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Age Discrimination


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Most kids that age are utter idiots.




I mean, look at the majority of posters here within that age limit. There are few people far in between that age that I can stand to have a good conversation with.

Mmm almost 14 here but seriously, on the internet I don't judge anyone by age, it's if they act like a complete ub3r 1d10t or not.








See, told you guys.

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You cant fight it.




Yes you can, LIE.




True, but what would you benefit from it :? Any 12 year old could say they're 30 on the internet but you could find out easily they lie just based on how they write, what stuff they do (a lot of 30 year olds don't really play Neopets and discuss the latest episode of digimon).








Anyways, age discrimination kicks in especially when it comes to prohibiting things, like movies. You can't see "passion of the christ" without being 18. Neither can you see some horror movies.




Nevermind the fact that some kids who are 15-17 are mature enough to see those films, but a technicality is forcing them to ware the movies off torrents, P2P, etc.. Just because 'generally' people under 18 will be shocked by those movies.




Or a casino... There are plenty of math genius and well behaving 16-17 year olds but they will never get into the casino because their ID birth date is 1 digit wrong: They must wait until they're 18 (or 21 in some states)




A different perspective can be a good thing, but more often than not it's a somewhat ignorant perspective due to lack of knowledge and experience.




When I'd ask about a given subject from a group of people, I'd value the 12 year old's opinion as much as the 50 year olds. I know a lot of kids who are smarter than some adults who hardly have any 'brain activity', they just go to a labour work, watch TV and sleep. They'd easily lose a game of chess, a literature contest, or anything intellectual to smart kids.




Don't look at the age; Sure most kids online are jerks.. But look at the content of their message instead. Ignore the age, ethnicity, length, weight, background etc.. Of the poster. Just concentrate on what they have to say and you can learn :)

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Most kids that age are utter idiots.




I mean, look at the majority of posters here within that age limit. There are few people far in between that age that I can stand to have a good conversation with.




I know what he means... But I'm 17.




My view on age discrmination is this. You punks deserve it!




LOL! anyway, I believe it is not an issue. A twelve year old can hardly be expected (even when I was 12, and I am sometimes mistaken for an adult in bearing and speech!) to do anything responsible and important. However, they can be responsible and do important things, but it takes great effort on their parts.




And quite frankly, if you are whining about this, try to be a model twelve year old please.




BTW, I loved the first two seasons of digimon. And I still sometimes talk about stuff like that with my friends, when they are decent.




Also, why can't 17 years olds be discriminated against, it would make it fairer.




And old people?


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Or a casino... There are plenty of math genius and well behaving 16-17 year olds but they will never get into the casino because their ID birth date is 1 digit wrong: They must wait until they're 18 (or 21 in some states)





Not that casinos really want the math geniuses to come :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I cant blame the older croud for sometimes calling the younger ones immature. Hell, on the internet anybody could hold a conversation with anybody as long as they know what the hell their talking about. I know i could do that, and im 16. But if i ever met them in real life. Now thats a completley different story. No matter how hard people try not to judge one another baised on anything, it always will happen. In some small (or big) way. I suppose what the "kids" can do is just accept it ? Come on, official acceptance and non discrimination are just a few birthdays away.

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I had no probalems 3 years ago on rs when I was 11.....Now I get a hard time for being 14....Yeah, it happens alot, but i'm proud of my age and stuff (that sounded cheesy) so I won't lie about it, unless I need to :wink:

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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YOU'RE 12!!??




...Well in that case SHUT UP, be QUIET, and never write mindless bulls**t on these forums again! YOUR AGE IS A DISGRACE TO ALL MANKIND!








Joking of course, :-P ;--) --- It annoyed me when I was your age too, if you really don't want it to happen don't tell anyone or if you feel the need too - lie.

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In real life, you can't do much except suck it up and make little mental notes on stuff you'll do when you're old enough to.




On the internet... Don't lie. You don't want to be fitted into a slot based on your age, and being fitted into another slot based on some made up age isn't much more fun. That, and the cold calculating part of me notes that unless you're going to stay dettached you'll just end with a tangle of lie's about your life that are hard to keep track of. And if one thing is true about the internet, it's that everything is in writing.




But don't reveal your age. There is, for the most part, no practical reason for you to say your age. Your opinions and arguments should be valued in their own right, not by your sociological background. Participating in a political debate has no age requirement. And when people fit you into an age related slot, they'll fit you based on how you act.




The only thing that bugs me about them is how devoted to an opinion of theirs they are, when they haven't even begun to experience life.




I have no idea how old you are Bubsa, but does 12 years constitute less or more than 50% of the time you have lived?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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In real life, you can't do much except suck it up and make little mental notes on stuff you'll do when you're old enough to.




On the internet... Don't lie. You don't want to be fitted into a slot based on your age, and being fitted into another slot based on some made up age isn't much more fun. That, and the cold calculating part of me notes that unless you're going to stay dettached you'll just end with a tangle of lie's about your life that are hard to keep track of. And if one thing is true about the internet, it's that everything is in writing.




But don't reveal your age. There is, for the most part, no practical reason for you to say your age. Your opinions and arguments should be valued in their own right, not by your sociological background. Participating in a political debate has no age requirement. And when people fit you into an age related slot, they'll fit you based on how you act.




The only thing that bugs me about them is how devoted to an opinion of theirs they are, when they haven't even begun to experience life.




I have no idea how old you are Bubsa, but does 12 years constitute less or more than 50% of the time you have lived?




If you're getting at what I think you are, that's very misleading. I can say with complete honesty that I have lived through 100 times more issues in the latter third of my life thus far than in the former two thirds (I'm 18, the math is easy). I'd say this is true of most if not all people.

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In real life, you can't do much except suck it up and make little mental notes on stuff you'll do when you're old enough to.




On the internet... Don't lie. You don't want to be fitted into a slot based on your age, and being fitted into another slot based on some made up age isn't much more fun. That, and the cold calculating part of me notes that unless you're going to stay dettached you'll just end with a tangle of lie's about your life that are hard to keep track of. And if one thing is true about the internet, it's that everything is in writing.




But don't reveal your age. There is, for the most part, no practical reason for you to say your age. Your opinions and arguments should be valued in their own right, not by your sociological background. Participating in a political debate has no age requirement. And when people fit you into an age related slot, they'll fit you based on how you act.




The only thing that bugs me about them is how devoted to an opinion of theirs they are, when they haven't even begun to experience life.




I have no idea how old you are Bubsa, but does 12 years constitute less or more than 50% of the time you have lived?




If you're getting at what I think you are, that's very misleading. I can say with complete honesty that I have lived through 100 times more issues in the latter third of my life thus far than in the former two thirds (I'm 18, the math is easy). I'd say this is true of most if not all people.




Exactly, that's what they call growing up :P I've experienced it myself too (19 years old here) You can't say a 12-year old is equal in experience to a 18-19 year old (or older). But that doesn't mean you can't take them seriously. Especially in RS, where it all comes down to you experience ingame. So I can't imagine why you would want to judge by age in this game, which means I agree with the topic creator.

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^Thanks for answering, it's what I would have put.


Through your teens you go through a lot of changes, an awful lot. There are still more to come later in life, granted, but the difference in experience between a 12 yr old and an 18 yr old is drastic.

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If you're getting at what I think you are, that's very misleading. I can say with complete honesty that I have lived through 100 times more issues in the latter third of my life thus far than in the former two thirds (I'm 18, the math is easy). I'd say this is true of most if not all people.




Generally, you lose the vast majority of memories of anything below age 10 because of hormonal change. You can remember specific events with clarity, but five years ago for a 12 year old and five years ago for a 20 year old in terms of recollection ability is vastly different. This doesn't mean you spent the first decade of your life living a sunny existance without issues that played a major role in forming your character. Oh sure, the events - even if you could remember them, which you can't, due to biology - wouldn't seem that big a deal today, but they were definitely issue's back then. Denying this is like claiming you grew up as a potted plant without thought or emotion, an appendage to the unit of your parents rather than as a person.




Which is [cabbage]. A 12 year old has issues, a 12 year old has thoughts, idea's and opinions. Discarding them as insignificant because they have "insufficient experience in life" is silly, not to mention deragotry to the person in question. "You should be more humble in presenting your opinions, because you havn't experienced what I've experienced so your opinions aren't as well-formed". Sure, a physic's degree gives you more clout when it comes to related subjects. Living for six more year's is not a carte blanche that makes your opinions more thought-through, more valid, or more worthy of careful consideration.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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dude get over it! it is something that is acceptable because the fact it its not ur age thats the problem its your lack of it, you are not as mature as older people... fact i can explain the science behind it but it takes to long, and you havent had the experience as older people.


Your not going through anything different, everyone older than you has gone through it. Accept it, your not mature enough yet.

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dude get over it! it is something that is acceptable because the fact it its not ur age thats the problem its your lack of it, you are not as mature as older people... fact i can explain the science behind it but it takes to long, and you havent had the experience as older people.


Your not going through anything different, everyone older than you has gone through it. Accept it, your not mature enough yet.




Here is another example of fat_hobbit22 damaging the argument simply by replying to a post. Seriously he is 12 and I already respect him more than you, you can't even be bothered to check your spelling and grammar. Your post is clearly just concentrating on one aspect, aggravating people.




On another note, I think the discriminating is done mainly by 15-16 year olds that aren't really that more experienced in life themselves. Just don't tell people your age if it bothers you, nobody really needs to know.

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If you're getting at what I think you are, that's very misleading. I can say with complete honesty that I have lived through 100 times more issues in the latter third of my life thus far than in the former two thirds (I'm 18, the math is easy). I'd say this is true of most if not all people.




Generally, you lose the vast majority of memories of anything below age 10 because of hormonal change. You can remember specific events with clarity, but five years ago for a 12 year old and five years ago for a 20 year old in terms of recollection ability is vastly different. This doesn't mean you spent the first decade of your life living a sunny existance without issues that played a major role in forming your character. Oh sure, the events - even if you could remember them, which you can't, due to biology - wouldn't seem that big a deal today, but they were definitely issue's back then. Denying this is like claiming you grew up as a potted plant without thought or emotion, an appendage to the unit of your parents rather than as a person.




Which is [cabbage]. A 12 year old has issues, a 12 year old has thoughts, idea's and opinions. Discarding them as insignificant because they have "insufficient experience in life" is silly, not to mention deragotry to the person in question. "You should be more humble in presenting your opinions, because you havn't experienced what I've experienced so your opinions aren't as well-formed". Sure, a physic's degree gives you more clout when it comes to related subjects. Living for six more year's is not a carte blanche that makes your opinions more thought-through, more valid, or more worthy of careful consideration.




I'm not going to argue against the biology but I will argue that 12 year old issues stop short in comparison to more teenage issues, which, in turn, stop short of adult issues. You can't compare your 12 year old friends calling you fat to drug abuse as a teen or relying on government payouts so you can exist as an adult. Granted, I'm generalising and extrapolating though I still think my argument is valid.




As a response to another aspect of your post, I wasn't asserting that a 12 year olds opinion is less valuable than someone with more life experience. Quite the contary, actually.


I for one believe that everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves as mature (well, in a forum situation at least.)


Expanding on what I mean by mature: Having an informed, thought out, valuable and founded opinion.

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My view is, if an old person is telling m... say... drugs are bad




Whereas a twelve year says different (I have met 12 year old druggies! Do not say they don't exist!) I am going to believe the old person on principle.




Our culture (In America and Britain at least) is a culture of the glorification of the young. Old people are there for the instruction of the young when they can no longer do manual work. For teaching the meaning of Manliness or Womanliness (And don't give that cabbage that they should be treated the same... We would be unisex if both were) for the betterment of society.




As a 17 year old going on 18 smarter and more mature than other people in my class, I do not expect to be listened to, I expect myself to listen. If a twelve year old says this game is good, yet an older gamer says, don't even borrow it, I will believe the older gamer on principle.




The betterment of society is something that has been lost sight of, and I don't mean charity work. I do not expect, nor many people I know, 17+ do not expect the 12-1 year olds to quite understand what is going on in society. And I do not talk charity, I talk of just spontaneous good works like picking up the garbage along the street.


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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I'm not going to argue against the biology but I will argue that 12 year old issues stop short in comparison to more teenage issues, which, in turn, stop short of adult issues. You can't compare your 12 year old friends calling you fat to drug abuse as a teen or relying on government payouts so you can exist as an adult.




The fact that you can look back today and say that these are minor, or aren't really, issues isn't the same thing as they weren't issues when you experienced them. Argument is a strawhouse; You had just as many issues when you were younger, they were just of a different kind, just like your future issues are likely to be of a different kind than your current ones. You still can't disregard the first decade of human life as something insignificant.


As a response to another aspect of your post, I wasn't asserting that a 12 year olds opinion is less valuable than someone with more life experience. Quite the contary, actually.


No you weren't, that was just me being lazy and continuing my little rant. Part of it were more or less directed at Bubsa's originial post, and parts was just me typing out things I've thought about on the subject over the past few years.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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My opinion on how you should act if you want to be treated like a mature person...




No lol's, lawl's, hawt's, 13775p3k, excessive exclamation and/or question marks, caps to a minimum. I think that's it, but I can't remember...




Oh, yeah, and keep devotion to a completely ridiculous topic hidden (like say.... cabbages? or squirrels)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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My opinion on how you should act if you want to be treated like a mature person...




No lol's, lawl's, hawt's, 13775p3k, excessive exclamation and/or question marks, caps to a minimum. I think that's it, but I can't remember...




Oh, yeah, and keep devotion to a completely ridiculous topic hidden (like say.... cabbages? or squirrels)




Well, from what I have seen of his posts he doesn't do that, and besides you probably did that when you were that age so have a little more respect.

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My opinion on how you should act if you want to be treated like a mature person...




No lol's, lawl's, hawt's, 13775p3k, excessive exclamation and/or question marks, caps to a minimum. I think that's it, but I can't remember...




Oh, yeah, and keep devotion to a completely ridiculous topic hidden (like say.... cabbages? or squirrels)




Well, from what I have seen of his posts he doesn't do that, and besides you probably did that when you were that age so have a little more respect.




I never said he did it, but it's just a general tip.




And I know for a fact I did some of those when I was his age and I think it's immature now.


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Well Lie about your age then is all i can say...


you can certainly pull off a mature 20+ year old...and if people wont listen to you and what you have to say...like you said when they find out it all goes downhill...then that means they are inmature...so yea take it as a compliment...that you are more mature then some 20+ year old person.




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Being older isnt as great as you'd think.




im 17, and a lot of times i wish i was still 12 or 13.




Theres a lot to rack your brain over, like girls, school, getting accepted into college, how your gonna pay for college, sports, friends, peer pressure.




When i was 12, i went to school, and played with friends, and did homework, i didnt care about girls lol yeah they were cute, but they werent a big deal, love wasnt something i strived for.












but yeah, im 17, but i look like im 22, so whenever I meet someone new they ask why im hanging out with a bunch of highschooles hahaha.


My WoW character, gnome warlock Saldomar

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Alot of people under 13 act immaturely however I've met people who I've sworn were about the same age as me yet turned out to be under 13.




Anyway its too easy to lie about age on the internet, heck even your gender is easy to lie about.




Man that was on funny day messin with that 13 year old, even though my mate took it too far.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Meh, no one here knows my exact age. It's a mystery :-$


(If you think you have a good guess, you can PM me, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Same with my first name, location, etc.)




But anyways...


Who cares what other people think. You think you're more mature than the average 12 year old, act like it. We'll see if you are. You aren't, you're actually more immature than the average 12 year old. You are, good job. If people still think you're immature (I don't) then just ignore them.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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