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The 10,000,000 cabbage drive! Over 3m in prizes

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The 10,000,000 Cabbage Drive




Hello, I am Strike1011, founder of the Southern Knights Runescape Clan, and I am proud to announce that TSK is hosting a new, original event: The 10,000,000 cabbage drive!




Now your probably thinking "I'm not going to waste my valuable playing time picking a bunch of cabbages for this noob." But I will make it worth your while, just read on:








The 10,000,000 cabbage drive is a TSK(The Southern Knights) sponsored event. Our goal is to obtain 10m cabbages on Runescape, and then auction them on the Runescape forums. The money from the auction will first go to reimburse those who have contributed items or gold to the prizes. Any gold that is left after paying back the contributors will be given to a random cabbage picker (The more cabbages you pick of course, the more likely you will be to win.)










1: To see so many cabbages that Runescape needs to use the M to see it in a bank or inventory. Most people have never even seen that much money.


2: To see how much we can sell them for. That many cabbages would be a novelty that no one else would have. Who knows what people would pay for it?


3: Just coz










Its simple: You pick cabbages, give them to any "trustee" who will log the transaction, and you will receive "Cabbage Points" which you can later redeem for RS gold or items. It is also recommended that you visit the 10mcd homepage at http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com and submit an unofficial transaction log. (Click the link at the top of the page (Don't even try submitting phony logs; There is a reason it is called an 'unofficial' log. It is only for double checking in case there is a problem in the numbers somewhere. The chance of you choosing the exact correct number of cabbages is slim, and even slimmer yet is the chance of us not noticing that we don't have your cabbages, so don't waste your time trying to scam us and everyone else who worked hard on this.)




Also, a total of 2m RS gold will be awarded to the top cabbage pickers. Here is the prize distribution: (NOTE: if anyone would like to add to the prizes, PM me. You will keep the prize you contribute until the prizes are awarded)




1st Place: 1m Runescape Gold


2nd Place: 750k Runescape Gold


3rd Place: 250k Runescape Gold






Support Banners:






[url=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com] [img=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com/ads/ub1.png][/url]






[url=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com] [img=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com/ads/ub2.png][/url]






[url=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com] [img=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com/ads/ub3.png][/url]






[url=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com] [img=http://10mcabbages.the-southern-knights.com/ads/sig.png][/url]




Disclaimer: "Cabbage Points" Are owned by those who assign them, not those that they are assigned to. The "Exchange" of cabbage points is actually the assignment of those points to be related to a specific Runescape account. There is never any actual exchange between the involved parties during the exchange of cabbages and cabbage points or with cabbage points and RS gold or items.

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this sounds like an easy free way for u to get cabbage you have just barely joined and u havnt even posted once




you have made a total of 3 posts since u joined and they have all been in ur threads


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this sounds like an easy free way for u to get cabbage you have just barely joined and u havnt even posted once



What part of 3m in prizes don't you understand? I'm doing this for fun, and giving people compensation for their time.





you have made a total of 3 posts since u joined and they have all been in ur threads




I don't like to use forums that much

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now that's just plain dumb. Are you trying to mimic the ooc or something like that?


Cause the ooc has been there since like, 3-4 years and got 2.5m cabbages. So good luck with 10m




You made me laugh XD

Going for 99 fm.

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Good luck with getting enough idiots for 10 million cabbages , we barely got enough for 3 mil :lol: .




I think you will fail, but try anyway.


Interrested in joining the cabbagy madness? Click here to go to our forums, and say hi ^^

lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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What they said. :D




Lets say you somehow get 500 people to start picking cabbage for you, with complete loyalty. They would each have to pick about 20000 cabbages in order for you to get 10 million cabbages. In the time it takes to do that, many people could earn several mil. Funny, cute, but not that realistic. Consider the OoC though.

Live, love, eat!

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why the heck do they think he is copying the Ooc!!!! heck maybe he just wants to BEAT them




Maybe, maybe.




Anyways, I'm curious to see if a rival group will manage to contend with the long standing guardians of the stile.

The OoC: Order of Cabbage. Guardians of 3,600,000+ Cabbages! That a lotta cabbage!


Quest Cape: 249 QP || Skill Total: 1623+ || 88/91 Thieving ||


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You're trying to mimic the OoC, but you will fail miserably.


Some of the best pickers (no-lifers) take about an year to get 100k, so if you can get enough idiots to help, you may have a slim chance of survival








You must be Jealous <3:


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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Good luck i guess ? man 10m cabbages that will be really hard ... :P




Verac skirt x1,Verac Brassard x1, Torag helm x1, Dharok Greataxe x1, Dharok Plate legs x2, Dharok Plate, Ahrim Robeskirt x1, Kharil Skirt

Dragon drops: D med helm

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You're trying to mimic the OoC, but you will fail miserably.


Some of the best pickers (no-lifers) take about an year to get 100k, so if you can get enough idiots to help, you may have a slim chance of survival








You must be Jealous <3:




ok he started about,.. not even 1 week ago.




ooc started 3-4 years ago. the idea at least. we got 2.6m or so cabbage.




Now just compare. see why he will fails? so far, i just count... 2-3 supporters?

Going for 99 fm.

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You're trying to mimic the OoC, but you will fail miserably.


Some of the best pickers (no-lifers) take about an year to get 100k, so if you can get enough idiots to help, you may have a slim chance of survival








You must be Jealous <3:




ok he started about,.. not even 1 week ago.




ooc started 3-4 years ago. the idea at least. we got 2.6m or so cabbage.




Now just compare. see why he will fails? so far, i just count... 2-3 supporters?




A "certain monkey" I know who's racing me to 100K has 10K in 2 weeks


Let's say you have 25 people picking at this rate.


10,000,000/25=400,000 that mean's 400K cabbage per person.


Then, you count their picking speed 400,000/10,000=40 (2 week periods)


That means that it takes (40*2=)80 weeks at this rate.


Chances are that some people will become blind if you did this :XD:

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There is no need to put down this group. They deserve to pick their cabbage just as much as we do. There is no reason to point things out more than three times. This could easily have nothing to do with the OoC. It could easily be just a person who thought it would be cool to have a large collection of a considerably useless item, and he simply is asking for help. I'd probably help, were it not for the position I am already in.

Live, love, eat!

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Wow. I really expected a little more support from this community. This is the only board that I posted on that got so much negative response. I have used other RS boards before and even frequent a few of them. I was planning on becoming a regular here, but you guys have completely turned me off from the tip.it forums. I didn't expect everyone to be happy, but I didn't expect 80% of you to flame either.




For the record, I'm not trying to mimic to OoC, and I'm not trying to beat them. I told them about it, and they weren't even interested.




And for all you that say you could have so much money in all that time. Here's what I have to say to you: there is more to Runescape than just MONEY. And even if this was for monetary purposes (which it's not, since if you actually READ the post, anything that I sell it for will be given back to the cabbage pickers) I've had people offer 10m for this before we even have 10k.

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Part of the reason you may not get such a good reception here is that there is already a cabbage-picking organisation that is well established and known by many of the people on this board (as opposed to others where knowledge of the OoC is not known at all or to very few).




Hence your idea of amassing cabbages probably will not sound so interesting and original that people will go "hey, that's cool, i think i'll try it out since ive never heard of cabbage collections", this is one of the possibilities.




Another reason (and especially for disinterestedness of the ooc as you described) is that the OoC always been an organisation that picks cabbage merely for fun. It hoards it's stash and shows off the hard work of hundreds of people to the world, not sell it to the highest bidder. Of course if it wanted to, it could get 10m (more, I'm sure!) for selling it's stash, but it has never worked on this principle.




Also, I will be honest with you here and tell you that the majority of the replies to the topic are from OoC members/affiliates.

=Proud member of the Order of Cabbage=

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umm, who's going to buy 10mil cabbage anyway? better off picking whiteberries or flax, in fact whiteberries would b VERY good u should try it anyways, u gettin 10mil cabbage is as likely as me gettin 1mil -.-



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umm, who's going to buy 10mil cabbage anyway? better off picking whiteberries or flax, in fact whiteberries would b VERY good u should try it anyways, u gettin 10mil cabbage is as likely as me gettin 1mil -.-




f2p still does exist duh :wink:


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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