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Mr. Jukes' Halo 3 Betalicious Video!


Posted by SketchFactor at 5/10/2007 5:15 PM PDT


(Bungie.net News)




Before you check out Mr. Jukes' Halo 3 video debut, please keep in mind that this video was produced using the internal beta version of Halo 3. This means it's a bit older than what the rest of the world will start playing in the next few days. It also means that it has all sorts of debug text all over it - this won't be in the version you get your hands on. And, this was fully sanctioned and approved by Bungie - unlike some of those other "leaked" videos that have ended up online.




Check out Mr. Jukes' Halo 3 "Betalicious" Video HERE! (WMV) (right click, 'save-as')






~Interview with Mr. Juke~




Maybe you've heard of him, maybe you haven't... but around Microsoft, Mr. Jukes has established a name for himself as a tireless, hardcore and fanatical player of Halo who isn't too shabby in the video production department either.




Over the last few months, Jukes' logged an incredible (bordering on inhuman) amount of games through the internal Alpha and Beta tests for Halo 3 and he was just as involved in the first ever Halo 2 online tests as well. In addition to playing the games, Mr. Jukes also became known for his entertaining videos - most of which focused on jumping. Yes, jumping. It doesn't sound like much but some of the jumps and tricks he pulls in the games had to be seen to be believed.




I asked Mr. Jukes a few questions to help us get to know the man behind the controller and pass along some of his insights into the Halo 3 beta....




When you're not playing Halo 3, what do you actually do at Microsoft?


Mr. Jukes: I am a developer on the Windows Core User Experience Team. I was responsible for the Start Menu that shipped in Vista and am busy working on the next version of Windows.




How did you get started making wacky jump videos for Halo?


Jukes: During the Halo 2 Beta I found a couple of jumps on Zanzibar that really opened my eyes to the tactical possibilities of taking the less obvious route. I showed them to some of my friends and they thought the jumps could come in pretty handy. From that point on, I was always on the lookout for alternative ways to reach a destination. I had fully explored most of the maps that shipped with Halo 2 and found a lot of useful jumps by the time it went public so I thought it would be cool to set up a site and make some videos to share with the community.




Why do you love jumping so much?


Jukes: I enjoy the social aspect of playing a custom game with friends where we aren't trying to kill each other. I also enjoy the challenge of completing a really difficult jump after many failed attempts. I am totally psyched for the (Halo 3) Saved FIlms feature. This video was made with a very early and basic version... I can't wait to see the videos people will end up making with the full feature. Never again will I miss a shot because I didn't have my capture device recording!




What was your fondest memory playing the Halo 3 internal beta?


Jukes: (NOTE: His real answer was too secret to reveal, so here's his backup answer) -- Playing until 4 a.m. with some friends while trying to break the leveling system. In the process we lined up some sweet Spartan Laser kills and had some fun with the Trip Mine and Fusion Cores.




How many games of Halo 3 do you reckon you've played thus far?


Jukes: If you include the Halo 3 Alpha and Beta, I think I logged about 1,100 games.




What advice would you give to the rest of world as they prepare to play Halo 3 for the first time?


Jukes: Have fun and don't be a douche.




Oh, and one more thing... is it true that you can destroy New001 at Halo 3?


Jukes: Oh man... a chance to bash New001 in a public forum with no recourse for retaliation. It feels like Christmas. In all honesty, I don't think anybody involved in a game with New ends up winning in the end... no matter the outcome.




We hope you enjoy it - we did. And a huge thanks to Mr. Jukes for putting this together for our amusement.




See you online soon!










I know I did! Dissection anyone? :P

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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:o :o :o


A little update guys, I just got accepted into the Halo 3 Friends and Family Program...




I am playing the Beta right now.

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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Wow, good for you. As for the vid., still just looks like a company leeching more money off the success of the first game. Nothing special. Seriously, what's so great about Halo?








Why do so many praise it as if it did?


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Wow, good for you. As for the vid., still just looks like a company leeching more money off the success of the first game. Nothing special. Seriously, what's so great about Halo?








Why do so many praise it as if it did?


The REAL Gordan Freeman wouldn't be trolling around on the Halo Forums.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Wow, good for you. As for the vid., still just looks like a company leeching more money off the success of the first game. Nothing special. Seriously, what's so great about Halo?








Why do so many praise it as if it did?


The REAL Gordan Freeman wouldn't be trolling around on the Halo Forums.




Why sure he can! But I bet Gordon Freeman would have a better time out at Ravenholm ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Wow, good for you. As for the vid., still just looks like a company leeching more money off the success of the first game. Nothing special. Seriously, what's so great about Halo?








Why do so many praise it as if it did?


The REAL Gordan Freeman wouldn't be trolling around on the Halo Forums.




Why sure he can! But I bet Gordon Freeman would have a better time out at Ravenholm ;)




Oh, wow. You realized that I made a mistake in the naming of my account 2 years ago when I created it. =D> Bet you're proud that you know what Ravenholm is too. Good for you.




But seriously, tell me why Halo is so great. Is it because everyone else says it is? Because that's the answer I would/ have come to expect. The success of the game was built off of word of mouth (ex. kids that only had an xbox had crap FPS games to play until Halo came out, so "ZOMG HALO IS TEH BEST GAME EVER") and the success of the second game was built off the success of the first game, and that is all. I'll admit, the first game had a fun multiplayer game...for around 3-5 hours. Playing the campaign mode made me bored out of my mind, nothing special about it whatsoever. So, everyone starts talking about how amazing Halo 2 is. I play the multiplayer mode with a few friends, and I can't stand it. The weapons suck, the gameplay sucks (You can barely ever get headshots, and the only weapons you can get them with are battle rifles and snipers...that is, from long range). Oh, and one of the most retarted things is being able to shoot with perfect accuracy...while in the AIR. I swear, that game has so many loopholes in it, it blows my mind because of how popular it is. If no one talked about this game, no one would play it. Plain and simple.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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halo is great because everygame had great multi player




and for the ppl who say halo1 didnt have multi it did with xbox connect

Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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I would just like to ask why we can't have one topic about the Halo series without having all the posts that flame Halo because it doesn't suit their tastes. People like GordanFreeman need to get it through their heads that the views on a game is pure opinion. Some people like a game while others hate it. I do not see why there always has to be at least one idiot who needs to post something along the lines of, "Omfgz0rs, Hal0 is teh sukz0sr!!1!1". We get it. You hate the Halo series. Maybe we're acting as though it revolutionized the FPS genre because in our eyes, it did. Some of us haven't had more fun on a video game than playing a great game of Halo with some friends. Honestly, why don't you make a topic about how you hate Halo. Then we could have our topics and you all could have yours.

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I cannot wait for the beta, 2 days to go until i can download and finally play it. The Betalicious video looks so awesome, Mr jukes looks like a good shot with the laser



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I would just like to ask why we can't have one topic about the Halo series without having all the posts that flame Halo because it doesn't suit their tastes. People like GordanFreeman need to get it through their heads that the views on a game is pure opinion. Some people like a game while others hate it. I do not see why there always has to be at least one idiot who needs to post something along the lines of, "Omfgz0rs, Hal0 is teh sukz0sr!!1!1". We get it. You hate the Halo series. Maybe we're acting as though it revolutionized the FPS genre because in our eyes, it did. Some of us haven't had more fun on a video game than playing a great game of Halo with some friends. Honestly, why don't you make a topic about how you hate Halo. Then we could have our topics and you all could have yours.




I could, but it wouldn't give me the pleasure of seeing you guys annoyed at my posts. For now I'll stick with 'trolling', imo a rather harsh term. I provided facts as to why the game sucks, not opinions. At least, most of my post was facts. Maybe just a bit was opinion. If you haven't had more fun playing an FPS game than playing Halo, you should either give up on playing the genre at all, or get some new games to play, because you're really missing out.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Keeping our weekly halo thread quota up I see? (because, y'know it doesn't make sense to add the video to the whole halo 3 videos post. Again.)




edit: @ freeman -




Your post was not facts, please do not put it out there as such.

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I would just like to ask why we can't have one topic about the Halo series without having all the posts that flame Halo because it doesn't suit their tastes. People like GordanFreeman need to get it through their heads that the views on a game is pure opinion. Some people like a game while others hate it. I do not see why there always has to be at least one idiot who needs to post something along the lines of, "Omfgz0rs, Hal0 is teh sukz0sr!!1!1". We get it. You hate the Halo series. Maybe we're acting as though it revolutionized the FPS genre because in our eyes, it did. Some of us haven't had more fun on a video game than playing a great game of Halo with some friends. Honestly, why don't you make a topic about how you hate Halo. Then we could have our topics and you all could have yours.




I could, but it wouldn't give me the pleasure of seeing you guys annoyed at my posts. For now I'll stick with 'trolling', imo a rather harsh term. I provided facts as to why the game sucks, not opinions. At least, most of my post was facts. Maybe just a bit was opinion. If you haven't had more fun playing an FPS game than playing Halo, you should either give up on playing the genre at all, or get some new games to play, because you're really missing out.


At least you admit to being such a lowlife that you actually post for the pleasure of annoyance. Surely that should be against the rules. Oh well. I won't argue with you anymore. I don't really like arguing with people who need to jump off of a bridge to come to the realization that they are not God and that just because they say something, doesn't make it fact.




Anyway, I'm looking forward to beta also. Seeing as how I never took the time to preorder Crackdown, I'll be waiting for my friend to go to his dad's house next weekend to play it.

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I would just like to ask why we can't have one topic about the Halo series without having all the posts that flame Halo because it doesn't suit their tastes. People like GordanFreeman need to get it through their heads that the views on a game is pure opinion. Some people like a game while others hate it. I do not see why there always has to be at least one idiot who needs to post something along the lines of, "Omfgz0rs, Hal0 is teh sukz0sr!!1!1". We get it. You hate the Halo series. Maybe we're acting as though it revolutionized the FPS genre because in our eyes, it did. Some of us haven't had more fun on a video game than playing a great game of Halo with some friends. Honestly, why don't you make a topic about how you hate Halo. Then we could have our topics and you all could have yours.




I could, but it wouldn't give me the pleasure of seeing you guys annoyed at my posts. For now I'll stick with 'trolling', imo a rather harsh term. I provided facts as to why the game sucks, not opinions. At least, most of my post was facts. Maybe just a bit was opinion. If you haven't had more fun playing an FPS game than playing Halo, you should either give up on playing the genre at all, or get some new games to play, because you're really missing out.


At least you admit to being such a lowlife that you actually post for the pleasure of annoyance. Surely that should be against the rules. Oh well. I won't argue with you anymore. I don't really like arguing with people who need to jump off of a bridge to come to the realization that they are not God and that just because they say something, doesn't make it fact.




Anyway, I'm looking forward to beta also. Seeing as how I never took the time to preorder Crackdown, I'll be waiting for my friend to go to his dad's house next weekend to play it.




z0mg i m god, it tru cuz i say so. Of course I post for the pleasure of seeing other people annoyed, I don't know you in real life, what can you do to me? Call me a low life and tell me you won't argue with such people? Big deal, these are forums, they're not meant for extremely serious conversations, and they're also not meant for Halo worshipping teenagers (which they're mostly filled with). I don't see why this forum has so many rules anyways, what's the matter with swearing and spam? Yeah, it's my opinion, Halo sucks. What are you going to do now? Call me a lowlife again? Or will I get temp-banned from the forum, just for expressing my personal opinion? I dunno. But whatever happens, I stand by my argument.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Ok, so I'm going to break my word and go ahead and argue a little bit more. I read your second post on this thread and realized that it sounds like you hate Halo because you aren't very good. You can barely ever get headshots? Tell that to my friend who gets more headshots on Halo 2 than anyone I've ever seen. Even I can get headshots fairly often in the game and I've never been that great at video games. Being able to shoot with perfect accuracy in the air? Yes. It's possible. So what? I don't see why its popularity is blowing your mind. To be honest, I'm not even annoyed by your post anymore because from now on, no matter what you say to deny it, I'm going to assume that you hate Halo because you aren't good at it. That's what I inferred from your post and I'm going to casually ignore any retaliation you may make.

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Since w'ere voicing opinons:




Gordon, you are severely... let's say challenged. You point out that Halo 2 was built on the success of the first game, yet that's how most games (Half-Life/Half-Life 2, Splinter Cell/PT/CT/DA, Metal Gear Solid/2/3) have made their success with sequels. And by complaining about things such as you can't get headshots, or that it's ridiculous tha you can shoot in the air with perfect accuracy, just goes to show you probably aren't that good at it. If you don't like the game, don't talk about it, don't start flaming people on they're opinions about it, and keep the [cabbage] to youself (excuse my languge).

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Since w'ere voicing opinons:




Gordon, you are severely... let's say challenged. You point out that Halo 2 was built on the success of the first game, yet that's how most games (Half-Life/Half-Life 2, Splinter Cell/PT/CT/DA, Metal Gear Solid/2/3) have made their success with sequels. And by complaining about things such as you can't get headshots, or that it's ridiculous tha you can shoot in the air with perfect accuracy, just goes to show you probably aren't that good at it. If you don't like the game, don't talk about it, don't start flaming people on they're opinions about it, and keep the [cabbage] to youself (excuse my languge).




:-s what?




I am almost certain the statement about Halo 2 being built on the sucess for the first game meant that Halo 2 its self was not as good as a game as Halo, effectivly just drifting on sales because of Halo's popularity.




Please don't take this as me bashing the game. I'm going to refrain from this because I've long since given up trying to argue over what is good and bad. There are very little things you can do to argue a games worth aside from that of a very obvious personal opinion.






To try and stray somewhat bit more on the topic I'm not passing any judgements until I play the game for myself. I found Halo 2 unable to live up to its hype and no where near the level of polish and creativity than other games in the same genre (FPS). At any rate the one thing I truely hate are the (quite obvious) drooling fanboys who proclaim the game as the messiah of FPS's and the peak of entertainment. These are the same guys whos gaming collection consists of Grand theft Auto and NFL Blitz 3911 and nothing more, save for crackdown of course (gotta get that beta key!).

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I'm just wondering what the whole "Holier than thou" attitude is for. You don't like the game.. so what?! Just because one likes a simple game that doesn't have a gravity gun means they're dumbed down versions of "real" fps players that play HL:2 or the same tired ol' CS? Get the [bleep] off your high horse, Gordon. Noone cares.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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While we're on the subject, I'd like to point out that no matter how much I argue for the Halo series, I don't think it's the best. There are far better FPSs out there, Halo is just a lot of fun to me. I happen to prefer Gears of War.

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While we're on the subject, I'd like to point out that no matter how much I argue for the Halo series, I don't think it's the best. There are far better FPSs out there, Halo is just a lot of fun to me. I happen to prefer Gears of War.




GoW isnt a fps try again:)




but ya i prefer GoW over halo 2 anyday but not halo 3 atm since its a much better then h2

Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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While we're on the subject, I'd like to point out that no matter how much I argue for the Halo series, I don't think it's the best. There are far better FPSs out there, Halo is just a lot of fun to me. I happen to prefer Gears of War.




GoW isnt a fps try again:)




but ya i prefer GoW over halo 2 anyday but not halo 3 atm since its a much better then h2




What would you consider gears of war really? Granted, its not a first person shooter but I guess you could just call it a Third person shooter than.






Also, Tim from CAD had a very good explanation of halo 3:




You know, I'm probably one of the few Xbox 360 owners that just could not care less about Halo 3. I just don't give a [cabbage]. Halo was such a huge and pleasant surprise, and a great way to start off the Xbox and Halo 2 was new maps, new weapons, slightly better graphics, it was the sequel to the game that blew us all away. And now Halo 3... so what?




It's Halo. It's not like we don't know exactly what it's going to be like. Yeah, the graphics should be much sharper on the 360. And one would hope that means more than just a shinier plastic shader over everything. And it is Halo, and Halo has been good, so Halo 3 will be good, but... eh, I don't know. I just can't bring myself to care. Most anticipated game ever? Pfeh, whatever. Give me Mass Effect, Too Human, Phantom Hourglass, Crackdown 2, Condemned 2 (etc etc) over Halo 3 any day.




I also can't say I'm a huge fan of the caliber of gamer that Halo online multiplayer attracts. I fully intend to ignore the beta for at least the first week. I figure let all the idiots rush the field and squeak themselves into oblivion. I'll try it towards the end, because I am curious to see where improvements have been made, and who knows, maybe I'll see something there that gets me excited for Halo again.




I'm honestly not holding my breath.

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While we're on the subject, I'd like to point out that no matter how much I argue for the Halo series, I don't think it's the best. There are far better FPSs out there, Halo is just a lot of fun to me. I happen to prefer Gears of War.




GoW isnt a fps try again:)




but ya i prefer GoW over halo 2 anyday but not halo 3 atm since its a much better then h2


I guess I kind of made it sound like that but that's not exactly what I meant. I did say FPS but I was just tlaking about shooters in general.

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I'm just wondering what the whole "Holier than thou" attitude is for. You don't like the game.. so what?! Just because one likes a simple game that doesn't have a gravity gun means they're dumbed down versions of "real" fps players that play HL:2 or the same tired ol' CS? Get the [bleep] off your high horse, Gordon. Noone cares.




What did I say to make you think that? I didn't say that I was better than you, I had no intention of even implying that. Also, I didn't mention anything about the gravity gun (although, imo, the super gravity gun is cooler than any weapon in any other fps) or HL:2, or Counter-Strike in this topic. I may have mentioned it somewhere else, but that was outside of this topic, and I didn't use that as an argument anywhere in this topic. If you want me to, I could, and I could explain how much better CS is than online multiplayer Halo2, but I won't unless you truly want to have an argument about that. I mean, one of the main reasons I was trying not to compare the two was that they're on two different systems, and can hardly be compared. And to the guy taht commented on how other sequels were successful because of their originals, well, you're just being ignorant and not seeing my meaning behind that. Of course more people will buy the sequels because they liked the first game, that's obvious. What I meant was that, if those games that you mentioned had been stand-alone games and not sequels, they would've done very well. May not be able to say that about Halo 2.


And no_one, I played Halo 2. I got it, played it online for about a month. I got pretty good at it. It got boring. Yes, I went back to CS. I may not have had 1337 skillz in Halo 2, but the main reason I got bored of Halo 2 was because of having to play it with a controller. Keyboard and mouse ftw. I'll leave RPGs and adventures for consoles.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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:o :o :o


A little update guys, I just got accepted into the Halo 3 Friends and Family Program...




I am playing the Beta right now.




Yea, i hate you..... :cry:




I never got into beta... Never got around to buying crackdown or any other ways of gitting in.

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