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Underage Drinking


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But whatever, keep on drinkin' so you can get 5 DWI's and spend a few months in jail while someone who smokes pot and sits in their basement gets 15 years. ;)




Ah, and from now on, nothing you say matters.




The only reason you consider it a waste of money is because it doesn't benefit you in the long run yes? I can see why you think that, I don't agree with it myself, but that's just my opinion. Let's just keep these as opinions, yes? Stop being so ridiculously forceful with your beliefs.




As for taste, that's another matter of opinion. I don't particularly like Escargot, but that doesn't mean it's 'crappy tasting', it just means I don't like it. I love the taste of lagers (not ales though), and enjoy a good whisky every now and then. Is that so hard to believe?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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But whatever, keep on drinkin' so you can get 5 DWI's and spend a few months in jail while someone who smokes pot and sits in their basement gets 15 years. ;)




Ah, and from now on, nothing you say matters.




The only reason you consider it a waste of money is because it doesn't benefit you in the long run yes? I can see why you think that, I don't agree with it myself, but that's just my opinion. Let's just keep these as opinions, yes? Stop being so ridiculously forceful with your beliefs.




As for taste, that's another matter of opinion. I don't particularly like Escargot, but that doesn't mean it's 'crappy tasting', it just means I don't like it. I love the taste of lagers (not ales though), and enjoy a good whisky every now and then. Is that so hard to believe?




Going along with this I don't particularly like the taste of, say, vodka. However I do like how it settles if that makes any sense at all.






Tigra, you and insane both have a really closed view of alcohol.




Also going along with lat here but how is enjoyment a waste of money?

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By the time I was 12 my mom had been giving me champagne and wine, educating me about wine, etc. Whenever we have a formal dinner I have champagne or wine. It is not a big deal in my family.




But go buy some beer and get drunk? Would never think of it. Just plain stupid.

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I'm having a hard time believing anyone actually enjoys alcohol for what it is and not for what it does to your body. Beer tastes like watered-down aweful, and other alcohols are pretty much all crappy tasting, and on top of that, burn on the way down! It's my observation that if something burns on the way down when you're drinking it, it's because your body doesn't is saying "Hey, uhh...Don't drink that..." just as with how you cough when you smoke a cigarette.
Jesus Christ you big girl's blouse. Pretty much everybody i know likes a nice cold lager on a hot day, for the taste and refreshment - not to get drunk.




And stuff that 'burns on the way down is actually quite a nice feeling on a cold winters day.

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I'm having a hard time believing anyone actually enjoys alcohol for what it is and not for what it does to your body. Beer tastes like watered-down aweful, and other alcohols are pretty much all crappy tasting, and on top of that, burn on the way down! It's my observation that if something burns on the way down when you're drinking it, it's because your body doesn't is saying "Hey, uhh...Don't drink that..." just as with how you cough when you smoke a cigarette.
Jesus Christ you big girl's blouse. Pretty much everybody i know likes a nice cold lager on a hot day, for the taste and refreshment - not to get drunk.




See, this doesn't really help out either. Non-drinkers call drinkers idiots, wasters, and drinkers call non-drinkers wimps or whatever. It just doesn't make any sense.




I know what you're saying, and pretty much everyone I know likes a cold lager on a hot day as well. But not everyone does, and you have to respect that as well.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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i have drank alot of beer some times but i just always watch out i still know what i am doing




if you have on the next day, forgotten what you did then you had to much i never had it come that far :)

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i hate when people say things are a waste of time and money...but they really are not




so let's say you have a child who plays soccer for a scholarship. they get really good, really competitive, and join different leagues. most time is spent devoted to getting better, practice, and road trips. if you don't get the scholarship...you might play every once and a while, but for the most part you are done with soccer because you have school + a job to do.




in the end...they didn't get the scholarship...yet they enjoyed every minute that they played. is all of that a waste of time? surely it isn't...they enjoyed it. they got the benefit of enjoying it..




vacations...are they a waste of time as well? do they waste money? no...you're spending the money you earned for your income to ENJOY yourself...that's the purpose of any excess money...to be spent to enjoy yourself beyond necessary vital things to live.




why is alcohol any different? i'm not condoning underage drinking (maybe hypocritical..but i enjoy it :\...for the taste as well), but why should the consumption of alcohol be considered a waste?




video games IMO are beneficial too. they benefit you now because you're entertained. they have made my typing speed rise exponentially and were used as a gateway to a possible career...cause i am A+ and Net+ certified and will always have that as a backup career if all else fails. if you're not english and you play an english based game, it helps you learn the language. many dutch people on RS didn't know a lick of english and now they get top marks in their class simply because of RS...was it not beneficial?




don't be so cynical...it only becomes a waste when it is an addiction...because all addictions are harmful.

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I do drink and yes I'm underaged. For me, it can be a good time, but I don't need to do it. I don't go out of my way just to drink. If there is beer or alcohol there, I'll drink it if it's offered. But I won't ask someone to go buy me vodka or anything like that. To me, it's all relative. I have done a lot worse stuff that drink. I don't get drunk when I drink because it's just stupid. I stopped doing really bad things because I realized I was just hurting myself for not even that good of a time.


I used to take Zanex and get completely messed up on them. But then I realized how childish and stupid I was being. I wouldn't remember the entire night and I'd just wake up feeling horrible. Alcohol to me is fine if you can control yourself. I'm not saying that it's not dangerous, I'm just saying compared to what else you could be doing, it isn't that bad. As long as you don't drink too much, there isn't many bad things that can happen.


im level 76 and IM NOT A NOOB 30- is a noob
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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...". You're not getting that money back, waste or not. You keep saying that I'm applying it to everyone when I never said I was. I gave my personal reasons that I believe to be true and because you don't agree with them you're trying to pin me as the bad guy? That seems awfully hypocritical.

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i now see where insane was coming from...




tbh insane, it did sound like you were applying it to everyone...but now i see that wasn't your intention




i can agree with that. a waste of time or money might not be to another person...which is true for everything




that's a much better explanation..




ps: why arn't you a mod anymore? i know you havn't been one for a while...but i have been wondering about it for a while

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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Quite clearly you projected your reasons for not getting drunk onto anyone who does. You implied that anyone who likes 'getting wasted' throws away money, brain cells and dignity.




Relative to not getting drunk, it's a true statement.

If you like it, it's not wasting money. Say I like to buy Cokes. You do not like Coke, so therefore you say it's a waste of money to buy Coke.




That part right there is all in opinion, Insane.




It's not an opinion. All consumable objects that do nothing for you in the long-run are a waste of money, even if you enjoy them. RuneScape is a waste of money. Cigarettes, beer, candy, blah blah blah. People like the stuff, but it does nothing for them positively 5 years down the road, infact, I'd wager that most will regret consuming whatever it may be.




How is enjoyment not justification for spending money? That seems like an awfully cynical view to have.




I'm having a hard time believing anyone actually enjoys alcohol for what it is and not for what it does to your body. Beer tastes like watered-down aweful, and other alcohols are pretty much all crappy tasting, and on top of that, burn on the way down! It's my observation that if something burns on the way down when you're drinking it, it's because your body doesn't is saying "Hey, uhh...Don't drink that..." just as with how you cough when you smoke a cigarette.




Anyways, even if I enjoy something, I'm smart enough to acknowledge that yes, it's a waste of money. I played MMO's, and the entire time I KNEW it was a waste of money and that in the long run, it would do nothing positive for me, but I did it anyways because it was fun at the time. Same goes for beer and cigarettes and la-de-da.




But whatever, keep on drinkin' so you can get 5 DWI's and spend a few months in jail while someone who smokes pot and sits in their basement gets 15 years. ;)




I'm sorry, that's just plain rediculous.




Yes, I enjoy alcohol for the taste, namely beer, which, with something like a pie, is absolue heaven to me. You can have a hard time trying to grasp that if you want but making beer and making it taste good is a science. Granted, taste is subjective but that's what annoys me about what you posted; you seem not to realise this and that indeed, some people do drink beers because they enjoy the taste.




On your point of alcohol being a waste of money, again, 'waste of money' is highly subjective. If I, personally, buy a six pack to relax and watch the footy with, I'll consider it money very well spent. I'm not going to lie to you when I say I enjoy the effect it has on my body either, just don't take that as a reason to say you can't understand why people don't drink it for the taste. Here's something to ponder; I generally never drink spirits. Why? Because I don't like the taste. You never know, perhaps one day I'll grow to like them.




The last thing you posted is nothing short of an insult, really. Whether it was your intention or not, you sound very high and mighty there.

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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?




Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY.




Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless.





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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?




Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY.




Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless.










do you see spending money on movies purposeless too?

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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?




Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY.




Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless.








I'm trying pretty hard but I'm still getting "alcohol is a waste of money" and nothing more. I can have a good time w/o alcohol as well (and I usually do) but once in a while it's fun to get out of the normal. Though I'm the kind of person who needs change in his life and can't stand sticking to a routine. If you want to get your point across in some other way, you're going to need to word it exactly as you're trying to say. Drag it out if you have to.

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but once in a while it's fun to get out of the normal.




This is the bottom line for me (not the very bottom, but I can't think of another expression). I like to get drunk (and do other things that I won't advertise) because it's different than normality. Now, people who don't understand me will generally say "Oh, is your normality than boring?". No, it's not, but I like to have other states of conciousness. Look down on that if you must - But if it's not harming anyone else, what business is that of yours?




I'm quite happy to leave it at that - Some people drink, some people don't. Frankly, since I don't know anyone here in 'real life', I could care less. I only posted originally because I felt that drinking alcohol was under attack.




Drink, don't drink, I'm not really terribly fussed. Just don't preach.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?




Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY.




Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless.








I could have fun with my friends standing around doing nothing. However I'm sure most of us choose to enhance that from things such as movies, video games, sports or alcohol.

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well pretty much everyone i know this is their opinion on underage drinking




-don't go drinking and driving


-don't do something stupid when drinking


-don't do it in front of cops


-don't abuse it


-exert self control over oneself when drinking


-if you follow those rules its ok to drink



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I could have fun with my friends standing around doing nothing. However I'm sure most of us choose to enhance that from things such as movies, video games, sports or alcohol.




See and this is what people don't understand. Most people who haven't drank, and never will, have no expertise, per say, in the area and they call anyone who enjoys social drinking to be alcoholics and lame people since they "need" alcohol to have fun. If you haven't even consumed a far amount of alcohol I give you 0% power to judge anyone at all on this thread.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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This entire discussion is pointless in that I never said it was a waste of money. I said "why throw money away...".




Then why throw money away on anything we don't need to survive?




Bah, you just aren't trying to understand me. I said RELATIVE TO GETTING DRUNK, MONEY IS BEING THROWN AWAY.




Basically, if I can have an amazing time with my friends and not blow money on alcohol, I see spending money on alcohol to have a good time purposeless.








I could have fun with my friends standing around doing nothing. However I'm sure most of us choose to enhance that from things such as movies, video games, sports or alcohol.




Yes, and alcohol is the most expensive of all the things you mentioned. It's also the least healthy, and the most temporary.

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Ignoring the studies that have shown moderate alchohol consumption can actually be good for you, I still think you're missing the point.




We (I know I don't speak for everyone here) don't go out on a Saturday night with friends with the sole intention of getting hammered, spending some money and waking up with a throbbing head. And we don't do it because we think it's good for us either, I'm personally under no illusions that alcohol is a type of poison, but life's too short for that kind of attitude.




We go out with friends to drink because it's fun, it's a laugh, it makes a change from the daily grind. You can talk all you want about how you can have fun without alcohol, and it's not that we can't, it's just that sometimes it's nice to "lose yourself" a little, and step out of your sober, comfort zone.




But whatever, keep on drinkin' so you can get 5 DWI's and spend a few months in jail while someone who smokes pot and sits in their basement gets 15 years.




Oh yeah, because everyone who drinks ends up like that. :roll: Open your eyes, don't be so narrowminded.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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My personal stance: There is no problem with drinking under age unless you are driving, even though I don't drink, nor smoke.




My parents stance: My mom would beat the [cabbage] out of me if I was caught drinking, and my dad would probably be cool with it.

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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My stance- I'm 18 and live in the UK so I am legally old enough although I have been socially drinking since I was 15.


After a weeks hard work for me theres nothing better i can do on a friday night than go down the pub, drink and smoke.




My Parents Stance- They don't care ftw


I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my cheeks.
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I could have fun with my friends standing around doing nothing. However I'm sure most of us choose to enhance that from things such as movies, video games, sports or alcohol.




Yes, and alcohol is the most expensive of all the things you mentioned. It's also the least healthy, and the most temporary.

Yeh because about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã40 for a night out is so much cheaper than shelling out ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã200 odd quid for a games console and ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã30 a piece for games.




And what the [bleep] are you on about the most temporary, you can be pissed for a few hours but a movie is like 2 hours.




The only thing you have a point with there is the least healthy.

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Yes, and alcohol is the most expensive of all the things you mentioned. It's also the least healthy, and the most temporary.




So where do you draw the line for when something "is a waste" insane? Acording to your standards how long and how much does a certain something need to last to be worth it.




Like, a movie for example. I can probaly end up going to the movies with a couple friends and between snacks + the actual tickets spend around $45-50 for a few "temporary hours" of fun.




And boy let me tell you the food there isn't exactly the most healthy too.






I could also spend around $45-50 for the same 3 friends, get a few beers or whatever and have a fun time.






Honestly your arguement is just getting rediculous insane. I understand you don't want to drink, ok thats cool. But there is no need to say that its a complete waste of money.

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