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My parents always limit my time on runescape to only 2 hours a day, friday and saturday, and any holiday from school.




Except for over the summer while they both are at work... O:)




I want to use my most valuable time over the summer to do something truely great. I really am very good at runescape, doing so much with the little time i have. in 20 hours (my spring break) i made 10m cash and grew 50 total lvls 8-)




Im gonna make 30k nats regardless of what anyone says, so that will put me at 21-22m




Which should i do after that?




Plan 1:


-Go from 65 agility to 70


-range 2500 blues banking everything then using the agility shortcut.


(I got a nice ranger set to make it easier <3: )


-make green bodies to 71 crafting and alking them for a slight profit


-craft all the blue bodies and alking 825 bodies for 4.1m


-buy 13k oak logs and have my buttler make them into planks for me getting 70 construction (Then i will instale the quilded alter that is gathering dust in my bank. Bought for 1.2m way back when).


-use all the dragon bones on the alter for 70 prayer.


- then i will power range to 80 and try to all range for a fire cape at 88 cb




Profits from this plan:


80 ranging


70 prayer


1m profit + 9m from the nats


72 crafting


70 agility






Plan 2:


-Make 5k nats a day for 50 days (almost 2/3 my summer)


-I make 1500-1600 nats an hour so that is 3.3333 hours a day :thumbsup:


-Ill sell all the nats and by the p ess to get 91 rcing from the law company


-get 91 runecrafting if its fast enought




Profits from plan:


91 runecrafting


13m gp left over




Plan 3:


-Train for 99 hunter for all 75 days of my break 3 maeby 4 hours a day






Trimmed skill cape


25-30m profit


something my rl friends would drool over :pray:




Plan 4:


-Train on pest controle and make my main into a staking account


-95 att


-95 def


-75 (85) str


-keep prayer at 56


-stake and hopefully be able to stake up 100m to fund 99 construction




Please vote for the best one, one vote per person




plan 1: 8 57%


plan 2: 1 7%


plan 3: 3 21%


plan 4: 2 14%


any advice on the plan you choose is welcome <3:


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I like all the ideas except for the 4th one, you could spend most of your summer training and then get cleaned :(




I'd go for the blue drags and then with the money from that after you get 80 range start rc so you will have a jump into the school year.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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plan 3




use the money from that + the money from making nats to buy ur way up to 99 smithing.... then u'll b INSANE




for example.... ur in the wild minding ur own business when WHAM! you get ganged... people are on all sides of you! before you know what hit u, ur dead. Oh well.... looks like u'll hav to go smith urself full rune....




just think of it..... limitless sets of full rune! oh what i'd give...

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i third the ranging






[spoiler=99's]99 strength achieved 5/27/09.

99 hitpoints achieved 9/30/09.(59,643)

99 attack achieved 11/08/09. (77,453)

99 defence achieved 1/31/10. (63,382)

99 range achieved ( sometime ago )




x15 whips

x53 d boots

x3 visages

x88 g mauls


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Plan one seems to be winning by far. But here is are somemore of my thoughts.




91 runescrafting would be good for me cause i play 4 hours a week when school is in session.




so that would mean i could make 4m a week till next summer, which would be like around 144million <3:




the other thought would be to do plan 1, which wont take all summer, then start on plan 3 and steam threw till ig to 91, which would be about the beginning of next summer, giving me all summer to get lots of $$


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I really can't descide quiet yet, can someone give me a solid reason to become a staker? plan 1 would be fun. plan 2 is ultimate wealth. plan 3 in a good skill cape, and plan 4 is riskey, but a chance to gain more wealth in a day than possible any other way.




Anyone got some solid reasons?




Plan 1, the fun one, is winning atm with 8 votes. Im hoping to add full dragon to this plan from making nats after i finish w/ the current plan.




I would have equiped while showing off:


dragon chain


dragon legs




dragon []


robin hat


ranger boots




fire cape




2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I have offically descided to:




Go with plan....1!




ill craft 30k nats, sell 25k for 7.5m


ill then buy green dragon hides by the 5k and craft green bodies and alk them.


that will get me to 71 crafting


then ill have 9m cash + 11m in times <3:


ill get 70 construction and instale my quilded alter


then ill buy a seercull and archer ring and start on those blues.


i think ill buy mith arrows to make it easier


then ill use the bones on the alter, craft the blue bodes and alk them for 4.1m.


then ill power range to 80 and get fire cape <3:




after that i will craft nats for the rest of the summer.




Thanks for all your help


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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