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Age Discrimination


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I'm not going to argue against the biology but I will argue that 12 year old issues stop short in comparison to more teenage issues, which, in turn, stop short of adult issues. You can't compare your 12 year old friends calling you fat to drug abuse as a teen or relying on government payouts so you can exist as an adult.




The fact that you can look back today and say that these are minor, or aren't really, issues isn't the same thing as they weren't issues when you experienced them. Argument is a strawhouse; You had just as many issues when you were younger, they were just of a different kind, just like your future issues are likely to be of a different kind than your current ones. You still can't disregard the first decade of human life as something insignificant.



I'm not saying they aren't issues nor am I saying they have no impact on a 12 year old's life. If you look back at it retrospectively, sure, you won't feel it's as significant as it was back then, but contributing to that, I believe, is the fact that you have experienced so much more in depth issues since then. When I originally said I've had 100 times more issues in the latter thrid of my life, I made a mistake. It's not the quantity I was trying to propose to you, it's the intensity of the issue with respect to your life. A 12 year old has issues. An 18 year old or an adult have life-altering choices. In my mind the bearing that a 12 year old's issues has on his/her life is miniscule, however much he/she can't see that yet.




I appreciate that you can probably see that this has deviated from the worth of a 12 year old's opinion by now. :P

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A different perspective can be a good thing, but more often than not it's a somewhat ignorant perspective due to lack of knowledge and experience.




When I'd ask about a given subject from a group of people, I'd value the 12 year old's opinion as much as the 50 year olds. I know a lot of kids who are smarter than some adults who hardly have any 'brain activity', they just go to a labour work, watch TV and sleep. They'd easily lose a game of chess, a literature contest, or anything intellectual to smart kids.




Don't look at the age; Sure most kids online are jerks.. But look at the content of their message instead. Ignore the age, ethnicity, length, weight, background etc.. Of the poster. Just concentrate on what they have to say and you can learn :)


I think we may have different images/experiences of 50-year-olds. My father, about 50, beat me in chess today(we're rather evenly matched). He never watches TV except for the news and reads more than I do. Both my mother and my father would beat me in a general knowledge quiz. An old person is more likely to know something than a young person is.




If I have limited time and have to choose which opinions to consider, why would I choose the opinions of Bar Mitzvah's when I can go to the Rabbi?

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I'm very reluctant to reveal my own age but many people have probaley already guess that I'm 11-12, I'm actually 13. I feel that if I revealed my own age at other public forums, that I would be discriminated. It's stereotyping, one 12 year old is imature and they are all imature. All my friends at imature because all the people in my grade are imature. Maybe thats just how most 12 year olds are but I am trying to change that stereotype. I consider myself mature but I'm sure a lot of people would disagree. You can't fight it as lionheart stated but you can try and prove your mature enough to have a conversation with them or to be respected by them. I strive to that everytime I make a post.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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New found depression. :|

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I'm turning 13 on the 25, this coming Friday. Am I looking for better or worse?






People will think of you as a lot older, heh.




I turned 13 seven months ago. It's just something about being a teenager makes you seem older. When people ask you how old you are, and you say 13, its just like there is some big gap between 12 and 13.




Maybe it's just me?

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A lot of people don't think my opinions matter just because I'm 13... It doesn't really bother me unless it a serious situation and no one listens to me cause I'm younger. Oh, just puttin it out there, Kiddo always makes fun of me for being 13 lol. He says it like he thinks that its a bad thing.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Hey, I definitely make fun of 12 year olds. The ones that are acting "immaturely."




By making fun of them you're not excactly acting in a mature way yourself.




I didn't know I had to act mature for every moment of my life. I'll get right on that. I could either walk away from annoying kids who will then keep on being annoying, OR, mess with them. Usually they stop bugging me when I yell at them.

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Age discrimination is a problem, those who think it is ok to believe that over 13's opinions should be valued more than an under 13's opinion are downright wrong.




You should judge someone on thier actions, not on thier age. it's not really that hard is it? Treating everyone equally? Or is that a bad thing? Just saying.




All types of discrimination should be stopped. That includes racial, religious, sexual and age discrimination. So that everyone can feel more at ease.

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Age discrimination is a problem, those who think it is ok to believe that over 13's opinions should be valued more than an under 13's opinion are downright wrong.




How old are you?

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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It's probably because most 12 year olds infact do not know what the hell they are talking about, and usually everything they say is stupid anyways.




I was 12 once. I know how stupid you guys can be. You can't hide from me. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Sorry :(








I guess i kinda ruined it for you guys by being very immature and stupid when i was 12. #-o

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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Age discrimination is a problem, those who think it is ok to believe that over 13's opinions should be valued more than an under 13's opinion are downright wrong.




How old are you?




That's not the point of this topic. I don't want to tell my age.




in fact, i don't think you responded to my post in any way. You didn't argue your case. You didn't agree with me. all you said was 2how old are you?" which had no relation to the topic.




I can predict what your going to say:




if i say 12: You will compltely ignore my post as if it was nothing for being 12.


If I say 13+: You will call me a liar because i stuck up for the younger ones.




Also, I said that they could be valued more if the person acted wrongly. Thanks for quoting half the post. And missing the point. :roll: :-w =;

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You are someone young who thinks they are as knowledgeable about life, the universe and everything as someone who has simply lived more of it. To say age doesn't matter is naive.




I wouldn't have called you a liar if you'd been standing up for them and you were older, but I'm certain you're 15 or under based on your attitude and defensiveness about this issue.




I was under 15 once and I sure thought I knew everything. Now I'm older I know I don't know everything.

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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It is all about how you act. Im 12 and I have never had a problem on these forums with people not taking me seriously except for possibly the Sudan topic because I usually make well informed, intelligent posts. Even though the stereotype is annoying to people, like you and I that are mature and dont act like idiots on these forums or anywhere else, 75% of the people who play runescape that around <12 are idiots. Most of my classmates are, and its just a fact of life. Just don't talk about your age much until your already respected and you will be fine.




Oh and victor, I thought you were from Indiana or Illinois?

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That's not the point of this topic. I don't want to tell my age.




in fact, i don't think you responded to my post in any way. You didn't argue your case. You didn't agree with me. all you said was 2how old are you?" which had no relation to the topic.




I can predict what your going to say:




if i say 12: You will compltely ignore my post as if it was nothing for being 12.


If I say 13+: You will call me a liar because i stuck up for the younger ones.




Also, I said that they could be valued more if the person acted wrongly. Thanks for quoting half the post. And missing the point. :roll: :-w =;


Generally speaking, with age comes wisdom. Oh, and he definitely didn't miss the point... he hit your argument right on the head.




By the way, go look up the definition of discrimination. Then think about how ludicrous it sounds for you to try and "stop any and all discrimination" :-$ .

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You have to admit, they kind of have a point. We 12 year olds can be pretty immature and stupid sometimes. I am, I admit it. But I think admitting you are immature is one step closer to maturity. Or is it like degessing and becoming less mature? See, my little 12-year-old brain is already confused :? .

7,436th to 99 fishing on July 13, 2008


[hide=Quotes that I lol'd at]

the day the fantastic four come into runescape, i will eat my socks.

what kind of topic is this. ihaven't read it yet

but i now it must be stupid.

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I do hate that when some friends and I walk into a gas station or a shop in the mall and suddenly all of the employees have one eye on us the whole time when we mean no harm!! We're just normal customers, not stealing stuff!!!


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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You are someone young who thinks they are as knowledgeable about life, the universe and everything as someone who has simply lived more of it. To say age doesn't matter is naive.




Age is just how many years or months you have spent living. Sure the longer you live the more experience you get. But this is not neccessarily true. Please experience things at different rates. Some people know the conclusion of thier actions early on, some people travel around more than others early on.




But even if thier experience is not as high as others. there judgement can still be respectful. They opinions matter as much as any one else's opinion. Neither you, nor I are superier to each other. We may have the illusion that we are. But we're not. if your royalty or some form of duke. Then yes you are probably superier. But you certainly don't act like it.




So you are equal to all these kids. The only diference is that your smarter and COULD be more expierenced. Nothing else. That is not enougth to make you superier. Kids have more imaginative ideas when there young. They are btter than you in some subjects. Just get used to it.




My post was not that long :roll:

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Age is just how many years or months you have spent living. Sure the longer you live the more experience you get. But this is not neccessarily true. Please experience things at different rates. Some people know the conclusion of thier actions early on, some people travel around more than others early on.




But even if thier experience is not as high as others. there judgement can still be respectful. They opinions matter as much as any one else's opinion. Neither you, nor I are superier to each other. We may have the illusion that we are. But we're not. if your royalty or some form of duke. Then yes you are probably superier. But you certainly don't act like it.




So you are equal to all these kids. The only diference is that your smarter and COULD be more expierenced. Nothing else. That is not enougth to make you superier. Kids have more imaginative ideas when there young. They are btter than you in some subjects. Just get used to it.




My post was not that long :roll:


Do you value the surgeons opinion in a medical case, or a hobo's? Now, would you say their opinions are equal? Or would you say that the opinion of the surgeon is superior?




Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is not a matter of which being is superior, but which person's opinion is superior/more valuable.




Kids' opinions are of little value when compared to those of older, more experienced people (in matters not pertaining to the kids themselves, of course, i.e. a study on what kids like for a marketing company). Get used to it.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Age is just how many years or months you have spent living. Sure the longer you live the more experience you get. But this is not neccessarily true. Please experience things at different rates. Some people know the conclusion of thier actions early on, some people travel around more than others early on.




But even if thier experience is not as high as others. there judgement can still be respectful. They opinions matter as much as any one else's opinion. Neither you, nor I are superier to each other. We may have the illusion that we are. But we're not. if your royalty or some form of duke. Then yes you are probably superier. But you certainly don't act like it.




So you are equal to all these kids. The only diference is that your smarter and COULD be more expierenced. Nothing else. That is not enougth to make you superier. Kids have more imaginative ideas when there young. They are btter than you in some subjects. Just get used to it.




My post was not that long :roll:


Do you value the surgeons opinion in a medical case, or a hobo's? Now, would you say their opinions are equal? Or would you say that the opinion of the surgeon is superior?




Oh, and in case you were wondering, this is not a matter of which being is superior, but which person's opinion is superior/more valuable.




Kids' opinions are of little value when compared to those of older, more experienced people (in matters not pertaining to the kids themselves, of course, i.e. a study on what kids like for a marketing company). Get used to it.




Yes because teenagers are really well known for their clarity of thought =D> :roll:

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Yes because teenagers are really well known for their clarity of thought =D> :roll:


If you were referring to the "older, more experienced people" comment, I wasn't referring to myself or teenagers. I was referring to adults.




In fact, I'd say that I'm in the "kids" category currently, as my life experience is minimal as well.




So, thank you for the: " :roll: ", I appreciated it.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Yes because teenagers are really well known for their clarity of thought =D> :roll:


If you were referring to the "older, more experienced people" comment, I wasn't referring to myself or teenagers. I was referring to adults.




In fact, I'd say that I'm in the "kids" category currently, as my life experience is minimal as well.




So, thank you for the: " :roll: ", I appreciated it.




The vast majority of people on this forum are teenagers which you know full well.




Kids' opinions are of little value when compared to those of older, more experienced people




According to your argument teenagers are more experienced in life meaning they apparently have a superior opinion. This is wrong because my argument is that teenagers are actually going through puberty which is messing with their hormones, and frame of mind, meaning that a 12 year olds opinion is actually more reliable as they aren't undergoing a serious amount of change. They have views and tend to stick to them.

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In that case, unless the teenager was a [developmentally delayed], I'd put the teenager's opinion at a level superior to the younger kid's opinion. It's just a difference in age, life experience, knowledge, etc., that creates a gap in the validity of opinions.




Of course, if two people are fairly close in age (<3 years or so, more for adults), it's much more difficult to compare opinions based on age. When the gap is wide it's very easy to see that the older voice will be more valuable, but as the gap between ages gets smaller the actual knowledge of the person gains value in comparisons.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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