quote parts of my point! I gave reasons for saying that and you're playing the stereotypical part of a reporter, "Reading what you want to read."




If i said "God i really do not like eating pie" you would take the "like eating pie bit" and say that i have claimed that making it utter BS!

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Don't just quote parts of my point! I gave reasons for saying that and you're playing the stereotypical part of a reporter, "Reading what you want to read."




If i said "God i really do not like eating pie" you would take the "like eating pie bit" and say that i have claimed that making it utter BS!




Hardly. The rest of your post is still there for everyone to see, is it not? I only quoted that part as that was the part I wanted to highlight. Makes sense, no?




You said you would see another human being tortured to insanity. Do you not see what kind of person that makes you?


The Poison Fairy

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Don't just quote parts of my point! I gave reasons for saying that and you're playing the stereotypical part of a reporter, "Reading what you want to read."




If i said "God i really do not like eating pie" you would take the "like eating pie bit" and say that i have claimed that making it utter BS!




Hardly. The rest of your post is still there for everyone to see, is it not? I only quoted that part as that was the part I wanted to highlight. Makes sense, no?




You said you would see another human being tortured to insanity. Do you not see what kind of person that makes you?




Ok kiddies I see you all need a simplistic explanation of what i said cos your missing the point by a long way.




I said that the souless creatures that have been titled as pervets/murderers should be tortued into insanity and we should all be able to see SO AS to knock some sense into fellow idiots contemplating murder. I didn't say that they should torture someone and we should be able to see just for the fun of it, I gave a valid reason so next time you decide to quote something of mine, do it fully and make sure you understand -.-

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Ok kiddies I see you all need a simplistic explanation of what i said cos your missing the point by a long way.




I said that the souless creatures that have been titled as pervets/murderers should be tortued into insanity and we should all be able to see SO AS to knock some sense into fellow idiots contemplating murder. I didn't say that they should torture someone and we should be able to see just for the fun of it, I gave a valid reason so next time you decide to quote something of mine, do it fully and make sure you understand -.-




Me? A kid? Lol...I wish.




Au contraire, my little friend. It is you who is missing the point. To say that any human being at all, regardless of what they have done, should be tortured to insanity makes you inhumane.


The Poison Fairy

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Me? A kid? Lol...I wish.




Au contraire, my little friend. It is you who is missing the point. To say that any human being at all, regardless of what they have done, should be tortured to insanity makes you inhumane.




You class someone who viciously moletes innocent girls without remorse as human? Well then i refuse to be amongst such thoughtless "humans" just cos these embarassment-to-mankind-scum walk on their hindlegs, are able to think and have aposable thumbs doesn't give them the right to be classed as a civilised species as "human". Pfffffft. Only word i can think of to sum up your thoughts on "humans"

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You class someone who viciously moletes innocent girls without remorse as human? Well then i refuse to be amongst such thoughtless "humans" just cos these embarassment-to-mankind-scum walk on their hindlegs, are able to think and have aposable thumbs doesn't give them the right to be classed as a civilised species as "human". Pfffffft. Only word i can think of to sum up your thoughts on "humans"




Then we must agree to disagree.


The Poison Fairy

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What is it about a bunch of teenagers and a pathos written article that attempts to get sympathy? They fall for it every time and go awwwwwwwwwww poor rapist! Didn't they ever teach you critical evaluation in high school? and to avoid bias :ohnoes: are we about to be dubbed generation slow learners or something...




I can see where some people are coming from about theyve served their time etc... I dont agree with it but I can see where you're coming from.




What I'm referring to is the kids who read it without thinking and go with the way its written. Media influence anybody?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Me? A kid? Lol...I wish.




Au contraire, my little friend. It is you who is missing the point. To say that any human being at all, regardless of what they have done, should be tortured to insanity makes you inhumane.




You class someone who viciously moletes innocent girls without remorse as human? Well then i refuse to be amongst such thoughtless "humans" just cos these embarassment-to-mankind-scum walk on their hindlegs, are able to think and have aposable thumbs doesn't give them the right to be classed as a civilised species as "human". Pfffffft. Only word i can think of to sum up your thoughts on "humans"




Sorry but I'm going to take Suzi's side on this and I'm not going to be so polite about it. I'll sum things up quick incase you're one of those people who has a short attention span and you're barely getting this far.. You're a f*ing moron. Prove to me that these people have no remorse. Not just one, all of them. Every single person who has every molested a child or raped and innocent person. They're still human, by genetics and whatever else you'd like to go into. Just because someone isn't mentally stable doesn't mean they're not human. Saying that a mentally handicapped child isn't a human because he can't speak well is just being a total [wagon]. Now I know I'm dealing with a decent number of younger kids around here but there's no reason for people to spout s* like this. Grow the f* up and come back when you learn to be a decent person.




What is it about a bunch of teenagers and a pathos written article that attempts to get sympathy? They fall for it every time and go awwwwwwwwwww poor rapist! Didn't they ever teach you critical evaluation in high school? and to avoid bias :ohnoes: are we about to be dubbed generation slow learners or something...




You're an idiot.. I'll leave it at that.

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I'll re write it in words you can understand to make it easier for you




I dont agree with what youre saying but I can see where youre coming from, I was not attacking anybody who opposed, my comment was for the kids who are instantly influenced by the way an article is written without critically evaluating it.




Spelling it out for you now: That post was not for those who oppose, merely for the teenagers who agree OR disagree without critical evaluation.




However apparently you cant read and you get offended easily, not my problem.




I'd expect a flame post back from someone who can't read a whole post before evaluating it, prove me wrong.




Then you finish your post by saying "Come back when you're a decent person" before finishing with "You're an idiot".




*shrugs* you are quite contradicting.




For somebody who seems so passionate about equal rights for all, you certainly don't practise what you preach.




I'll still love you for it :D



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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meh, only 10 months, put em back in jail, for maby 5 years, then let them do what they want, and if they do it again, 10 years.


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Wow deloriagod you just proved exactly what I was saying. Apparently you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t read all of what is written either. Kudos for proving my point.




I'll re write it in words you can understand to make it easier for you.




I dont agree with what youre saying but I can see where youre coming from, I was not attacking anybody who opposed, my comment was for the kids who are instantly influenced by the way an article is written without critically evaluating it.




However apparently you cant read and you get offended easily, not my problem.




I'd expect a flame post back from someone who can't read a whole post before evaluating it, prove me wrong.




Then you finish your post by saying "Come back when you're a decent person" before finishing with "You're an idiot".




*shrugs* you are quite contradicting.




All I'm getting out of you is that I can't feel sympathy or agree with an article. I'm not going to say I'm a great person and a role model for society but I'm not a bad person and thanks for MPC and Ghost I don't have a problem speaking my mind. If I think you're an idiot, I'll tell you. As for being easily offended, not quite. Like I said, I speak my mind and I'm not going to sugar-coat what I have to say. Don't like it, just ignore me.

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All I'm getting out of you is that I can't feel sympathy or agree with an article.




Ahh you are missing what I'm saying. I'm not attacking anybody who agrees with the article. My comment was for those who read it instantly, without critical evaluation. You critically evaluated it when you read it and THEN agreed with it - therefore my comment does not stand with you.




Understand now?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Remorse or not, they still viscously raped someone, and a child at that. It is unforgivable, and as the victim will be scarred for life, the offender must pay his dues - for life.




If you have any sympathy for these guys because they have to live under a bridge, you're a total tool. What else do you suggest? Government funded housing? Yea, right. Bottom line is that they're being punished for doing something horrible.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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All I'm getting out of you is that I can't feel sympathy or agree with an article.




Ahh you are missing what I'm saying. I'm not attacking anybody who agrees with the article. My comment was for those who read it instantly, without critical evaluation. You critically evaluated it when you read it and THEN agreed with it - therefore my comment does not stand with you.




Understand now?




Yes. The way you were saying it just came off as though I wasn't allowed to agree with the article.




Remorse or not, they still viscously raped someone, and a child at that. It is unforgivable, and as the victim will be scarred for life, the offender must pay his dues - for life.




If you have any sympathy for these guys because they have to live under a bridge, you're a total tool. What else do you suggest? Government funded housing? Yea, right. Bottom line is that they're being punished for doing something horrible.




They did something horrible, did their time as the court ordered, and now you're okay with them being punished even more? They could at least have decent living conditions. I'll bet prison looks like heaven compared to sleeping under a bridge and having to beg for food. Go live like that for a week then imagine what they have to do until they're off parole so they can move out of the county.

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Yes. The way you were saying it just came off as though I wasn't allowed to agree with the article.




I'm glad you understand now. By all means I understand where your points are coming from and they are valid.




Articles are specifically written in certain ways to manipulate a point - Some people read it and agree or disagree with it because the media only shows that point of view.




If you can read it and have reason to agree or disagree with it, other than because itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s written in the way to persuade you then you are a critical thinker.




I guess if telling people to think before they agree or disagree makes me an idiot, I'm definitely an idiot. Kudos.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I guess if telling people to think before they agree or disagree makes me an idiot, I'm definitely an idiot. Kudos.




Now that things are cleared up I wouldn't go as far as to say you're an idiot. The way you said it was just difficult to understand what you really meant.




Edit: And no, I don't think they teach us critial thinking. It's something I learned on my own but my mind is always going a mile a minute.

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By all means I have to sit and listen to mothers who say they killed their child because it felt good.




I can display empathy in the worst of situations. This article is the least of my worries lol




I'm not going to judge if a person agrees or disagrees on here.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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